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  纵观分析近几年的高考试题,英语试题的单选题必考的考点有如下10类:①动词的时态和语态、②动词及动词词组辨析、③动词的非谓语形式、④情态动词、⑤连词、⑥代词(尤其不定代词)、⑦形容词、⑧副词、⑨交际用语和⑩冠词。不难看出动词是高考考查的重中之重,为帮助同学们做好复习与强化强化工作。现在根据上面十个考点,特精选100道经典单选题供温习。 
  1. Fortunately somebody who happened to be passing by called the fire department the fire broke out.
  A. hurriedlyB. quickly
  C. instantly D. shortly
  2. The presidents speech was boring; it is , in fact, rather inspiring and interesting.
  A. anything butB. nothing but
  C. no moreD. all but
  3. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three daysup in my study.
  A. lockingB. being locked
  C. to lockD. locked
  4. —Why do you suggest the West Lake?
  —I believe beauty of nature there will make excellent impression upon you.
  A. the; /; theB. the; /; an
  C. a; the; anD. the; the; an
  5. Mrs. Black took the police back to placeshe witnessed the robbery.
  A. the same; asB. the same; where
  C. the same; thatD. as the same ; as
  6. Without proper lessons, you could a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
  A. keep upB. pick up
  C. draw upD. catch up
  7. the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.
  A. The president will attend
  B. The president to attend
  C. The president attended
  D. The presidents attending
  8. Was it she said or something that she didyou were angry at so much?
  A. what; thatB. that; which
  C. that; whatD. what; which
  9. Professor Smith, many students want to see you.they wait here or outside?
  A. DoB. ShallC. WillD. Would
  10. —Its so late. Our son be back!
  —Dont worry. I dare say he have some extra work to do.
  A. can; mustB. will; might
  C. should; mustD. must; may
  11. What worried the child most was to visit his brother in hospital.
  A. his not being allowed
  B. his not allowing
  C. his being not allowed
  D. having not been allowed
  12. Is this research center you visited the modern equipment last year?
  A. WhereB. that
  C. the one thatD. the one where
  13. John waited at the bus stop for nearly an hourthe bus finally arrived.
  A. whenB. asC. beforeD. while
  14. China sent up Shenzhou V manned spaceship into space successfully, which shows science and technology rapidly in China.
  A. have been developing
  B. develops
  C. is developing
  D. has developed
  15. Why is he always forcing his daughter to practise playing the piano if she is not for a pianist?
  A. meantB. intended
  C. trainedD. asked
  16. —Got your driving license?
  —No. I too busy to have enough practice, so I didnt take the driving test last week. I am going to next week.
  A. wasB. have been
  C. amD. had been
  17. — You must do as I tell you.
  — Oh, I must,?
  A. should IB. ought I
  C. mustnt ID. must I
  18. She ought to stop working; she has a headache because she too long.
  A. has been readingB. had read
  C. is readingD. read
  19. It rained continuously for seven days, completely our holiday. 
  A. ruinedB. to ruin
  C. ruiningD. ruins
  20. Beck is an honest businessman. Our company and his have had a lot of in the past five years.
  A. dealsB. agreements
  C. rewardsD. sale
  1. —Why couldnt they catch the 6:30 train?
  —Because they were delayed by.
  A. some heavy trafficsB. the heavy traffic
  C. a heavy trafficD. any heavy traffic
  2. The cost was for me.
  A. so muchB. too much
  C. very muchD. much too
  3. How much you read is not important. Its what you read that.
  A. countsB. minds
  C. dependsD. means
  4. left before the deadline, it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job.
  A. Though such a short time
  B. Because such a short time
  C. With such a short time
  D. As such a short time
  5. The schoolboys and schoolgirls are walking along the street, a small redcap.
  A. each of them hasB. they each have
  C. every wearsD. each wearing
  6. The door. Better have it repaired.
  A. isnt shutB. hasnt been shut
  C. wont be shutD. wont shut
  7. When people talk about the cities of the U.S. , the first comes into their mind is New York.
  A. city B. one
  C. thatD. of them
  8. —Miss Langham arm in arm with Mr. Peabody.
  A. how astonishing aB. so an astonishing
  C. what astonishing aD. such an astonishing
  9. You use my bike on condition that you give it back to me before I leave here.
  A. shouldB. must
  C. oughttoD. shall
  10. —What do you think of the film?
