
来源 :冶金管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxhetao
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河北省冶金工业总公司和河北省冶金工业厅,一个机构两块牌子的管理体制,是在1980年实行以冶金工业总公司为核算单位的上交利润递增包干办法时出现的。八年来,它在加强企业管理,提高企业经济效益,发展河北冶金工业过程中,起到了重要的组织作用,完成了规定的任务,做出了应有的贡献。但是,随着我国政治体制改革和经济体制改革的深入发展,这种政企不分、所有权与经营权不分的管理体制,已明显地不符合党的十三大和最近颁布的《企业法》精神,越来越不适应改革开放发展的新形势。因此,改革现有体制,势在必行,迫在眉捷。但是如何改,是保留冶金厅,还是摘掉冶金厅的牌子;是撤销冶金工业总公司,还是把总公司再向前推进一步,在现有基础上,扩大再联合,组建河北冶金企业集团?这个问题是值得我们认真研究探讨的。 Hebei Metallurgical Industry Corporation and the Hebei Provincial Metallurgical Industry Office, an agency two brands management system is implemented in 1980 to the Metallurgical Industry Corporation as the accounting unit of the increased profits handed in the package approach. In the past eight years, it has played an important organizational role in strengthening enterprise management, improving the economic efficiency of enterprises, and developing the metallurgical industry in Hebei Province. It has fulfilled its prescribed tasks and made its due contribution. However, with the further development of the reform of our political system and the reform of the economic system, the management system with no distinction between government and enterprises and with no ownership of ownership and management rights has obviously not met the requirements of the “13th CPC National Congress” and the recently promulgated “Enterprise Law” Spirit, more and more not suited to the new situation of the reform and opening up. Therefore, reforming the existing system is imperative and urgent. But how to change, is to retain the Office of Metallurgy, Hall of Metallurgical Hall or take off the brand; is to withdraw the Metallurgical Industry Corporation, or the company to move forward one step further, based on the existing expansion and reunification, the formation of Hebei Metallurgical Group? This issue deserves our careful study.
1990年10月至1991年4月间,我院曾诊治甲状旁腺腺瘤2例,均有数年的延误治疗史,报告如下。 1 病历介绍例1.女性,58岁。因乏力、腿痛3年,以甲状旁腺腺瘤收住入院。查体:甲状腺
根据我国氧化铝生产的特点,应积极开拓氢氧化铝的国外市场;组建包括矿山、冶炼和加工的铝业集团,使铝业向多品种和深加工方向发展。 According to the characteristics of a
鲜肉月饼备料:面粉500克,熟猪油175克、糖50克、瘦猪肉300克,姜、葱、盐、酱油、味精、料酒少许。 制作方法: (1)将瘦肉切碎,加入葱、姜、糖、盐、酱油、味精、料酒及少量清
1.存在的问题及改进方法 我公司10t全液压炼钢电炉,采用整体水冷炉盖。炉盖重达3650kg,其最大直径为φ3700mm,最大高度为730mm,由厚度为12~16mm的A3钢板和锅炉钢板焊接制成。
蔬菜水果固然有营养又好吃,可是也有许多副作用使食后不适或烹饪时不方便,在此介绍几个小窍门,不妨一试: 吃黄瓜使人打嗝 这是因为土生土长的品种含苦的化学物质所致。温室