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目的:探讨ⅢA期肺癌胸腔镜辅助小切口( VAMT)治疗后的疗效及远期生存率。方法选择2010年8月至2011年8月冀中能源邢台矿业集团有限责任公司总医院收治的32例ⅢA期肺癌患者作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,各16例。观察组行VAMT辅助肺癌切除术,对照组采用传统开胸手术。比较两组患者手术一般情况、术后并发症发生率、手术前后患者生活质量以及患者血清醛固酮、多巴胺和皮质醇等应激激素水平;对患者进行3年随访,记录两组患者3年生存率。结果观察组术中出血量显著少于对照组、术后拔管时间显著短于对照组[(174±38) mL比(257±43) mL,(3.5±0.7) d比(5.2±1.3) d](P<0.01),观察组并发症发生率显著低于对照组[18.8%(3/16)比31.2%(5/16)](P<0.05)。手术1个月后观察组癌症治疗功能性量表各维度及总分显著高于对照组( P<0.05或P<0.01);术后1、3、5 d观察组醛固酮、多巴胺、皮质醇水平显著低于对照组(P0.05)。结论 VAMT手术治疗中晚期肺癌,能取得与传统开胸手术相似的疗效,且对患者创伤小,患者术后生活质量更高,是一种安全、有效的肺癌手术治疗手段。“,”Objective To explore the efficacy and survival ofⅢA stage lung cancer treated with video-assisted mini-thoracotomy( VAMT) . Methods A total of 32 ⅢA stage lung cancer patients admitted to izhong Energy Xingtai MIG General Hospital from Aug. 2010 to Aug. 2011 were randomly divided into the observation group(16 cases) and control group(16 cases). The observation group underwent VAMT,the con-trol group received traditional open chest operation. The general operation situation,the incidence of postoper-ative complications,life quality and serum aldosterone,dopamine and cortisol levels before and after operation of the two groups were compared,and the patients were followed up for 3 years,and 3 years survival rate of the two groups was recorded. Results Intraoperative bleeding,postoperative extubation time in the observa-tion group were significantly lower than the control group[(174 ±38) mL vs (257 ±43) mL,(3.5 ±0.7) d vs (5.2 ±1.3) d] (P<0.01),the complication rate of the observation group was significantly lower than the control group [18. 8%(3/16) vs 31. 2%(5/16)](P<0. 05). 1 month after surgery FACT-L scale dimen-sions and total score in the observation group were significantly higher than the control group ( P<0. 05 or P<0. 01);the levels of aldosterone,dopamine and cortisol after 1,3,5 d in the observation group were sig-nificantly lower than the control group(P0. 05). Conclusion VAMT assisted small incision in the treatment of advanced lung cancer,can obtain similar efficacy with traditional open chest surgery, with higher postoperative living quality,thus is a safe and effective surgical treatment of lung cancer.
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