   —Well, at least its the one I saw last time with Mary.
  A. as bad asB. not as good as
  C. no worse thanD. not better than
  11. Most people in that area objected with little effect a golf playground there.
  A. to buildB. of building
  C. to have builtD. to building
  12. —Did you lock the door?
  —No, I, but I forgot.
  A. shouldB. must have
  C. mustD. should have
  13. —Have you noticed bike? I left it here this morning.
   —I think I saw one. Is it new one?
  A. a;aB. the;the
  C. a;theD. the;a
  14. Ten minutes earlier we could have avoided the accident.
  A. orB. butC. soD. and
  15. The customer didnt choose of the ties and went away without looking at a third one.
  A. manyB. anyC. allD. either
  16. —Where is Tom? 
   —Well, heyou here. Otherwise he would come down right now.
  A. didnt know; wereB. hasnt known; are
  C. doesnt know; areD. hadnt known; were
  17. on the top of the mountain is an ancient tower dating back to hundreds of years ago.
  A. To standB. Having stood
  C. StandingD. Stand
  18. —How many people are still leading life under poverty line in the world?
   —Perhaps one fourth.
  A. the; 不填B. a; the
  C. a; aD. 不填; 不填
  19. —Would you tell me your want you tea, with sugar or milk?
   —Sugar, please.
  A. whetherB. when
  C. whatD. how
  20. —George is a wise person.
   —But in my opinion, he is than wise.
  A. clevererB. braver
  C. more braveD. less brave
  1. The price, but I doubt whether it will remain so.
  A. went downB. will go down
  C. has gone downD. was going down
  2. —How did it that you made so many mistakes in your homework?
  —I myself havent figured it out yet.
  A. bring aboutB. come about
  C. come acrossD. occur to
  3. information stored in this computer.
  A. Large quantities of, have been
  B. A great many, has been
  C. A large quantity of, were
  D. Quite a lot, is
  4. The discovery of the evidence led to.
  A. the thief having caught
  B. catch the thief
  C. the thief being caught
  D. the thief to be caught
  5. Whom do you want to have the parts of a car together?
  A. fixB. to fixC. fixingD. fixed
  6. Theres a new problem involved in the popularity of private carroad conditions need.
  A. that, to be improvedB. which, to be improved
  C. where, improvingD. when, improving
  7. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, I will always treasure.
  A. thatB. oneC. itD. what
  8. it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge
  A. WereB. ShouldC. WouldD Will
  9. —I promise her daughter she get a nice present on her birthday.
  —Will it be a surprise to her?
  A. shouldB. mustC. wouldD. shall
  10. With his son, the old man felt unhappy.
  A. to disappointB. to be disappointing
  C. disappointingD. being disappointed
  11. The train arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late.
  A. was about toB. was likely to
  C. was supposed toD. was certain to
  12. —Did you attend the meeting?
  —I the news now if I it.
  A. would have known, had attended
  B. would know, attended
  C. would know, had attended
  D. would have known, attended
  13. your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided
  A. Having checkedB. Check
  C. If you checkD. To check
  14. caused a lot of suspicion among the people.
  A. He being kidnappedB. His being kidnapped
  C. He was kidnappedD. His kidnapped
  15. I dont really work here; I until the new secretary arrives.
  A. just help outB. have just helped out
  C. am just helping outD. will just help out
  16. He made another wonderful discovery, of great importance to science.
  A. which I think isB. which I think it is
  C. which I think itD. I think it is
  17. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he from the university next year.
  A. will graduateB. will have graduated
  C. graduatesD. is to graduated
  18. During the examination we are supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, to anyone.
  A. instead of speakingB. rather than speak
  C. and not speakD. but would not speak
  19. Books are the important records we keep mans thoughts, ideas and feelings.
  A. upB. ofC. forD. on
  20. He did it it took me.
  A. one-third a timeB. one-third time
  C. the one-third timeD. one-third the time
  1. This is our contribution to world of the 21st century, world of independence and mutual understanding.
  A. the; /B. /; a 
  C. a; theD. the; a
  2. Could you this 10-dollar bill so I can make a phone call?
  A. divideB. tearC. breakD. cut
  3. The singer hasnt performed in public for over 5 years., she is very popular with young people.
  A. ButB. Still
  C. OtherwiseD. Therefore
  4. I have no dreams to have a happy life.
  A. rather thanB. more than
  C. other thanD. less than
  5. —Do you mind if I smoke in this room?
