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  street kebabs①
  The most unforgettable meals in China don’t come from Michelin-starred restaurants. They’re eaten in the streets in noisy, crowded, pungent② food quarters in the heart of cities.
  In places like Guijie in Beijing, Yunnan Nan Lu in Shanghai and Mingwalang in Nanjing, foodies can sample all sorts of freshly cooked skewers③ while witnessing the ultimate in food theater.
  From lamb kebabs with cumin④ and teppanyaki⑤ squid to swords of spicy chicken wings and grilled oyster, China’s street kebabs present a combination of good food and a street buzz unique to the country.
  spicy crayfish⑥
  Crayfi sh has taken China by a storm in the past decade or so.
  Cities all over the country go gaga over the crustaceans⑦, which are simmered in a broth⑧ with chili and abundant spices then served dry. From spring to early autumn, crayfish-night-outs have become a ritual⑨ for many. Groups of friends fi nd a jam-packed stall, sit on tiny plastic stools and order a bucket or two of bright red crayfi sh.
  No chopsticks needed — digging in with the hands is preferred. The preferred beverage to go with these tasty freshwater lobsters? Ice cold Chinese beer.
  Guilin rice noodles
  Located in southern China among clear rivers and Karst Mountains, Guilin isn’t only famous for its heavenly landscape, but also bowls of refreshing rice noodles topped with preserved long beans, peanuts, bamboo shoots and spring onions.
  There are noodles stalls⑩ everywhere in Guilin and surrounding areas. Locals like to mix the silky noodles and ingredients in a spicy and sour brine then eat them dry; or savor the whole combination in the beef stock.
  Different meats can be added. The most popular tend to be slices of beef and chunks of beef belly.

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