The Me Too Movement

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  摘要:The Me Too Movement is best-known as #Me Too. “#Me Too” is used as a hashtag on social media to help demonstrate the social phenomenon of sexual assault and harassment. This paper gives a brief introduction to the Me Too Movement and discusses its social impacts.
  關键词: The Me Too Movement; women’s awareness
  Women’s Awareness in American Society
  As the Me Too Movement widespread prevalence of sexual harassment and assault, the public spontaneously related it to the feminist movement in mind. “#Me Too” aroused women’s awareness to fight against sexual violence and “unwanted and inappropriate” behaviors which other people once did to them. In America, many famous figures, including TV hosts, movie stars publicly announced their harsh experiences about sexual harassment and sexual violence and declared that sexual violence sufferers were not alone and should not feel ashamed. Victims experienced sexual harassment at a young age. Some of them did not realize that they were suffering a violation. Others considered it as a shame and feared to speak out. It was time that they disclosed those “crimes”. They expected that their harsh experiences could lead a empathy and give the public a sense of the magnitude of the problem. They did it. Offenders paid the price for their past “inappropriate” speeches and behaviors. The public also paid their attention to other social problems such as abuse of power and child abuse.
  Negative Influences and Positive Influences in America
  The Movement inspired women’s awareness against sex harassment in a way. In coverage of “#Me Too”, there was a widespread discussion about the best way for sufferers of sexual abuse or harassment to stop what is happening to women at work. Besides, the public voice gave people resources to have access to healing and advocated for changes to laws and policies. Negative impacts also exited except positive influences. Many people considered that voice resisting sexual harassment gave a warning to the men who attempt to do undesirable behaviors in the workplace, but this social phenomenon and public voice might become a main obstacle to career development of women. Just imagine you were a male superior in a company. A male interviewee and a female interviewee come to employ the same job at the same time. They have the same ability and wisdom. The woman maybe destroy your prospect without effort while the man cannot. In this way, who dares to hire a woman because she possesses such a “big bang”? Who can assure that female subordinate would not bring a false sex harassment charge against the superior because of conflicts on the job? If the purpose of the movement is to grab the dominant right from man’s hands, there will be no difference from male chauvinism.   The Me Too Movement in Other Countries
  After millions of people started using “#Me Too” on Twitter, and it spread to dozens of other languages. The hashtag has trended in many countries. The situation in Korea is similar to America. Korea actress disclosed famous directors and actors’ “crime” which sparked public’s anger, but the movement seemed to deviate from its initial purpose gradually. Korea news was used to use “A, B, C, D” instead of criminal suspect’s name. Then they revealed some treads which led the public to guess who is the criminal suspect. The rumormongers grabbed this chance to frame some idols optionally and tried controlling public opinions. Although starting a rumour is easy to do for everyone, influences following it were difficult to image. It was possible that some idols would be marked a “sexual harassment” tag forever. The response of Japanese was different from that of America and Korea. According to a survey, over one third female Japanese have experienced sex harassment at workplace. Over 80% of them chose to tolerate it. When a tape which recorded a financial officer asked to touch a female journalist’s chest revealed, Japanese media workers not only did not unite together to defend the victim—one of them, but also moved the focus of public opinions and called it “women issues”. Comparing their harsh experiences, Japanese women put their works in a more important place. In China, Me Too Movement firstly broke out on Weibo. In the first day of 2018, female Chinese American learner Luo Qianqian exposed Chen Xiaowu, a doctoral supervisor in Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics who did a sex harassment to her twelve years ago. The public was surprised at this scandal. They began concerning how serious sex harassment was and how to deal with the sex harassment in China.
  The Me Too Movement gave the world a chance and a warning to focus on problems of sexual harassment and violence. Undoubtedly, it gave victims more energy to speak out their harsh experiences. It also inspired women’s awareness and encouraged them to defend their rights.
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作为一名新老师,我对教育的认知还停留在过去,沉浸在上班、下班、上课、看作业的无限循环中。这就是教育吗?我开始怀疑自己。直到阚同学的出现,让我变成了新的我,让我对“关爱学生”有了新的认识。  刚接到新的班级,几堂课过后,纪律差的、内向的、外向的、上课注意力集中的这些类学生我都有了大体的了解。刚开始阚同学在我这属于内向学生,上课不积极,经常发呆,下课一个人闷闷的坐在座位上,很少与同学玩耍。我想每个人性
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1.绘画题材扎根人民的重要性  生活是什么?我们每个人都对生活有不同的理解,在这种不同的体悟中也就有了不同的作品呈现出来。画家往往是将打动自己内也深处的题材和对象作为创作主题,这个创作主题对他们来说是吸引的。引用间平的话来说;“我认为一个艺术家最有感觉的东西,正是最为敏感的东西。”  当代美术是用形象的方式来记录和表现生活的,只有紧紧把握时代精神这个根本内涵,通过深入生活实际,用鲜活的造型、浓郁的
摘要:股权众筹凭借其自身的优越性快速发展的同时弊端逐渐凸显。我国未作出规制股权众筹的法律,只能由现行的法律监管,而由现行法律监管难免会阻碍其发展。因此,有必要从立法层面加以界定,使股权众筹符合现行之法律规制与要求,以保证股权众筹长期稳定的发展。  关键词:股权众筹;互联网经济;法律规制  一、引言  众筹自2011年开始进入中国到2013年国内正式诞生第一例股权众筹案例,截至2016年底,已有41