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晋中晚报2015-12-18报道(摘要):积极整合区域造纸及相关产业资源,以废纸为原料,发展以石膏板护面纸为主的造纸产业集群,这是强伟纸业的主要产业。12月7日,记者从强伟纸业了解到,该公司既是山西造纸龙头企业,也是寿阳县招商引资、实现经济转型的重点企业。强伟纸业于2009年7月入驻寿阳县,总投资30亿元,建设年产30万吨石膏板护面纸(建 Jinzhong Evening News 2015-12-18 Coverage (Abstract): Actively integrate the resources of papermaking and related industries in the region with waste paper as raw material, and develop the papermaking industry cluster with gypsum plasterboard as the mainstay, which is the main force of Qiangwei Paper industry. December 7, the reporter learned from Qiangwei Paper, the company is both a leading paper-making enterprises in Shanxi Province, Shouyang County is also the investment, the key enterprises to achieve economic restructuring. Strong-paper in July 2009 settled in Shouyang County, a total investment of 3 billion yuan, building an annual output of 300,000 tons gypsum board paper (built
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益生菌与哺乳动物肠道的协同进化从根本上改变了哺乳动物的生理功能。An等报道,肠道脆弱拟杆菌(Bacteroides fragilis)通过提供独特的抑制性鞘脂类(sphingolipids)来补充宿主
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