
来源 :微循环学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxsxj
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Objective: To discover effect on decoction of Huoxuejiangu in avascular necrosis of femoral head(ANFH) in rabbits causing by steroid. Method: 18 rabbits were divided into 3 groups randomly, which were steroid group, Chinese herb+steriod group and control group alternatively, each contained 6 rabbits. All rabbits were killed 8 weeks later and the number of empty bone lacunas, hemorheological property and level of serum lipoid were analysed. Results: The decoction of Huoxuejiangu can decrease the viscosity of the blood, increase the deformability of the red blood cells, decrease the level of serum lipoid, and decrease the number of the empty bone lacunas. Conclusion: The decoction of Huoxuejiangu can prevent and treat the ANFH. Objective: To discover effect on decoction of Huoxuejiangu in avascular necrosis of femoral head(ANFH) in rabbits causing by steroid. Method: 18 rabbits were divided into 3 groups randomly, which were steroid groups, Chinese herb+steriod group and control group alternatively, Each contained 6 rabbits. All rabbits were killed 8 weeks later and the number of empty bone lacunas, hemorheological property and level of serum lipoid were analysed. Results: The decoction of Huoxuejiangu can decrease the viscosity of the blood, increase the deformability of the red Blood cells, decrease the level of serum lipoid, and decrease the number of the empty bone lacunas. Conclusion: The decoction of Huoxuejiangu can prevent and treat the ANFH.
增尔力颗粒剂由刺五加、枸杞子、制首乌、仙灵脾、黄芪、白芍、当归等多味中药按中医理论研制而成,具有健脑益智、美容保健作用。本文对其进行了抗应激能力的实验研究。1 材
本文以保尔精神和盖茨现象为切入点 ,对大学生这一青年中的较高素质群体展开的调查 ,并结合以往许多关于青年思想状况的综述性大型调查的结果 ,具体地分析了当代青年的许多思
1 处方和制法 槟榔1000g、红参125g、生晒参125g。取红参及生晒参粉碎成粗粉,按流浸膏剂与浸膏剂项下渗漉法(中国药典一部附录10)以55%乙醇250ml作溶剂,先用少量乙醇浸渍48h,