上栗县加强外出民兵党员跟踪管理——兵在千里外 支部一线牵

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兵在千里外,支部一线牵。“七一”前夕,在深圳打工的江西省上栗县李河镇杨小平、王庆华等3名民兵党员接到镇武装部接受参训命令后,立即赶回家乡参训。此事在当地传为美谈。这是上栗县委、县人武部联合加强对外出打工民兵党员管理教育的结果。日前,萍乡市委组织部总结推广了他们的做法。 上栗县有400多名民兵党员在外打工,以前由于外出民兵党员难以接受党组织和民兵组织的教育管理,少数民兵党员组织观念淡化,影响了基层武装工作的正 Soldiers in the thousands of miles away, the branch front-line pull. On the eve of the “1 July”, three militia members, Yang Xiaoping and Wang Qinghua, from Lihe Town, Shangli County, Shangli County, who worked in Shenzhen, immediately returned to their hometown after receiving orders from the armed forces of the town to take part in the training. The incident is a local talk of beauty. This is the result of the joint management and education of migrant workers and militia members in Shangli County Committee and County People’s Armed Forces. Recently, Pingxiang Municipal Organization Department concluded the promotion of their approach. In Shangli County, when more than 400 militia members were working outside their home, former members of militia groups were hard to accept the education and management of party organizations and militia organizations. As a result, the ideology of party members in the minority militants was weakened,
各市人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 为解决我省重点企业出口中的困难和问题,加快重点出口企业发展,带动全省经济快速增长,经省政府同意,现将有关
此文选自《红字》第二章The Market Place。标题系选注者自加。The door of the jail being flung open from within ,there appeared,in the first place,like a black shad
(二)邀请函(LETTER OF INVITATION)在公司间交往的活动中,邀请是相当频繁的,例如:周年庆典,开业,就职典礼等等,一封正式的邀请信就是必须的了。这是秘书作为上司的代笔者的