  — .
  A. Id rather you didnt,actually
  B. Of course not.Its not allowed here
  C. Great! I dislike smoking
  D. No.you cant
  6. There is not one of us wishes to help you. We are doing our best.
  A. whoB. thatC. asD. but
  7. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we during the day.
  A. should have doneB. would have done
  C. may have doneD. must have done
  8. The guy who that door first will be an April Fool, for there is a broom on it.
  A. will openB. has opened
  C. opensD. should open
  9. Students shouldnt be given so difficult a problemthey can not work out.
  A. thatB. whichC. whileD. as
  10. As your spoken English gets better, so your written English.
  A. willB. doesC. isD. has
  11. The students expected to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.
  A. thereB. itC. thatD. one
  12. could be judged from her eyes that she was terribly sorry for what she.
  A. As; had doneB. That; did
  C. As; didD. It; had done
  13. No one this building without the permission of the police.
  A. is leavingB. is to leave
  C. has leftD. will be leaving
  14. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to his health.
  A. take upB. pick up
  C. carry upD. make up
  15. Chinas reform and opening up in late 1978, its quick development has aroused worldwide attention.
  A. WhenB. AsC. WhileD. Since
  16. running, learning English needs will.
  A. As withB. As to
  C. As forD. As if
  17. —Will Thursday or Friday you?
  —Either will.
  A. fit; beB. fit; OK
  C. suit; all rightD. suit; do
  18. Only according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective.
  A. takingB. taken
  C. being takenD. having been taken
  19. All of the guests by 9 oclock, but the host until 15 minutes later.
  A. arrived; didnt turn up
  B. had arrived; didnt turn up
  C. arrived; hadnt turned up
  D. had arrived; hadnt turned up
  20. The headmaster has got a good education so the school is doing well.
  A. thoughtB. thinking
  C. ideaD. sense
  1. Mr. Brown has three children, one of whom is a child of six, twins of twelve.
  A. anotherB. other
  C. the othersD. others
  2. Our bad living habits will destroy the earth. Only by changing we live can we save the earth.
  A. thatB. whatC. howD. where
  3. —Now that you like the personal computer very much, isnt it a good idea to get one?
   —Well, Id like to but I cant afford computer at present.
  A. that expensive aB. a such cheap
  C. that an expensiveD. so cheap
  4. —Its wrong for a student to follow his teachers say. 
   —Its true. I cant agree.
  A. whatever, more
  B. no matter what, more
  C. no matter what, much
  D. whatever, much
  5. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true it comes to classroom tests.
  A. beforeB. sinceC. whenD. unless
  6. Be tough-minded, but tender-headed,?
  A. isnt itB. are you
  C. arent youD. will you
  7. —How wide is the Yellow River?
  —That from where to where.
  A. dependsB. changes
  C. refersD. lies
  8. —Did you have a good sleep last night?
  —Yes, never sleep.
  A. badlyB. betterC. worseD. best
  9. With all the magazines I needed, I left the post office.
  A. buyingB. to buy
  C. boughtD. to be bought
  10. We are only glad to do anything we canher.
  A. too, to helpB. very, help
  C. too, helpD. very, helping
  11. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend, up in no time.
  A. to standB. standing
  C. stoodD. would stand
  12. So many model League members the lead, we had no winning victories one after another.
  A. taking; troubleB. take; difficulty
  C. took ; troublesD. taking; difficult
  13. Without facts, we cant form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge our thinking.
  A. which to be based on
  B. which to base on
  C. on which to base
  D. which to base
  14. —How come you are late for class again?
  — .
  A. Because I missed the busB. By bus and then on foot 
  C. Please excuse meD. Its quite wrong
  15. The only season that makes one feel is the spring.
  A. livelyB. living
  C. liveD. lovely
  16. —The English exam is not difficult, is it?
  — . Even Tom to the top students failed in it.
