
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pandaab
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目的探讨布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)发生的原因,以采取有效控制措施,防止疫情的扩散与蔓延。方法通过现场流行病学调查确定危害程度和疫点范围,开展人间和畜间疫情监测,筛查感染者和病畜;多部门联合行动采取综合防治措施,迅速扑灭疫情。结果本起疫情共确诊2例病例,检测与病羊接触人员血标本5份,检出阳性1份,羊血标本23份,阳性9份。结论本次疫情为长沙市建国以来的首起布病暴发疫情,发病的原因是由于外地带菌羊的输入,在饲养过程中饲养人员未采取任何防护措施,直接接触病羊造成感染所引起的,因此加强家畜及畜产品的检疫,防止传染源的流入,对高危人群进行布病防治知识的宣传教育,加强个人防护,对控制布病的传播和流行具有十分重要的意义。 Objective To explore the causes of brucellosis (referred to as brucellosis) in order to take effective control measures to prevent the spread and spread of the outbreak. Methods To determine the degree of harm and the range of epidemic areas through field epidemiological investigation, carry out the monitoring of human and domestic animal epidemics, screen for infected persons and sick animals, and take multi-sectoral joint action to take comprehensive prevention and control measures to quickly put out the epidemic. Results A total of 2 cases were diagnosed in this outbreak. Five blood samples were obtained from contact with diseased sheep, including 1 positive sample, 23 sheep samples and 9 positive samples. Conclusion The outbreak was the first outbreak of brucellosis since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Changsha. The reason for the outbreak was due to the import of foreign carriers, which was not caused by any protective measures during the rearing process. The direct contact with infected sheep caused the infection, Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the quarantine of livestock and livestock products, prevent the influx of infectious agents, publicize and educate people at high risk of disease prevention and control and strengthen personal protection, and control the spread and prevalence of brucellosis.
目的了解我市2006-2009年间从业人员梅毒感染情况。方法采用梅毒抗体酶联免疫法(ELISA)和梅毒快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)对427 664名从业人员进行初筛,阳性者采用梅毒螺旋体血
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目的 了解2007 - 2010年綦江县农贸市场及餐饮店酱腌菜和肉制品中亚硝酸盐含量.方法 依照国家标准GB/T5009.33 - 2003盐酸奈乙二胺法.结果 共检测195件样品,依照GB2760 - 200