The Ways of Improving Cross—cultural Communicative Competence of Business English Majors

来源 :双语学习·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mazd88
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  【Abstract】The people have the differences in cultural orientation, values, social norms and mode of thinking, cultural differences will bring not only difficulties in communication between people who from different cultural backgrounds, but also misleading in many ways. Therefore, the same words to different people from different cultural backgrounds is also different, even they speak the "same" language. When the language is different, and have to rely on translation to communicate, it will increase the possibility of misunderstanding.It's a global research field that studies of cross-cultural communication. Therefore, research in intercultural communication Cultural differences can already be found. Therefore, as business English majors should improve cross-cultural communication competence and focus on language practice,cultivate intercultural communicative competence in practice,and adapt to economic globalization environment. In this paper,I will discuss how to improve cross-cultural communicative competence in business English learning, and make some effective ways to enhance cross-cultural communicative competence.
  【Key words】business English majors;cross-cultural communicative competence;approach
  Since China enters to WTO, the economic exchanges with other countries are becoming closely, and with a substantial increase in multinational projects in China, it promoting the development of foreign trade. Our country’s political status and economic status in the international market increased these years. At the same time, it means that more and more people work, learning and life in a multinational cultural background. Therefore, in order to adapt to the needs of the development of the international, and further enhance our country's competitiveness on the international market, so that we not only need a lot of familiar of business professional knowledge, but also have a strong cross-cultural communicative competence talents.
  Cross-cultural communicative competence plays a significant role in Business English learning, so I will put forward some recommends about how to enhance cross-cultural communicative competence
  1.Western Business Etiquette
  Etiquette gives us clues to show how we should act and what we should do in any given situation, so that we can be as successful as possible in our associate with the people.
  In the current society, we live in the globalized environment, the people around us may come from different countries and they have the different cultural background. Therefore we may have different understandings of the etiquette.   For us, we should also learn business etiquette, because Business English for us it has always been using based on the Western exchanges. Therefore, understanding of Western business etiquette not only helps us to understand the use of business English context, but also can improve the quality of business English conversation.
  In my view, we should in the process of business English learning, widely focus on some Westerners etiquette habits in business occasions, especially those not commonly used on daily, but often in the business occasions. It is necessary for us to learn the others understanding of etiquette. We should find similarities between them and our own etiquette reduce errors in communication caused by misunderstanding the etiquette. Therefore we will succeed in cross-cultural communication in the globalization environment.
  2.Improving Business Practice
  Language and culture have the close relationship. There is no culture without language, and also there is no culture of language. The generalized culture including language, but the culture also affects the language all the time, so that the language in order to adapt to the change needs to cultural development, it’s become more precise and careful. With the globalization speeding up, global trade becomes frequent. Due to a large number of foreign companies come in to the domestic market, cross-cultural communication becoming more frequent, demand for business English talent is getting bigger. Therefore, combined with Business English learning and intercultural communicative competence is becoming increasingly important.
  3.Time, Efficiency Consciousness and Dispute Resolution
  Westerners have a strong idea of time; they think treat time as gold. They think of all the activities, business meetings, communication, negotiation, banquets, etc. are strictly in accordance with the time to carry out. Therefore, in business activities "punctual" is a basic requirement. But even in western countries, the concepts of time are not the same. Trade disputes are inevitable. China and West Country have different channel to deal with it.
  I suppose that learn Business English have to learn some language about time and efficiency, and must have the ability to respond to emergencies. Therefore, it can promote cross-cultural consciousness in business English.
  In the process of the international business communication, communicating in English has become an irreplaceable trend. Business English majors’ employment mostly in foreign trade or related industries, students will join many international exchange occasions, therefore, students' intercultural communicative competence is very important. We should find the way which is suitable for you to promote this ability.
  Since this paper is based on the material which is collected by I, it may have limited research conditions. This paper may lack actual case to prove. It was only a preliminary study. Other studies are still a lot of space, and the effective way of improving English Major Students' Intercultural Communicative Competence should have the further study.
