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从日军占领平津到太平洋战争之前,日本一直欲攫夺存放于平津的中、交等银行数千万存银。围绕平津存银问题,中日英展开了角力。日军占领平津并成立联合准备银行,强行将平津存银的一部分作为联合准备银行的现银,并借机封锁天津英租界,压迫英方举行东京谈判,试图攫夺存银。中方前期在孔祥熙主持下,在与英方交涉中采取财政观点;后期蒋介石介入并主导了对平津存银的处置,在外交政治全局的考量下,对英交涉采取强硬立场,有意借平津存银问题激化英日矛盾。在平津存银问题这场中日英三方的角力中,中国虽然在存银上有所损失,但在战略上,中方以防止日英同盟为目标,并在欧战爆发后,逐步使中英日三国关系开始步入了中方,或者确切地说是蒋介石所设想的轨道。 From the Japanese occupation of Binhtun to the Pacific War, Japan had always wanted to seize tens of millions of bank deposits with banks and other banks in Pingjin. Around Pingjin deposit problem, China and Japan launched a wrestling. The Japanese occupying Binjin and setting up a joint preparation bank forcibly took part of the Pingjin deposit as cash for the joint preparation of banks and took the opportunity to block the British concession in Tianjin and oppress the British to hold negotiations in Tokyo in an attempt to seize deposits. Under the auspices of Kong Xiangxi, China adopted a financial point of view during negotiations with the British Prime Minister. In the latter part of his life, Chiang Kai-shek intervened and led the disposal of the Pingjin deposit. Under the overall diplomatic and political considerations, Chiang Kai-shek adopted a tough stance on the British negotiating bank and hoped to borrow Pingjin deposit The problem intensified the contradictions between Britain and Japan. In the wrestling issue between China, Japan and the United Kingdom in the Pingnuk deposit, although China has lost money on deposit, strategically speaking, China has taken the prevention of the Japan-U.S. Alliance as its goal. After the outbreak of the war in Europe, China and Britain The relations between Japan and the Three Kingdoms began to enter the Chinese side or, to be precise, the track envisioned by Chiang Kai-shek.
目前大量生产并广泛应用的偏光片是美国人兰德(Edwin H. Land)于1940年发明的。偏光片初期应用在了汽车玻璃上以减少会车时对面车灯的强光对司机眼睛的影响,后来逐渐应用在遮
以小金海棠(Malus xiaojinensis)、新疆野苹果(M.sieversii)、崂山柰子(M.prunifolia)、八棱海棠(M.×robusta)、山定子(M.baccata)和平邑甜茶(M.hupehensis var.pingyiensis)砧木实生苗