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●调整经济结构首先要着力解决“大而全、小而全”的问题 《改革导报》1997年第2期《陈锦华谈加快经济结构调整》一文中,国家计委主任陈锦华说,结构调整,要从多个方面努力,首先要着力解决经济生活中“大而全、小而全”和盲目重复建设问题。这是过去计划经济体制下形成的“老大难”问题,主要表现在:在企业层次上——生产经营规模小,专业化程度低,劳动生产率低。在地区层次上——工业结构雷同,而且技术档次处于同一水平。 这个问题长期得不到解决的根本原因是体制上的障碍。如何克服这种顽症,陈锦华指出:首先要严格控制新开工项目。其次要加大投资体制改革力度。第三,改进和完善投资管理。第四,完善国家产业政策。第五,结合国有企业改革,对国有资产存量进行结构性重组,逐步解决“大而全、小而全”问题。第六,切实抓好再就业工作,解决好结构调整中下岗人员的分流安置工作。 In the article of Chen Jinhua on Speeding up Economic Structure Adjustment, Chen Jinhua, director of the State Development Planning Commission, said that the structural adjustment should be based on From various aspects, we must first focus on resolving the issue of “big but small, complete” and blind duplication in economic life. This is a “hard-core” issue formed under the planned economic system in the past. The problems are as follows: At the enterprise level, the scale of production and operation is small, the degree of specialization is low, and labor productivity is low. At the regional level - the same industrial structure, but also at the same level of technology. The fundamental reason why this problem has not been solved for a long time is the institutional obstacle. How to overcome this chronic disease, Chen Jinhua pointed out: First, we must strictly control the newly started projects. Second, we must intensify the reform of the investment system. Third, improve and perfect investment management. Fourth, improve the national industrial policy. Fifthly, in combination with the reform of state-owned enterprises, structural reorganization of the stock of state-owned assets is to be carried out to gradually solve the issue of “big but small, complete and complete.” Sixth, earnestly do a good job of reemployment, to solve the decentralized placement of laid-off workers in structural adjustment work.
我国冠醚工作者已发表冠醚论文540余篇,合成冠醚化合物超过560个,我国冠醚工作者对冠醚化学作出了卓越贡献。本文介绍我国冠醚合成化学的主要成就。 1.冠醚典型冠醚的合成,
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出血热是由出血热病毒引起的人畜共患的自然疫源性传染病。起病急,病情变化多端,病死率高,是当今危害人类健康较为严重的一种传染性疾病。 迄今为止出血热还没有特效药可治,