来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingyumhg
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Analytical simulation and corresponding proof-test are adopted to study the principle of the curing process of photopolymer resin diamond tools. The influence of the diamond as abrasives in photopolymer resin owing to the absorptivity of the diamond for the UV light on the photopolymer resin curing process is discussed. Based on the above, a kind of diamond tool—dicing blade is selected to analyze the curing process of photopolymer bond diamond tools. An analytical model of curing process is developed and a correlation curve between the depth of polymerization of the photopolymer resin diamond tools and the exposure time to represent the curing process of photopolymer bond dicing blade. A test is done to proof-test the validity of the analytical model and the correlation curve. The simulated data fit the experimental results, which demonstrates the analytical models and numerical algorithm are of high reliability. The analytical simulation method could possibly be used to optimize the curing cycle and improve the quality of the photopolymers resin bond diamond tools. Analytical simulation and corresponding proof-test are adopted to study the principle of the curing process of photopolymer resin diamond tools. The influence of the diamond as abrasives in photopolymer resin due to the absorptivity of the diamond for the UV light on the photopolymer resin curing process is discussed. Based on the above, a kind of diamond tool-dicing blade is selected to analyze the curing process of photopolymer bond diamond tools. An analytical model of curing process is developed and a correlation curve between the depth of polymerization of the photopolymer resin diamond tools and the exposure time to represent the curing process of photopolymer bond dicing blade. A test is done to proof-test the validity of the analytical model and the correlation curve. the simulated data fit the experimental results, which demonstrates the analytical models and numerical algorithm are of high reliability. The analytical simulation method could possibly be used to optimize th e curing cycle and improve the quality of the photopolymers resin bond diamond tools.
有些中学语文教师对训诂学不大熟悉,遇到疑难问题往往感到棘手.这里谈谈用训诂学指导中学语文教学的几个问题. 一、用训诂学帮助理解古代词语的精确含义如《战国策·邹忌讽
在扶持中小企业、长三角区域优先转型战略的指导下,高端制造业、研发和服务业为主的外资企业将集聚长三角,而加工贸易型外资完全有可能进一步深入内地,在继续享受中国生产成本低廉所创造的竞争优势的同时,也会推动内地国有企业的重组和产业转型。    最近,中小企业的扶持政策出现了实质性的进展,这充分体现了中国政府面对来自国内外诸多不利因素的挑战,及时采取了“有保有压”的应对战术:即通过有效的财政政策来推动稳定
据Variyapuri S 2013年10月7日(Nat Commun,2013,4:2564.)报道,Reading大学在了解血块形成过程中获得了关键性突破,导致血栓的血小板之间有互相的“沟通”机制。该研究由英国
上回谈到了影响健康的流失、积累,今天我们继续谈谈另两大影响。    损耗    早晨,当我们醒来睁开眼睛的那一刻,眼睛的肌肉就开始损耗。当我们张嘴说第一句话的时候,声带就开始损耗。只要我们活着,损耗无处不在,人之所以衰老、疾病、死亡,都是因为身体的细胞由于长期的损耗而与修补无法达到一定的平衡,最终导致细胞的死亡速度加快而造成的。  一张用了40年的桌子的倒塌,不是因为你今天放的东西太重,而是这40
只有准确把握历史学科特点,结合学科特点,充分发挥电子白板的优势,合理使用电子白板,实现电子白板与历史学科教学有效整合,才能最大限度达成教学目标。 Only by accurately