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今年9月下旬,正值金秋季节,天高云淡,日丽风和。笔者与省老促会常务副理事长叶向荣及李发、方刚、曾祥麟等同志,前往肇庆市老区乡镇作调查研究。这里公路通畅,所到之处都是水泥路、柏油路;田畴稻浪起伏,山岭林木葱郁,村庄小楼拔地而起,一所所簇新的中小学校舍,在阳光下闪闪发亮;近年来面向市场,种植的优质柑桔、荔枝、龙眼、青梅、肉桂、茶叶、竹子、药材、花卉生势茁壮,欣欣向荣;地头村边正在劳动的乡亲悠然自得,小孩子脸色红润。“改革吹春风,老区换新貌。”解放前曾在西江老区和别的老区浴血战斗的这些老游击战士,目睹这一派生机勃勃,欣欣向荣的景象,禁不住喜上眉梢,心潮起伏,浮想联翩。 In late September of this year, in autumn, the sky is clear and sunny and sunny. The author and the Provincial Association for Promoting the Executive Vice President Ye Xiangrong and Li, Fang Gang, Zeng Xianglin and other comrades went to Zhaoqing City, the old township for investigation. Here unobstructed roads, all the way to the cement road, asphalt road; Tian domain rice waves undulating, lush mountain forests, small village rises to the ground, a new primary and secondary school buildings, shining in the sun; in recent years To face the market, the cultivation of high-quality citrus, litchi, longan, plum, cinnamon, tea, bamboo, herbs, flowers thriving, thriving; to the village edge is working folks leisurely, children ruddy complexion. "The old guerrillas who fought bloody battles in the old district of Xijiang and in other old districts before the liberation witnessed this vigorous and thriving scene that could not help but be elated, ebb and flow, Pina.
Objective To study the relationship between serum uric acid and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients.Methods A total of 728 middle-aged and elderly ty
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