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  项目经理的角色定位是什么?VUCA时代,项目经理如何开展变更管理?如何对待风险?如何与相关方有效沟通?如何向上管理?人工智能将为项目经理这一职位带来怎样的影响?带着以上问题,我们采访了2019年IPMA“年度青年项目经理奖”和2018年澳大利亚项目管理协会(AIPM) “未来项目领导者奖”得主——帕特里克·莱希(Patrick Leahy)。
  The Enjoyable Part of PM Lies in Challenges
  You have been in this field for over ten years; what are the enjoyable and challenging parts of being a project manager
  Patrick Leahy: The things I enjoy the most are quite often things that challenge me the most.
  Diversity of issues. Construction projects will always leave you saying, “I haven’t seen that one before”. Whether it be developing a design solution to a complex engineering requirement, tailoring a procurement activity to strict rules or uncovering unexpected finds on-site, you never know what tomorrow will bring. I find the challenge of developing a process for dealing with an unconventional issue and managing the process to a successful outcome to be very rewarding.
  People. As a project manager, you deal with many people with a diverse range of experience and backgrounds. You become privy to a huge amount of information; however, you need to tailor your communication and engagement approach to every individual to ensure that you get the best result for your project.
  Project Manager Is a Facilitator
  How will you describe the work of a project manager to a newcomer
  Patrick Leahy: I’ve always struggled with this question. I remember trying to explain my new job as a client-side project manager to my grandfather, who was a lifetime electrician. Every time I explained my role, he would always respond with “so what do you actually do ”
  The title ‘Project Manager’ is incredibly broad and it will mean different things to different people. I like to describe the role of a project manager as being a facilitator. Primarily you are responsible for identifying what needs to be done, who are the best people to complete each task and then you make sure everything gets done. Sure, there will be countless intricacies along the way; however, it generally comes back to those three main aspects. As a project manager, you must always challenge yourself to add value to every step of the process.
  Communication Style Is What Most Characterizes a Project Manager
  Have you observed some differences between male and female project managers   Patrick Leahy: I don’t believe so. Project management is a skillset which is not gender-based, but primarily personality-based. Every individual project manager will have a different approach. As our profession is heavily reliant on engagement, the way you communicate with stakeholders is what most characterizes a project manager.
  Since communication is so important, in your opinion, what are the secrets of successful communication
  Patrick Leahy: Always be upfront and transparent. As a project manager, you will be dealing with people of various professions and areas of expertise. No matter what type of projects you are dealing with, you can be assured that your audience will likely be an educated one. People can see ulterior motives from a mile away.
  If you come to a meeting table with a hidden agenda or try to sneak decisions through unnoticed, you will be found out. Once you lose the trust of your colleagues, the project team or worse, your client, it is very hard to regain that trust.
  There’s No ‘I’ in Project Success
  In your opinion, what are the top qualities that enable you to win the IPMA “Young Project Manager of the Year” Award
  Patrick Leahy: Having success as a project manager is not an independent accomplishment. I have had a lot of support from the company I work for, the project team as well as the client team that I have worked with.
  I believe the most important thing for a young project manager is to be open to challenges. See every step as an opportunity not only to learn, but also to think creatively. Don’t wait and listen to other people’s thoughts or opinions or be told what to do first, but challenge yourself to develop your own approach and then consult others.
  There was an element of luck for me to get an opportunity to work on such a complex and one-of-akind construction and engineering project at an early stage of my career. Some people will go their whole career without such an opportunity. My advice to young project managers is that once you do get an opportunity to work on a unique project that you enjoy, don’t take it for granted. Dive headlong into the project and give it your all. Seeing something through from start to finish can be a career-building move.
  It’s said that you are good at collaborative management style; would you please explain it
  Patrick Leahy: One of my favourite sporting sayings is that there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’. The same holds true for project success.   There is no reason for a project manager to dominate or overcontrol situations or meetings. A well-run project is one that has the right people in the room at the right time. A project manager’s role is to ensure that information is available to all parties and that all opinions are explored during the process.
  When working with an internal team of varying levels of experience, it is equally important to listen to everybody’s ideas and approach. Ideas from people of different generations or backgrounds will inevitably lead to innovation, which our industry badly needs.
  Never Lose Momentum
  Would you please offer some tips on change management and stakeholder management based on your experience
  Patrick Leahy: My advice on change management is to never lose momentum. There are thousands of ways to deal with change management and there is certainly no one-size-fits-all approach. Once you find the right approach, do not take your foot off the peddle. Keep your engagement with the team up. If you end up with a stop / start approach, you will find yourself covering the same ground again.