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【摘 要】本文以2013年CET-4改革情况综合评价、学生学习情况的问卷调查和两个实验班的对比分析为依据,分析当前我国大学英语教学中普遍存在的主要问题,提出一种新型的教学法,以功能建构主义及多模态等现代教学理论为指导,根据所教学生的具体情况灵活运用“任务型教学法”、“交际教学法”、“情感教学法”、“多模态教学”等,做到化定法为新法,让学生参与到对提高其英语语言表达能力有意义的教学活动中,做到以学生
【摘 要】本文简要介绍了有关自我效能感的知识,分析了高职院校学生工作的现状,并根据自我效能感的基本功能,提出个人对加强高等职业院校学生工作者特别是辅导员和班主任自我效能感培养的途径和方法。  【关键词】 高职院校;队伍建设;自我效能感  一、自我效能感的基本知识  “自我效能感”这一概念由美国心理学家班杜拉1977年最早提出,它是每个人自我调节的核心,是指人对自己是否能够成功地进行某一成就行为的主
【摘 要】根据《中华人民共和国教育法》的规定,每个人依法享有法律赋予的受教育权利,因此只要法律没有限制,或者说没有剥夺教育的权利,那么每个人就均可以去享受这些权利。既然大家都有去享受教育的权利,那么无论是何人,大家都可以去学习。在我国不仅身体健全的人可以进入小学,初中,高中,大学等进入学习,同时对于身体有残疾的人,也可以进入高等院校进行学习。对于身体残疾的人员,国家专门设立了特殊学校帮助他们进行学
【摘 要】本文选取辽宁省某高职院校的学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方式,对当前大学生的恋爱状况对于心理健康影响进行了调研,结果显示,不同恋爱状况对于心理健康的影响存在差异,所以对于树立高职学生正确的恋爱观,端正学生的恋爱动机,加强学生心理健康教育具有积极的现实意义。  【关键词】高职学生;恋爱观;心理健康  恋爱,是每个人生命中最美好的一个阶段,许多学生在迈入大学校门之前都会憧憬在校园中拥有一段甜
【摘 要】随着改革开放脚步的加大,中韩关系愈加密切,中韩贸易交流往来频繁,高职院校的国际贸易(韩国语方向)专业应运而生,此专业是以韩国语语言能力和国际贸易实务为基础,通过对学生两个方面能力的培养,向在中国的韩国企业以及在韩国的中国企业输送优秀的人才。高职院校国际贸易(韩国语方向)专业的项目化教学目前处于起步阶段,需要由传统教学模式向项目化教学模式转化,我们仍需不断探索校企合作方式,从而完善教师队伍
【摘 要】在高职院校中,双语教学一直进展缓慢。本文基于笔者在上海工商职业技术学院的国际贸易教学经历,同时结合兄弟院校的双语教学经验,总结了《国际贸易实务》课程在高职院校实施双语教学所遇到的困难,并提出应对策略。  【关键词】国际贸易实务;双语教学;对策  关于双语教学的定义,国内外观点大同小异,《朗文应用语言学词典》(Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistic
【摘 要】伴随着网络的迅速发展和普及,网络媒体对社会也产生了强大的影响。而大学生作为走在时代前沿的群体,快速将网络媒体的发展应用于学习生活的各个方面,可以说新媒体的发展对高校学生的学习生活都产生了深远的影响。也给高校的学生的管理带来了新的挑战和机遇。因此在高校学生管理的工作中应用新媒体来辅助工作的开展,改变传统的教学模式,不断创新工作方法,提升高校学生管理效率。在新媒体的辅助下的高校学生的管理对学
【摘 要】高职院校就业创业指导工作从师资队伍、教学理念,指导方法、课程设置等内容亟待改革与创新。只有与时俱进创新就业创业指导工作,才能有效提高就业创业工作的实效性,扎实推进高职毕业生高质量就业目标。  【关键词】高职院校;就业创业指导;实效性;探索  2015年全国高校毕业生将达749万[1],毕业生总量进一步增大和大学生就业结构性矛盾依然突出, 就业形势仍然复杂严峻[2],高校就业创业工作任务十
【Abstract】 In The Ballad of the Sad Café, Carson McCullers uses Gothic style and black humor to draw Eccentric characters and create a grotesque and gruesome atmosphere.  【Key words】 black humor; grot