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  Unit 7
  1. include / contain
  (1) I can’t go home now, because my task________ cleaning the windows.
  (2) As we all know, sea water ________much salt.
   2. give in / give up
  (1) You must ________ smoking, because it is dangerous for us.
  (2) The young man won’t ________ before any difficulty.
   3. ruins / remains
  (1) This afternoon, we will visit the________ of the Ancient Rome.
  (2)After the fire, everything was in _______.
  4. set up / set out
  (1) We will ________for that place of interest at six tomorrow morning.
  (2) The students in our class ________ an English interest group a month ago.
  5. official / officer
  (1) He is one of the important ________ in our government office.
  (2) He is a famous ________ in this army.
  Keys: 1.(1) includes (2) contains
  2.(1) give up (2) give in
  3.(1) remains(2) ruins 4.(1) set out (2) set up
  5.(1) officials(2) officer
  Unit 8
   1. stand for / stand by
  (1) As we all know, a pigeon________peace. (2) Don’t be worried; we will ________ you.
   2. because of / because
  (1) ________ he fell ill, he didn’t come to work.
  (2) ________ the heavy rain, our plan had to be changed.
  3. medal / model
  (1) I’m sure he will win another gold________.
  (2) Many girls look forward to being a________.
  4. effect / affect
  (1) Don’t make a noise again. It will ________ our rest.
  (2) Smoking usually has great ________ on our health.
  5. position / condition / situation
  (1) He holds an important ________ in our school.
  (2) In recent years, we have greatly raised people’s living ________.
  (3) He will give us a lecture on international ________.
   6. gesture / mark
  (1) Unable to speak clearly, he had to make a ________.
  (2) You can make a ________ where you have a question to ask.
  Keys: 1.(1) stands for(2) stand by 2.(1) Because(2) Because of
  3.(1) medal (2) model 4.(1) affect(2) effect
  5.(1) position (2) conditions
  (3) situation
  6. (1) gesture (2) mark
  Unit 9
   1. latest / lately / last / late / later
  (1) Where is the________newspaper? I want to read it.
  (2) ________, he has been busy preparing for the exam.
  (3) I’m sure the film will ________ for one and a half hours.
  (4) He is a good student and is never ________ for school.
  (5) Five years ________, he returned to his hometown.
   2. remind / remember
  (1) I’m very forgetful, so please ________ me of the time of the party by then.
  (2) These words are very important; so you should________ them.
   3. call for / send for / ask for
  (1) When I go to see the film, I’ll_______you.
  (2) Whenever he is in trouble, he always ________ my advice.
  (3) Your mother is badly ill, so please ________ a doctor at once.
   4. whatever / however
  (1) ________ plan you make, you should first consider people’s interest.
  (2) ________ difficult this task is, I will try to finish it.
   5. take over / take on
  (1) Now my hometown ________ a new look. (2) Who will ________ his work when our manager retires?
   6. break down / break out
  (1) My car ________ on the half way, which made me unable to get here on time.
  (2) The war________ about ten years ago.
   7. wonder / wander
  (1) Being very rich, he has ________ all over the world.
  (2) I ________ how he is getting along with his English study.
   8. defeat / beat
  (1) Our football team ________ theirs and won the game.
  (2) They ________ a drum to celebrate the festival.
   9. force / strength
  (1) Everyone of us has his ________ and weaknesses.
  (2) You can’t make others work for you by ________.
  Keys: 1.(1) latest (2) Lately (3) last
   (4) late (5) later
  2.(1) remind (2) remember
  3.(1) call for (2) asks for
   (3) send for
  4.(1) Whatever(2) However
  5.(1) takes on(2) take over 6.(1) broke down (2) broke out
  7.(1) wandered(2) wonder 8.(1) defeated / beat(2) beat
  9.(1) strengths (2) force
  Unit 10
   1. die out / die down
  (1) It is said that this kind of animal is in danger of ________.
  (2) The strong wind has ________, so let’s go home.
   2. as a result of / as a result
  (1) He ran too fast; ________ he fell down on the ground.
  (2) ________ his carelessness, he didn’t pass the exam.
   3. lead to / add to
  (1) A traffic accident ________his coming late to school.
  (2) To my joy, this new plan will ________the possibility of our finishing the task.
   4. adapt to / apply to
  (1) So far I haven’t ________ the hot weather here.
  (2) Don’t you know these rules ________every one of us?
   5. throw away / throw off
  (1) ________ these apples, they have gone bad.
  (2) You must ________ the bad habit of speaking in class.
   6. amount / number
  (1) The ________ of smokers in our company is rising.
  (2) In this way a large ________ of heat can be saved.
  Keys: 1.(1) dying out (2) died down 2.(1) as a result(2) As a result of
  3.(1) led to(2) add to 4.(1) adapted to(2) apply to
  5.(1) Throw away(2) throw off 6.(1) number(2) amount
  Unit 11
  1. emotion / feeling
  (1) When he fell from the tree, he lost ________ in the left leg.
  (2) He described the accident in a voice shaking with ________.
  2. express / impress
  (1) I know that all of you can________ yourselves freely.
  (2) I’m sure our beautiful city will ________every visitor.
  Keys: 1.(1) feeling(2) emotion
  2.(1) express(2) impress
  Unit 12
   1. power / energy
  (1) When did these leaders come into ________ in our city?
  (2) The strong boy is always full of________.
  2. a series of / a list of
  (1) You can make ________ all the things you have to do.
  (2) ________ of strange things happened to him last Sunday.
  3. believe in / believe
  (1) You can ________ her, because she never tells a lie.
  (2) I don’t ________ what you said just now.
   4. stupid / foolish
  (1) Don’t do a________ thing; otherwise others will laugh at you.
  (2) I’m ________ and I can’t think out a way to work out this problem.
  5. turn around / look behind
  (1) The young girl suddenly________ and faced me.
  (2) When she walks alone at night, she can’t help __________.
   1.(1) power(2) energy
   2.(1) a list of(2) A series of
   3.(1) believe in (2) believe 4.(1) foolish (2) stupid
   5.(1) turned around(2) looking behind
一、重点句型解析    1. what引导的主语从句  【课文原句】 What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.   【经典考例】________ is known to us all is that the 2008 O
1、It’s useless trying to argue withShylock.(P67)
一、重点单词    1、deny  【考纲释义】vt.否认;不承认;拒绝给与
一、一般现在时    1. 在表示时间、条件的状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来的概念。例如:  A senior officer said, “All the solders will have to rescues all the survivors, as soon as they arrive in the disaster areas. ”一位高级军官说, “全体战士一到达灾区,必须立刻开
A    An old lady clearly was standing on theside of the road.
Not so bad.不错。
一、重点单词    1. spread  【考纲释义】 vt. & vi. 传播;伸展;展开  【备考实例】 Papermaking began in China and from here it ________ to North Africa and Europe.  A. grewB. carried  C. spreadD. developed   【考点解析】句意“造纸起始于中国并从中国
一、单词拼写    根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. I can’t make the ________ (决定) for you because it is of great importance to you.  2. At the meeting many ________ (建议) to improve the present traffic were ma
1、介词+关系代词相当于关系副词,介词与先行词是一种习惯性搭配。例如:  Does this road lead to the village in which the famous scientist once lived and worked? (in which = where,表示在村子里介词用in)  I will never forget the day on which I join
1. What do you have in mind?(P72)  【考点】 have sth. in mind  【归纳】 have sth. in mind: 想到某事;想要做某事; have sb. in mind心中想着某人  【高考链接】  (1) Fred, who had expected how it would go with his daughter, had a great