  A. Yes, belongedB. No, belonged
  C. Yes, belongingD. No, belonging
  17. The news of his retirement came as no surprise that he is almost 70.
  A. to considerB. having considered
  C. consideredD. considering
  18. In China, shaking hands with each other is a common when people meet for the first time.
  A. senseB. practice
  C. ruleD. scene
  19. Being lazy Peter his job.
  A. lostB. costC. tookD. made
  20. My brother John be a good man, but he cannot be a great man.
  A. willB. shouldC. canD. must
  ①1—5 CADBB 6—10 BDABC 11—15 ADCCA 16—20 DDACA
  ②1—5 BBACD 6—10 DCADC 11—15 DDADD 16—20 ACBDC
  ③1—5 CBACA 6—10 ABBDC 11—15 CCCBC 16—20 ACCBD
  ④1—5 DCBCA 6—10 DCCDA 11—15 ADBBD 16—21 ADBBD
  ⑤1—5 CCAAC 6—10 DABCA 11—15 CACAA 16—20 CDBBC
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.  1.已知全集U=R,集合A=x-21的等比数列,若a4,a5是方程4x2-8x+3=0的两根,则a6+a7= .  10.已知sinα+π6=13,则cos2π3-2α的值等于 .  11.已知下列两个命题:  p:x∈[0,+∞),不等式ax≥x-1恒成立;  q:1是关于x的不等式(x-a)(x-a-1)≤0的一个解.
一、单项填空  1. The ____________the Jiangsu provincial government put on the school has led to the changes of time distribution and regulations.  A. influenceB. pressure  C. targetD. policy  2. She ___
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,计70分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案写在答题纸的指定位置上.  1.已知集合A=x|x>3,x∈R},B={1,2,3,4},则(CuA)∩B= .  2.已知复数z=1+a(1-i),若复数z为纯虚数,则实数a的值为 .  3.已知角α的终边经过点P(-2,-1),则cos(α+π3)的值为 .  4.已知数据a,4,2,5,3的平均数
我们在做题时经常会遇到此类题目:原来的句式结构或原动词短语等被某些成份分隔,或出于语法上的需要而使其从原结构中分离出来,从而增强了试题中选项的干扰性,加大了试题的难度。碰到此类题目时,不能被表面现象所迷惑,必须从句子的整体结构去理解,看清试题的本来面目。本文拟将常见的几种分隔现象例析如下:    一、被动语态使原动词短语分隔    1. If better use is _______your s
完形填空是测试考生综合运用语言能力的一种有效的手段。近几年考查项目的设计日益语境化,日益突出了对考生能力的考查,因此对纯粹的语法或词汇的考查日益减少。命题设计角度也变得更加灵活,常涉及以下几个方面:  1.对整个语篇和上下文语境逻辑关系的考查;  2.语法知识的掌握和灵活运用;  3.特定语境中词语辨析和应用;  4.词语常识包括常用搭配和一些固定的短语用法。  议论型完形填空是高考英语完形填空的
A white-bearded ancient man was walking over the hills and valleys of the world. On his back he carried a bag which moved uneasily as if something was trying to escape from it, but he settled it betwe
模块一  一、重点单词  1. attend   2. earn   3. achieve   4. drop   5. donate   6. challenging   7. prepare   8. experience  9. develop   10. regret   11. inform   12. require   13.explain   14. unpunished   1
一、关联词语    关联词语是复句中用来联结分句,标明分句与分句之间关系的词语。关联词语性质复杂,能在复句中起关联作用的主要有以下几类词语:  1.连词。连词是用来作关联词语的主要词类,但并非所有连词都能充当关联词语。  2.副词。某些副词可充当关联词语。起关联作用的副词仍旧保留原有的修饰作用。  3.有些短语也可以充当关联词语。   以下是句子之间常见的几种关联词语:  1) 表示顺序的关联词语
数列是高考中的热点问题,是历届高考的重中之重,同学们应熟练掌握以下几个方面.    一、明确新课标下高考大纲对数列的要求:    1、了解数列的概念和几种简单的表示方法(列表、图像、通项公式);2、了解数列是自变量为正整数的一类函数;3、理解等差数列、等比数列的概念;4、掌握等差数列、等比数列的通项公式与前n项和公式;5、能在具体的问题情境中,识别数列的等差关系或等比关系,并能用有关知识解决相应的