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第六掌:经销商脚踩几条船怎么办?案例:站在经销商的角度,同时代理经营2—3个同类无差异化产品品牌无可厚非,这样一方面能够避免厂家因渠道调整或经营战略转移,给自己造成经营上的被动,另一方面能够借助同一分销渠道,获得相对较高的经营利润。而对厂家来讲,这并不是什么利好消息,因为这样的经销商要兼顾同类产品几个品牌的经营,必然造成资金投入、精力投入的分散,影响市场拓展质量,另外,因几个厂家同时有依赖于这个经销商的倾向,无形中抬高了经销商的地位,加重了经销商向厂家所要条件的砝码,给市场管理带来困难。陈经理是某市场奶产品的专业经销商,其产品销售网络较大,分销能力较强,在代理当地品牌产品的同时,又同时经营两个外地厂家的产品。因当地奶产品质量不错,价格相对较低,市场基础较为稳固,其代理的另两个品牌产品销售并不是很好,难以打开局面,但单品盈利能力非常强,是当地产品的好几倍,陈为此时而以牺牲当地产品的利润为代价,在市场上降价销售,以利益吸引、扩张分销渠道,获取渠道进一定量外地产品的交换。陈的这种行为给当地产品的市场造 Sixth palm: how to do a few boats when the dealer foot? Case: From the dealer point of view, at the same time agency management 2-3 similar products without differentiation is understandable, on the one hand to avoid manufacturers due to channel adjustment or business strategy Transfer, give yourself a passive business, on the other hand with the same distribution channels, access to relatively high operating profit. The manufacturer is concerned, this is not good news, because such distributors should take into account the operation of several brands of similar products, will inevitably lead to financial investment, decentralized investment, affecting the quality of market development, in addition, due to several manufacturers at the same time Depends on the dealer’s tendencies, virtually raising the status of the dealer, increasing the weight of the dealer to the conditions required by the manufacturers, market management to bring difficulties. Manager Chen is a professional distributor of dairy products in the market. His product sales network is relatively large with strong distribution ability. While acting as a local branded product, he also runs the products of two foreign manufacturers. Due to the good quality of local dairy products, the price is relatively low, the market is more stable foundation, and its agent of the other two brand product sales is not very good, difficult to open the situation, but a single product profitability is very strong, is several times the local product, Chen at this time to sacrifice the profits of local products at the expense of sales in the market price cuts, to attract interests, expand distribution channels, access to a certain amount of foreign exchange of products. Chen’s behavior for the local product market
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Honorary Editor-in-Chief:SU Bu-chin (SU Buqing 苏步青)Institute of MathematicsFudan UniversityShanghai 200433, ChinaHonorary Editors:M.tF. ATIYAHDepartment of M