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  More than 99 percent of your genetic information is exactly the same as every other person on the planet. But it’s in that less than 1 percent that things get interesting. Specific genetic variations① allow some of us to acquire certain "super" qualities.
  HDEC2 and the super-sleeper mutation

  Some people naturally feel totally energised② on just 4 hours of sleep each night. These people are called "short-sleepers". For the most part, researchers believe that the capabilities are connected to specific genetic mutations, and have publicly identifi ed one on the hDEC2 gene.
  TAS2R38 and the supertaster variant
  About a quarter of the population tastes food way more intensely than the rest of us. These "super tasters" are more likely to put milk and sugar in bitter coffee, or avoid fatty③foods. The reason for their reaction, scientists think, is programmed into their genes, specifi cally one called TAS2R38, the bitter-taste receptor gene.
  LRP5 and the unbreakable④ mutation
  Researchers have identified a genetic mutation on the LRP5 gene that regulates bone-mineral density⑤, which can cause brittle bones. But a different type of mutation on the same gene could also have the opposite effect, giving some people extremely⑥ dense bones that are practically unbreakable.
  BDNF and SLC6A4 and the super coffee-drinker variants
  There are at least six genes associated with how your body processes caffeine. Some variants, near the genes BDNF and SLC6A4, infl uence the rewarding effects of caffeine that make you want to drink more.

《瓦尔登湖》by梭罗  使我们视而不见的光亮,对于我们就是黑暗。当我们清醒时,曙光才会破晓。来日方长,太阳只是颗启明星。  The light which puts out① our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but
Last week, along with the rest of the seniors at Stafford High School in Virginia, 18-year-old Diana Bloom got her yearbook①.  Bloom was fl ipping through the yearbook when she noticed a very special
在万众期待中,6月12日中国版《深夜食堂》终于开播了!一经播出,马上拿到了豆瓣3.2的……低分……第一集老板拿出的美食居然是炸鸡块!红香肠!泡面!不知道导演是不是对中国深夜美食有什么误会……美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)就介绍过一些中国人热爱的、充满市井气的小吃。这才是国内深夜食堂的正确打开方式啊。  street kebabs①  街边烤串  The most unforgettable meal
⒈英語老师:Well,not that emotional,but I move the heart.  语文老师:情如风雪无常,却是一动即殇。  ⒉英语老师:Love is a play that a person gets gains and losses.  语文老师:风月入我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。  ⒊英语老师:If I know what love is, it is because
《奇葩说》第四季大结局了,《奇葩说》已经成功证明了自己,这不仅是场“奇葩大会”,更是严肃正经的辩论会,各个奇葩常常爆出金句,刷爆朋友圈。一起来盘点一下吧。  ⒈What is the feeling of falling in love? Romance!  What is romance? It’s a deep affection① out of no reason, and out of b
Limerence  纯爱  The state of being infatuated① or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation② of one’s feelings.  心理學名词。指痴迷
They tried to bury us-They didn’t realize we were seeds.  他们想要埋葬我们,但他们不知道我们是种子。  The fool didn’t know it was impossible, so he did it.  那个傻瓜不知道这根本就是不可能做到的,所以他去做了。  A pinch of salt can make people happ
I believe in human beings, but my faith is without sentimentality①. I know that in environments of uncertainty②, fear, and hunger, the human being is dwarfed③ and shaped without his being aware of it,
My younger brother liked cola very much. But the store in our neighborhood only sold Sprite. My brother refused to drink Sprite so my mom bought a bottle of Sprite and dropped some soybean sauce into
It is not just a normal postcard, but a rare"Harry Potter" prequel① handwritten that has been stolen.  In 2008, Rowling wrote an 800-word manuscript②, on two sides of an A5 postcard, for a charity auc