模块1—模块4 知识点盘点

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  1. attend
  2. earn
  3. achieve
  4. drop
  5. donate
  6. challenging
  7. prepare
  8. experience
  9. develop
  10. regret
  11. inform
  12. require
  14. unpunished
  15. scene
  16. suggest
  17. figure
  18. recover
  19. risk
  20. regularly
  21. consider
  22. approve
  1. attend
  【命题角度】attend, join, join in的区别及词组attend to。
  —Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?
  —Yes, since she _________the Chinese society.
  A. has joinedB. had joined
  C. joinsD. joined
  2. prepare
  【命题角度】prepare与prepare for的区别以及preparing与prepared用法比较。
  The secretary worked late into the night,_________a long speech for the president.
  A. to prepareB. preparing
  C. preparedD. was preparing
  3. regret
  【命题角度】regret to do与 regret doing。
   —You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
   —Well, now I regret _________ that.
  A. to doB. to be doing
  C. to have doneD. having done
  4. require
  【命题角度】require sb. to do;require that + S. + (should) + v. 原形。
  require doing=require to be done 类似的词有want, need。
  My car requires _________ , but my parents require me to sell it.
  A. repairingB. to repair
  C. being repairedD. having been repaired
  5. suggest
  His pale face suggested he _________ ill, so his father suggested he _________o the hospital quickly.
  A. is; be sent
  B. was; be sent
  C. being; should be sent
  D. be; should send
  1. pay attention to
  2. be supposed to
  3. refer to
  4. for free
  5. do with
  6. go unpunished
  7. be hard on
  8. now that
  9. after all
  10. insist on
  11. work out
  12. go on diets
  13. put on weight
  14. in the long run
  15. in no time
  16. on / upon doing
  1. 定语从句;
  2. 动名词作主语;3. wish的虚拟结构;4. so / neither 相关用法;5. as though引导的方式状语;6. have sth. done。
  1. Her father will never _________of her going to study in the USA.
  A. provepB. agreeC. admitD. approve
  2. Last summer I took a class on _________ poisonous gases.
  A. how to deal with
  B. what to deal with
  C. how to be deal with
  D. what to be dealt with
  3. Much attention should be paid to _________ the rainforest.
  A. protectB. protecting
  C. be protectedD. being protected
  4. He suggested the problem worth paying attention _________at the meeting.
  A. to be discussed
  B. to been discussed
  C. to being discussed
  D. be discussed.
  5. The president sat there calmly, _________ for any questions from the reporters.
  A. preparedB. preparing
  C. to prepareD. being prepared
  6.—Why can’t you and Bill go to the movie tonight?
   —We are_________a history test tomorrow.
  A. supposed to have
  B. supposed to having
  C. thought to have
  D. allowed to have
  7. Mr. Tiger insisted that he _________ the money back to his boss, but his boss said he didn’t receive it.
  A. should payB. was to play
  C. had paidD. has paid
  8. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _________ thegood opportunity.
  A. to loseB. losing
  C. to be lostD. being lost
  9. I wish I _________the book yesterday, but I was too busy.
  A. had finished to write
  B. had finished writing
  C. could have finished to write
  D. might finish writing
  10. The dog was left _________of a neighbor when they were on holiday.
  A. in chargeB. in the charge
  C. under chargeD. at charge
  11. _________you have got the chance, you might as well make use of it.
  A. Now thatB. When
  C. WhileD. That.
  12. Was it_________the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the world then?
  A. heldB. to hold
  C. holdingD. having held
  13. Whom do you want to have_________ the parts of a car together?
  A. fixingB. to fixC. fixD. fixed
  14. We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite _________ as planned.
  A. find outB. give out
  C. hand outD. work out
  15. I like getting up very early in summer. 
  The morning air is so good _________.
  A. to be breathedB. to breathe
  C. breathingD. being breathed
  重点单词1—5 DBDAB
  巩固练习1—5 DABAB 6—10 ACBBB
  11—15 ACCDB
  1. puzzle
  2. search
  3. strength
  4. supply
  5. reach
  6. convincing
  7. common
  8. claim
  9. compare
  10. prove
  1. puzzled
  【命题角度】 puzzling与puzzled含义区别。
  The little child didn’t understand the _________ question so there was a_________ expression on his face.
  A. puzzling; puzzledB. puzzled; puzzled
  C. puzzling; puzzlingD. puzzled; puzzling
  2. search
  【命题角度】search for与in search of区别。
  search for为动词短语;in search of为介词短语。
  【考题链接】The parents and the police went into the forest_________ the missing boy.
