Self-expanding metal stents for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction in patients w

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rommer006
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AIM To evaluate the efficacy of self-expanding metal stents(SEMS) for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction in patients with and without peritoneal carcinomatosis(PC).METHODS We performed a retrospective analysis of 62 patients who underwent SEMS placement for treatment of malignant gastroduodenal obstruction at our hospital over a six-year period. Stents were deployed through the scope under combined fluoroscopic and endoscopic guidance. Technical success was defined as successful stent placement and expansion. Clinical success was defined as an improvement in the obstructive symptoms and discharge from hospital without additional parenteral nutrition. According to carcinomatosis status, patients were assigned into groups with or without evidence of peritoneal disease.RESULTS In most cases, obstruction was caused by pancreatic(47%) or gastric cancer(23%). Technical success was achieved in 96.8%(60/62), clinical success in 79%(49/62) of all patients. Signs of carcinomatosis were identified in 27 patients(43.5%). The diagnosis was confirmed by pathology or previous operation in 7 patients(11.2%) and suspected by CT, MRI or ultrasound in 20 patients(32.2%). Presence of carcinomatosis was associated with a significantly lower clinical success rate compared to patients with no evidence of peritoneal disease(66.7% vs 88.6%, P = 0.036). There was no significant difference in overall survival between patients with or without PC(median 48 d vs 70 d, P = 0.21), but patients showed significantly longer survival after clinical success of SEMS placement compared to those experiencing clinical failure(median 14.5 d vs 75 d, P = 0.0003).CONCLUSION Given the limited therapeutic options and a clinical success rate of at least 66.7%, we believe that SEMS are a reasonable treatment option in patients with malignant gastric outlet obstruction with peritoneal carcinomatosis. AIM To evaluate the efficacy of self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction in patients with and without peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC). METHODS We performed a retrospective analysis of 62 patients who underwent SEMS placement for treatment of malignant Stereoscopes were deployed through the scope under combined fluoroscopic and endoscopic guidance. Technical success was defined as successful stent placement and expansion. Clinical success was defined as an improvement in the obstructive symptoms and discharge from hospitals without additional parenteral nutrition. According to carcinomatosis status, patients were assigned into groups with or without evidence of peritoneal disease .RESULTS In most cases, obstruction was caused by pancreatic (47%) or gastric cancer (23%). Technical success was achieved in 96.8% (60/62), clinical success in 79% (49/62) of all patients. Signs of carcinoma The diagnosis was confirmed by pathology or previous operation in 7 patients (11.2%) and suspected by CT, MRI or ultrasound in 20 patients (32.2%). Presence of carcinomatosis was associated with a significantly lower clinical success rate compared to patients with no evidence of peritoneal disease (66.7% vs 88.6%, P = 0.036). There was no significant difference in overall survival between patients with or without PC (median 48 d vs 70 d, P = 0.21), but patients showed significantly longer survival after clinical success of SEMS placement compared to those experiencing clinical failure (median 14.5 d vs 75 d, P = 0.0003) .CONCLUSION Given the limited therapeutic options and a clinical success rate of at least 66.7% , we believe that SEMS are a reasonable treatment option in patients with malignant gastric outlet obstruction with peritoneal carcinomatosis.
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