  Stakeholder management is a key responsibility of a project manager. Establishing an appropriate governance structure should be your first task and it is not a set-and-forget item. Ensuring that there is ongoing buy-in from all stakeholders will go a long way to you achieving your project goals.
  You need to form relationships with your stakeholders. You don’t necessarily need to be friends with everyone; however, relationships build trust and trust is critical. Relationships also allow you to find out what drives individuals. For example, asking simple questions may allow you to learn that a member of your design team might be a single parent and having early morning meetings could have a large impact on their life outside of work. It is also important to develop relationships with key stakeholders and to ensure these relationships are maintained even when encountering difficult decisions or differences of opinions.
  Bad News Never Gets Better with Age
  In VUCA era, how do you view risk management Do you have some experience to share
  Patrick Leahy: VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) sounds like a normal Monday morning in the construction industry.
  I have seen teams create risk registers at the start of a project and never refer to them again. Issues will continually develop and evolve. If you as a project manager are not alert to them, they will become risks.
(美国)项目管理协会(PMI)的第四版《项目集管理标准》英文版已于2018年10月发布,中文版也将于近期在PMI官网公布。本文作者对中文版的《项目集管理标准》第四版进行了深入研究,发现“Benefits”“Stakeholder Engagement”和“Strategy Alignment”三个关键的基础性术语翻译值得斟酌。这三个术语的翻译所传达的含义体现了项目集管理的核心理念与内涵,所以翻译精
罗伯特·普列托(Robert Prieto)现任战略项目集管理有限责任公司(Strategic Program Management LLC)董事长兼首席执行官。《项目管理世界期刊》(PMWJ)主编大卫·佩尔斯(David Pells)称他是项目管理界的实干家,是全球大型项目、项目集、施工管理和建筑业管理方面的卓越权威之一。  他是扎根项目集管理的科学家,拥有四项发明专利。他没有接受过项目管理方面
他是中国化领导力与领导科学学科带头人、全国唯一的领导力与领导科学专业首任博士生导师;他连续多次获得优秀教学一等奖和精品课奖,所讲课程入选中组部“2017年全国干部教育培训好课程”;他是国务院政府特殊津贴专家、全国劳动模范、中央国家机关优秀共产党员和优秀党务工作者、第十二届全国政协委员。他就是中共中央党校(国家行政学院)一级教授刘峰。  每个人都需要领导力  1984年,刘峰在武汉大学决策研究所攻读
达伦·达尔彻  教授,博士,2008年被英国项目管理协会(APM)评为“项目管理十大影响力人物” 之一,英国国家项目管理中心创始人、主任,两本管理类杂志主编,《项目管理国际期刊》(PM World Journal)专栏作者,《APM知识体系》学术顾问,英国首个项目管理博士学位的设计者。  领导力越來越被视为一种基本的生活技能,一种指导个人、团队、组织甚至国家走向更美好未来,以及提高地位或改善结果的
2018年10月30日,国际项目管理协会(IPMA)2018年度頒奖盛典在芬兰赫尔辛基隆重举行。重庆联盛建设项目管理有限公司(下称“重庆联盛”)负责管理的内蒙古少数民族体育文化运动中心项目(下称“赛马场项目”),荣获大型项目全球卓越项目管理(Global Project Excellence Award)金奖。  一号重点工程  赛马场项目位于呼和浩特市新城区保合少镇(呼和浩特市东北角),项目占地
艾琳·迪丁斯基(Irene Didinsky),毕业于美国芝加哥大学布斯商学院,《项目集管理实践者指南》(Practitioner’s Guide to Program Management)的作者。目前就职于美国菲达康有限责任公司(FEI Systems),任首席项目经理,拥有20余年的行业实践经验。  在下属眼中,她这位项目集经理更像是导师和教练。有人曾这样评价道:“她掌控全场的能力令我敬畏,
项目经理是项目的负责人,项目出现任何问题,项目经理都要负责。项目经理是项目的龙头,是项目的驱动器。一个优秀的项目经理,就像一个经验丰富的司机,懂得如何提前判断路况和车况,做到平稳驾驶,人车合一。那么,如何才能成为一个优秀的项目经理呢?请参考以下四步。  有效的沟通  一个项目的完成需要各种资源,包括人力、材料、机械、技术、资金等。各种资源都需要进行有机的计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制才能发挥最佳效果