  A. search forB. search of
  C. in search ofD. in search for
  3. strength
  【高考链接】—You are full of _________ . Can you tell me the secret?
  —Taking plenty of exercise everyday. (2007福建卷)
  A. powerB. strengthC. forceD. energy
  4. supply
  【易混辨析】supply, provide与offer。
  【考题链接】They’ve _________ us £150,000 for the house—Shall we take it?
  A. providedB. suppliedC. shownD. offered
  5. reach
  【考点】beyond reach; out of / within one’s reach; reach for...(伸手去拿 / 够……)。
  【高考链接】This new model of car is so expensive that it is_________the reach of those with average income. (2005江苏卷)
  A. overB. withinC. beyondD. below
  6. convincing
  【命题角度】convince sb. of sth.
  联想:warn sb. of; rob sb. of; inform sb. of; remind sb. of; rid sb. of; accuse sb. of ;cure sb. of.
  【考题链接】Scientists are convinced _________the positive effect of laughter _________ physical and mental health.
  A. of; atB. by; in
  C. of; onD. on; at
  7. common
  【考点】common sense / have… in common。
  【考题链接】Just as an expert puts it, weeping is a _________ response to pain.
  A. commonB. ordinary
  C. usualD. normal
  8. claim
  announce 通告,通知。claim 提出,声言。用于发表个人意见,索赔等。
  【考题链接】The company_________that their product makes you thin without dieting.
  A. declareB. announce
  C. claimD. state
  9. compare
   【考点】compare… with 与……相比;compare… to 把……比作。
  【高考链接】_________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.
  A. CompareB. When comparing
  C. ComparingD. When compared
  10. prove
  【考题链接】We had thought the examination would be difficult, but it _________ easy.
  A. turnedB. cameC. appearedD. proved
  1. make up 2. run after 3. in case 4. as well as 5. pay off
  6. due to 7. pick up 8. a great deal of
  9. take off
  10.take charge of
  11. make one’s way to
  12. leave out
  13. look forward to
  14. make contributions to
  15. be surrounded by
  1. not… until以及not until 放于句首引起的倒装结构的考查;
  2. 时态考查 (现在完成时或现在完成进行时);
  3. Sb. / sth. is said to be / to be doing / to have done。
  4. where 引导的定语从句;
  5. 省略的考查 (不定式符号后省略情况);
  6. 考查疑问词 + ever 与no matter + 疑问词的区别以及whatever与however区别。
  1. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to _________his health.
  A. step upB. pick up
  C. show upD. make up
  2. The teacher stressed again that the students should not_________any important details while retelling the story.
  A. bring outB. let out
  C. leave outD. make out
  3. After the Arab states won their independence, much attention was paid to developing education, with girls _________ boys encouraged to go to school.
  A. besideB. as well as
  C. as wellD. either
  4. One day, you’ll _________ this foolish behavior.
  A. pay forB. pay
  C. pay backD. pay off
  5._________environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover.
  A. Even ifB. If only
  C. WhileD. Once
  6. Any child who is two years old or younger can enter the theatre without a ticket, _________ the child shares the same seat with the child’s guardian, who holds a valid ticket.
  A. in caseB. provided that
  C. or elseD. as if
  7. My son is _________seeing you again, Tom. After all, you haven’t seen each other for 8 years.
  A. looking forward to
  B. looking into
  C. looking up to
  D. owing to
  8. A terrible earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008, _________tens of thousands of lives.
  A. causingB. declaringC. claimingD. ruining
  9. The poor young man is ready to accept _________help he can get.
  A. whicheverB. however
  C. wheneverD. whatever
  10. Not until _________ on TV _________that the Chinese ship was rescued by the European Union Task Force.
  A. did I turn; did I know
  B. did I turn; I knew
  C. I turned; did I know
  D. I turned; I had known
  11.—How about my food? I _________ here for almost half an hour.
  —I’m sorry, sir. It must be ready by now.
  A. have been sitting
  B. am sitting
  C. had been sitting
  D. was sitting
  12. The training won’t stop until the players reach the point _________ they can perform accurately. 
  A. thatB. whereC. howD. when
  13. Guangzhou Karaoke businesses are reported_________ a 12_________yuan royalty fee (版权税) for each karaoke room, a charge set by the China Audio and Video Association.
  A. to refuseB. to have refused
  C. refusingD. having refused
  14.—You ought to have come to see Alice yesterday.
