Coesite inclusions in zircon from gneisses identified by laser Raman microspectrometer in ultra-high

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The mineral inclusions in zircon from gneisses in ultra-high pressure (UHP) zone of the Dabie Mountains were identified by using a laser Raman microspectrometer. Coesite occurs as inclusions in zircons from all types of gneiss. Other important minerals, such as jadeite, omphacite, aragonite, barite, and anhydrite were also found as inclusion minerals. These discoveries indicate that ( i) gneissic country rocks had metamorphosed at the same time as the enclosed eclogites; and (ii) SO4-2 -bearing fluids were presentin the UHP metamorphic process, which is manifested by occurrence of barite and anhydrite coexisting with coesite. The mineral inclusions in zircon from gneisses in ultra-high pressure (UHP) zone of the Dabie Mountains were identified by using a laser Raman microspectrometer. Coesite occurs as inclusions in zircons from all types of gneiss. Other important minerals, such as jadeite, omphacite , aragonite, barite, and anhydrite were also found as inclusion minerals. Both discoveries were present in the UHP metamorphic process, which is manifested by occurrence of barite and anhydrite coexisting with coesite.
10月1日,第53届台湾电影金马奖提名公布,《七月与安生》一举揽下7项提名。周冬雨凭借安生一角入围影后。  情商与真诚  对周冬雨而言,拍摄《七月与安生》是在恰好的年纪诠释了一个恰好的故事。她在这部戏中扮演了家庭、成绩都不尽如人意的女孩安生,放浪形骸,又纤细敏感,像刺猬一样外刚内柔。而马思纯扮演的七月则是外人眼中的乖宝宝、优秀生,从不肯踏出小城一步。戏中两个女孩相互依靠、相互羡慕、相互伤害,共同描
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