Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Social Networking Services for university students

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  With the development of social media,communication has become faster,more communicable and more interactive.Nowadays,more and more people use social media to communicate and share experience.Social media has become a common communicable tool for today’ s students.Media students share ideas and get their work known on the social media.This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Social Networking Services for university students currently studying Media,such as WeChat and Facebook.
  There are some advantages and disadvantages of using Social Networking Services on WeChat for university students currently studying Media.WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service,which allows people to communicate,share photos and videos.There are two main advantages with WeChat.The first advantage is to meet new friends and access new ideas.For instance,by meeting new friends and communicating with them around the world,students can get more enhanced information.Media students can also get involved and add their own ‘Subscription’ accounts,accessing new ideas.Secondly,audiences are engaged to this opportunity.For example,media students can create their own ‘Subscription’ account and show their films on it,which contributes to attracting more audiences.While it is helpful to communicate with other people instantly and share ideas,there are some disadvantages.Firstly,it wastes students’ time.Elmansy (2016) says that “Being addicted to social networks leads to significant time loss.Checking new updates and engaging with others all the time consumes production and creative thinking time.” Students check new updates,and keep up to update on WeChat,which takes time.It is difficult for students to control the time in the digital world.Secondly,it influences students’ school work.Students who multitask and do too much video gaming get poorer scores.Even if it leaves students less time to do school work and attend school activities,there are also some advantages,such as accessing new ideas and attracting audiences.
  There are some advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook for university students currently studying Media.Rouse (2014) said,“Facebook is a popular free social networking services that allows users to create profiles,upload photos and video,send messages.” One of the main advantages in favour of this method is that it expands students’ knowledge.For instance,students share new ideas and discuss assignments through studying groups,which allow students to communicate all over the world.Another advantage is that it gives students a chance to apply for jobs.For example,more and more companies hire employees on Facebook,which gives media students a chance to apply for jobs at home.Even if it is helpful to expand students’ knowledge and apply for jobs,nevertheless,there are some disadvantages.First of all,stealing other people’s ideas and reducing the ability of create.Students share their ideas on Facebook,and people could steal the ideas to put them in their own projects.This could reduce the student’ s ability of create.Secondly,it influences mental health.When students spend a long time in the digital world,students lack face-to-face communication.Even if SNS leads to losing touch with real life and become withdrawn,as well as apathetic to issues,there are also some advantages,for instance,the ease of applying for jobs.
  In conclusion,social networking services have advantages and disadvantages,but they are a part of people’s lives.Though the disadvantages are obvious,such as the amount of plagiarism,wasting of time and influence mental health.There still are some advantages,such as offering communication,accessing many new ideasand helping apply for jobs.Although social networking services have some disadvantages,there are more advantages.Media students should use SNS suitably and reasonably.
  [1]Elmansy,R.How social media affects your creativity[J].Designorate [online] Available from: www.designorate.com/howsocial- media-affects-creativity/ [7 June 2017],2016.
  [2]Rouse,M.(n.d) Facebook.Whatis[J].techtarget [online] Available from: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Facebook[7 June 2017].
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◆摘 要:综合实践活动倡导整体性、自主性和开放性,正体现了生命教育的整体、差异与自主。由这一观点出发,文章从协调和整合各方面教育力量,促进生命整体性的发展;尊重生命的独特性和差异性,促进生命个性的发展;建立良好的人际关系氛围,促进生命合作性的发展,阐述综合实践活动的生命教育。  ◆关键词:综合实践;生命教育;发展  一、校内校外携手合作,促进生命整体性的发展  在开展综合实践活动中,我充分利用社会
◆摘 要:所谓音乐情境教学法,就是在音乐教学中创造合适的情境,教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起幼儿一定的态度体验,让幼儿以游戏、表演等形式充分参与教学体验。音乐情境式教学模式的核心在于激发幼儿的情感。幼儿在情景环境(真实的或是虚拟的环境)中真是的感知教学内容,教学过程成为幼儿主动发现或发展的学习过程,在此过程中幼儿身临其境景,亲身体验感受环境,充分调动
◆摘 要:核心素养的养成既引领着课堂教学的目的,也引领着课堂教学的转型。本文采用案例分析的方式,以人教版《生活与哲学》第六课第二框《在实践中追求和发展真理》教学实例为剖析点,阐述了核心素养下情境体验式教学模式的概念、结构要素并总结出了情境体验式教学流程,即“创设情境,激发兴趣→导引提示,亲历体验→质疑点拨,感悟内化→归纳小结,激励践行”。  ◆关键词:核心素养;情境体验式教学;流程设计  众所周知
地理课是研究人类与环境相互关系的一门学科,是研究人口、资源、环境与可持续发展关系的一门科学,因此,利用地理课堂教学渗透人地关系教育是地理核心素养教育的重要组成部分,提髙学生环境保护意识,培养高素质人才的重要环节,仅从以下几点简单说明。  一、环境保护教育是地理课核心素养教育的重要内容  学校教育的最终目的是培养适应时代需要的高素质人才,以促进社会进步与可持续发展,社会进步与经济发展与地理环境的关系
With the use of the internet growing worldwide,China has become one of the countries which has the largest number of people using the internet.It’s very common that every family has computers and smar
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