玉泉是一个建筑材料矿藏极其丰富的工业区,这里有生产石灰、水泥和炼钢炼铁不可缺少的石灰石,有建筑高楼大厦、工业厂房用的闪长岩和用来制作装饰品的花岗岩,还有其它多种适宜于建筑用的石材.在这里发展建筑材料工业有着广阔的前途. 几年来,玉泉建筑材料厂在上级党的正确领导下,随着社会主义建设事业的发展,生产实现了成番论倍的增长,总产量比解放前最高年产量增长了一千多倍,产品品种由单一的石灰发展到水泥、耐火砖、建筑石材等多种产
Yuquan is an extremely rich industrial zone with rich mineral resources. Limestone, which is indispensable for the production of lime, cement and steelmaking iron, is used for building high-rise buildings, diorite for industrial plants, and granite for making ornaments. There are many other types of stone that are suitable for construction. There is a broad future for the development of the building materials industry. In the past few years, under the correct leadership of the upper Party, Yuquan Building Materials Factory has achieved a success with the development of socialist construction. The growth in the number of times, the total output increased by more than a thousand times than the highest annual output before liberation, and the product variety grew from a single lime to a variety of products such as cement, refractory bricks, building stones, etc.