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少年读书,如隙中窥月;中年读书,如庭中望月;老年读书,如台上玩月。随着韶华之逝、阅历之深,书会读出点自我心得来。笔者年逾不惑,未至“知天命”,可谓庭中望月,虽谈不上一马平川会难解之意、悟最上禅机,倒亦囊中探物知晓冬读经,以神专;夏读史,以时久:秋读诸子,以致别;春读诸集,以机畅。不过,对眼下有些洋洋洒洒的文学评论则不然,无论待以四时之不同或大同。不看还有相当清晰而自信的判断,一看反而疑窦丛生,不知所云。那些不加任何界定的自造概念,那些铺天盖地的名词术语,那些莫名其妙的语言结构,那些专横武断的惊人论点,令人始看玄妙难解,若有深意存焉,再一斟酌,竟觉花里胡哨、故弄玄虚罢了。其许文章深邃高雅远不如经史子集,浅显通俗大不如顺口溜打油诗,考证起“鲁迅喜啖风干荸荠”、“阿Q原型是个胖子”、“曹雪芹爱喝二锅头”之类,倒还得心应手,可评论起作品 Teenagers read books, such as glancing through the moon, studying in the middle age, watching the moon in the court, reading in the elderly, playing on the stage. With the death of Qu Hua and deep experience, the book will read out some self-efficacy. The author was overwhelmed. He did not know whether he had known the “mandate of heaven.” It could be described as the moon in the court. Although it was difficult to understand the meaning of a horse, he realized that the most was on the Zen plane. He also learned about the winter reading, explored by God, and read the history of summer. For a long time: In the autumn, they will read various sons and say goodbye; However, some literary criticisms of the moment are not so eloquent. Do not look at there is a very clear and confident judgment, at first glance but skeptical, unaware. Those undefined concepts of self-creation, those overwhelming nouns, inexplicable linguistic structures, and astonishing arguments that lead to arrogance and arbitrariness make people feel puzzling and inexplicable. Mysterious nothing. His articles are far more elegant and less refined than those of the History Collection, and they are notoriously popular. They swear by poetry, study from the “Lu Xun’s magpie”, “Ah Q prototype is a fat man,” “Cao Xueqin loves drinking pots,” and the like is handy. works
在当今,颇流行了一阵子如98元、9.8元、0.98元等技巧性订价,认为这比100元、10元、1元等要更吸引顾客。但深思一下,我们不禁要问这有必要吗?效果很好吗? 我不觉得0.98元之类
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词是语言中表达意义的最小单位, 也是最基本的单位,所以语言的对比应从这里开始。无论英语还是汉语都有着十分丰富的词汇,对同一概念,英汉两种语言都有一定的表达形式,有时这
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英语修辞学可分为广义修辞学和狭义修辞学。广义修辞学涉及语体和体裁等问题;狭义修辞学主要涉及各种修辞手法即修辞格(figures of speech)的问题,在此只谈狭义修辞学中的修
笔者探讨了“以学生为中心”的教学理论基础以及基于这一基础的交互模式框架,并以大学英语教学为实例提出了具体的实施这一交互模式的思路和方法。 The author explores the