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自一12岁男性,小脑蚓陪胶质瘤患者,病理诊断为Ⅰ级纤维性星形细胞瘤,取材作原代培养。经8个月、62代的观察证明,生物学特性稳定而建立瘤细胞系,命名为SWO—38。 原代培养第20天获满意的单层生长,自此以常规的20%小牛血清RPMI1640开始传第一代,约4~6天传一代。第4代后,绝大部份细胞从星形纤维样转呈较为单一的上皮样细胞。 生物学特性:细胞呈多角形上皮样,核深染,大小略不一,病理性核分裂多见,每次传代的第2、3天即见群集。根据生长曲线,最大增长倍数为46.6小时。核分裂指数第3~5天达高峰,为54~56.5%,曾作TEM、SEM的观察符合星形细胞特点。根据50个中期核分裂之细胞得出染色体众数的范围是80~115为亚4至超4倍体,并可见异常染色体。注射1~2百万瘤细胞于5只Swiss裸鼠,于第19~20天全部成瘤,成瘤率达100%,组织学具有类似人体胶质瘤Ⅲ—Ⅳ级的形态。 Since the 12-year-old male, cerebellar hernia accompanied by glioma patients, pathological diagnosis of grade I fibroid astrocytoma, the material for the primary culture. After 8 months and 62 generations of observation, it was confirmed that the biological characteristics were stable and a tumor cell line was established and named SWO-38. On the 20th day of primary culture, a satisfactory monolayer growth was obtained. Since then, the first passage was started with the conventional 20% calf serum RPMI1640 and passed on for about 4 to 6 days. After the 4th generation, most of the cells turned to a single epithelioid cell from the star-like fiber. Biological characteristics: The cells were polygonal epithelioid, dark stained nucleus, slightly different size, and pathological mitosis more common, see the cluster on the second and third days of each passage. According to the growth curve, the maximum growth rate is 46.6 hours. The mitotic index peaked at 3 to 5 days, ranging from 54 to 56.5%. The observations made by TEM and SEM met the characteristics of astrocytes. According to 50 medium-phase mitotic cells, the range of chromosomes is 80 to 115 sub-4 to supertetraploid, and abnormal chromosomes can be seen. One to two million tumor cells were injected into five Swiss nude mice and all tumors formed on the 19th to the 20th day. The tumorigenesis rate was 100%. Histopathology was similar to that of human gliomas III-IV.
血管瘤的治疗是困难的已众所周知。由于是良性肿瘤,选用适当的治疗方法,尽可能地把正常功能和形态保存下来,并非容易。Wilflingseder 应用镁丝(pure magne-sium wire)治疗血
对促进新血管生成的物质的研究,经过十年的科学探索,现在已告完成。在发表的三篇文章中,Bert Vallee和他的同事们报道了他们称之为促血管生成素(angiogenin)的蛋白质的纯化
原发性下腔静脉肿瘤(Primary Tumor of IVC∶PTIVC)从 Perl 在1871年首例报道至1954年,文献记载仅8例,列为罕见。此后,报道病例增多,止1985年,共累计93例,证明近期发病率在
喉横纹肌肉瘤系属罕见病例,预后甚差,临床和病理诊断较为困难。合理处理,延长生存,近年方有初步研究。现将本校附属医院1985年收治的一例,结合文献复习,报告于下: 病例报告
醛缩酶(ALD)是糖酵解的关键酶之一,哺乳类动物细胞有三种类型的醛缩酶亚单位,即肌型(A)、肝型(B)和脑型(C)。ALD-A 大量存在于肌肉组织,占其可溶性蛋白的5%,而在肝脏组织内
已往认为,肝细胞癌的组织学类型与预后无关,但近年来,发现肝纤维板层癌(Fibrolamellar Carcinoma of the Liver)作为一种特殊类型的肝细胞癌,其临床表现和病理改变,尤其预后