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形式美是整个美学研究中重要的问题,也是技术美学中的一个主要范畴,要说明怎样才美是不能脱离具体事物的。因为形式美源于客观世界。宇宙中呈现出美丽旋涡的银河,大自然中浩瀚的大海、巍巍的群峰、晶莹闪烁对称的宝石等等,无不具有和谐统一的形式美感,自然美是人类美学史的源头。古希腊最早对美的探索是从对象在感性形式上的特征出发的,毕达哥拉斯学派从宇宙的角度把一切归结为天籁的和谐;我国古代文学评论家认为美有自然美与人为美,人为美本于自然美,源于“宇宙本体”。对自然美的研究就是对形式的美学研究,即对自然存在物之形式规律的美学研究。 美学研究的基本主题是探讨人与自然的关系。人类从原始社会至今,所创造的一切物质财富和精神财富都是从这个蕴藏丰富的“美”的自然宝库中吸取养料的。如原始时期的彩陶、殷周的青铜器,清朝的故宫及希腊神庙,巴黎圣母院等等都是闻名于世的艺术瑰宝。人们对客观世界的认识,对某种形式给人以快感或不快感,是通过视觉和听觉对自然规律的把握并根据自身的生理和心理来确定的。快感是美感的基础,形式美法则中的对立统一规律就是人类千百年来对客观世界的认识和总结。我们必须深刻理解这一规律,通过感官去能动地观察,认识、感受、分析、研究、综合与提炼。并? Formal beauty is an important issue in the whole aesthetics research. It is also a major category in the aesthetics of technology. It shows how beauty can not be divorced from concrete things. Because formal beauty originates from the objective world. The beautiful vortex galaxy in the universe, the vast sea of ​​nature, the towering peaks, crystal gems with sparkling symmetry and so on all have the form and beauty of harmony and unity. Natural beauty is the source of the history of human aesthetics. The earliest exploration of beauty in ancient Greece proceeded from the characteristics of the object in its perceptual form. The Pythagorean school attributed everything to the harmony of nature from the angle of the universe. The ancient Chinese literary critics think that beauty has natural beauty and man-made beauty, The United States is based on natural beauty and originates from “the universe itself.” The study of natural beauty is the study of the form of aesthetics, that is, the study of the form and law of the being of nature. The basic theme of aesthetics research is to explore the relationship between man and nature. All the material and spiritual wealth created by mankind since primitive society upholds this nourishment from the natural treasure trove of this rich “beauty.” Such as the primitive period of pottery, Yin and Zhou bronzes, the Qing Imperial Palace and the Greek temple, Notre Dame and so on are world-renowned art treasures. People’s understanding of the objective world gives pleasure or displeasure to a certain form of human beings. It is determined by the visual and auditory grasp of natural laws and according to their own physiology and psychology. Pleasure is the basis of beauty. The law of unity of opposites in the principle of formal beauty is the recognition and summary of humankind’s objective world for thousands of years. We must profoundly understand this law and actively observe, recognize, feel, analyze, study, synthesize and refine through the senses. and?
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