  — Yes, I know I_________.
  A. must haveB. could have
  C. ought toD. should have
  重点词汇1—5 ACDDC 6—10 CDCDD
  巩固练习1—5 BCBAD 6—10 BACDC
  11—14 ABBD
  1. sense
  2. chance
  3. avoid
  4. still
  5. contribute
  6. raise
  7. adopt
  8. occasion
  9. pronunciation
  10. despite
  11. access
  12. differ
  13. originally
  14. eventually
  15. reflect
  16. opposite
  17. indicate
  18. ruin
  19. drive
  20. condition
  1. sense
  【命题角度】基本含义以及短语的搭配common sense / make sense / make sense of。
  Dogs have a very good _________ of smell and often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.
  A. senseB. viewC. meansD. idea
  2. contribute
  【命题角度】contribute to导致,促成 make great contributions to doing。
  These measures would make a valuable contribution _________ reducing industrial accidents.
  A. inB. onC. forD. to
  3. access
  【命题角度】短语含义以及其形容词含义。have / get access to 有……权利或机会;accessible 可达到的;可进入的。
  Many divorced fathers only have _________ to their children at weekends.
  A. accessB. chanceC. processD. success
  4. differ
  【命题角度】考查介词的搭配 differ from sb. in sth.; be different from。
  Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _________ size and shape.
  A. onB. fromC. byD. in
  5. avoid
  The thief fled to the hills to avoid _________by them.
  A. to findB. finding
  C. being foundD. to be found
  6. adopt
  【命题角度】相似单词含义区分adopt / adapt / adjust。
  The council is expected to _________ the new policy at its next meeting.
  A. adaptB. adoptC. adjustD. admire
  7. despite
  【命题角度】介词,含义为尽管;despite=in spite of。
  _________applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.
  A. AlthoughB. Though
  C. In spiteD. Despite
  8. condition
  【命题角度】短语搭配:on condition that; in / out of condition;on no condition 放于句首,引起倒装结构。类似的有by no means; at no time; in no way; under no circumstances; on no account。
  As a Chinese,_________should we do things that harm the benefit of our country.
  A. in good conditionB. on no condition
  C. on condition thatD. in no time
  1. in sight
  2. watch out for
  3. pay back
  4. make the most of
  5. make progress
  6. can’t help doing
  7. feed on
  8.pick up
  9. depend on
  10. look up
  11. take over
  12. carry out
  13. on board
  14. in return
  15. in memory of
  1. 名词性从句的运用;2. it作形式主语或形式宾语;3. 倍数考查;4. with + O. + O.C.;
  5. 情态动词完成式的应用;6. while 常见用法考查。
  1. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful_________through the windows.
  A. sightB. lookC. pictureD. view
  2. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _________ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the next day.
  A. situationsB. facts
  C. chancesD. ways
  3. It is certain that his son will _________ his business when he gets old.
  A. take overB. hand over
  C. go overD. think over
  4. As soon as we_________ , our ship left port.
  A. are on boardB. got on board
  C. got by boardD. were in board
  5. In Britain today, women _________ 44% of the workforce.
  A. take upB. pick up
  C. make upD. look up
  6. He is always working very hard. It is _________ that he will pass the college entrance examination.
  A. sureB. certainC. realD. ideal
  7. I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question_________.
  A. in turnB. in use
  C. in controlD. in return
  8. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _________the next year.
  A. carried awayB. carried out
  C. carried onD. carried through
  9. Although the country has had political independence for over a century, _________ it needs the support of its neighbors.
  A. eventuallyB. economically
  C. hopefullyD. luckily
  10. He founded the charity _________ his late wife.
  A. in memory ofB. in favor of
  C. in need ofD. in support of
  11. The firm invested approximately 60 million dollars in _________it says is the world’s largest bottle recycling plant.
  A. thatB. whereC. whatD. how
  12.—I don’t know whether I should go abroad or not, Mum.
  —I leave _________to your own judgment whether you should do it.
  A. thatB. itC. thisD. what
  13. Helen _________the money from the office. She didn’t come into the office on the day it was stolen.
  A. needn’t have stolen
  B. might have taken
  C. must have taken
  D. can’t have stolen
  14. Our school looks more beautiful with many red lanterns _________ high over the square.
  A. to be raisedB. raised
  C. being raisedD. being risen
  15. _________ the cost of living in big cities like Shanghai is among the highest in China, most people prefer living there.
