
来源 :田径 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxiaohui8709252
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田径是以跑、跳、投等生活基本技能为基础,衍化而生的运动项目,具有简单易行、老少皆宜等特点,是最具覆盖面的健身运动,因此,田径项目也是高中体育必修的教学内容。但在具体教学实践中,笔者发现田径中的跳跃教学长期不受重视,教师在跳跃项目上的教学投入较少,效果也很不理想。其实,跳跃运动具有加强肌力,提升柔韧性等好处,其在田径教学中的偏废是不可取的。基于此,笔者就高中学生田径教学如何更好开展跳跃训练进行探究,提出从“趣”出发,以丰富的教学形式和充满新意的教学内容让学生在跳跃教学中感受乐趣,提 Athletics is based on running, jumping, throwing and other basic skills of life, derived from the sports, with easy, all ages and other characteristics, is the most coverage of the fitness exercise, therefore, athletics is a high school sports compulsory Teaching content However, in the specific teaching practice, I find that the teaching of jumping in track and field is not valued for a long time, and teachers’ teaching investment in jumping projects is less, and the effect is also not satisfactory. In fact, jumping exercise has the advantages of strengthening muscle strength, improving flexibility, and so on, which is not desirable in track and field teaching. Based on this, the author explores how to carry out jump training in senior high school students’ track and field teaching better, puts forward from “Fun”, with rich teaching forms and new teaching content, makes students feel joy in jumping teaching
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摘 要:对于培养技能人才的中职学校来说,学生的计算机技能水平尤为重要,而传统的授课模式已无法满足学生的需求,本文将通过对任务驱动教学法的解读以及在实际教学中的应用,来阐述这种教学模式的重要性,以推进中职计算机课堂的教学效率。  关键词:任务驱动教学法 教学模式 兴趣 任务    将任务驱动教学法运用于计算机教学中,可以培养学生对计算机技术的兴趣和意识,强化学生的专业技能、增强学生的动手实践能力。 
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