  A. SinceB. WhenC. AsD. While
  重点单词1—5 ADADC 6—8 BDB
  巩固练习1—5 DCABC 6—10 BDBBA
  11—15 CBDBD
  1. promote
  2. recommend
  3. available
  4. original
  5. approach
  6. convenient
  7. persuade
  8. unforgettable
  9. determine
  10. significance
  11. attempt
  12. attraction
  13. honorable
  14. complete
  15. precious
  16. proposal
  17. deliver
  18. thrilled
  19. fade
  20. voice
  21. popularity
  1. appeal to
  【命题角度】相似短语考查cater to, apply to, submit to, subscribe to, correspond to, adapt to, attach to。
  (1)Each member country of WTO must _________ its laws and regulation and compete on the principle of fairness and cooperation.
  A. subscribe toB. correspond to
  C. submit toD. cater to
  (2) In order to practice economy, the city government is _________ everyone to save water.
  A. attaching toB. adapting to
  C. applying toD. appealing to
  2. intend
  【考点归纳】be intended for, intend to do sth., be intended to do sth., intend sth. to do sth.。
  The concert _________ money for and public awareness of the famine.
  A. intended to raise
  B. was intended to raise
  C. was intended to rise
  D. intended to arise
  3. in favour of
  【词义辨析】in favour of; in memory of; in honour of ;in search of。
  【结构联想】in celebration of, in place of, in praise of, in need of。
  【考题链接】My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _________ it.
  A. in favour ofB. in memory of
  C. in honour ofD. in search of
  4. voice
  【命题角度】含义:n. 嗓音,说话声 v. 用语言表达。
  【相关短语】in a loud voice, voice one’s opinions, with one voice, at the top of one’s voice。
  (1)For a moment nothing happened. Then _________ all shouting together. (2009福建卷)
  A. voices had come
  B. came voices
  C. voices would come
  D. did voices come
  (2)Employees should have a _________ in the decisionmaking process.
  A. soundB. voice
  C. noiseD. expression
  5. get across
  get across (使) 被理解,(使) 被接受;get through打通 (电话) 通过,完成;get over 越过,克服get in 收割。
  【考题链接】Did your speech_________ the audience?
  A. get through toB. get across to
  C. get throughD. get across
  1. be used to
  2. be intended to
  3.be aware of
  4. fall for
  5. play tricks on
  6. trick sb. into doing sth.
  7. appeal to
  8. commit suicide
  9. be concerned about
  10. get across
  11. be involved in
  12. in honor of
  13. play a role in
  14. be bored with
  15. be absent from
  16. plenty of
  17. make way for
  18. be connected with
  19. give out
  20. be accused of
  21. set up
  22. come across
  23. be set in
  24. add to
  25. put forward
  26. take the risk of
  27. make a profit
  1. 情态动词相关应用;2. 虚拟语气。
  1. They tricked the pretty girl _________ stealing money from the store.
  A. toB. intoC. withD. against
  2. Although the necklace is not made of real crystal (水晶), it still _________ young people.
  A. appeals toB. attracts to
  C. accounts forD. applies for
  3. Wind _________electricity widely in the world.
  A. used to produce
  B. is used to producing
  C. is used to produce
  D. used to producing
  4. He made a living by_________ milk and bread.
  A. sendingB. bringing
  C. carryingD. delivering
  5._________the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.
  A. Completing
  B. Having completed
  C. To have completed
  D. To complete
  6. A new proposal for reducing tax was _________ in the congress.
  A. put upB. put away
  C. put offD. put forward
  7. I will not _________ for such a small sum of money.
  A. take the risk of my life
  B. make the risk of my life
  C. at the risk of my life
  D. go the risk
  8. With the_________ of night, it became colder and colder.
  A. wayB. approach
  C. approveD. approval
  9. How do you_________your problem?
  A. deal withB. deal at
  C. do about D. do with
  10.—You look so upset. What’s wrong with you?
  —The door _________ . Can you help me?
  A. can’t openB. won’t be opened
  C. won’t openD. can’t be opened
  11. The doctor recommended that you_________swim after eating a large meal. (2009浙江卷)
  A. wouldn’tB. shouldn’t
  C. needn’tD. couldn’t
  12. “It is high time that we _________ generation gap between young and old.” said British Queen ElizabethⅡwhen delivering her Christmas message yesterday.
  A. have bridgedB. bridge
  C. bridgedD. will bridge
  13.—What does the sign over there read?
  —“No person _________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”
  A. willB. mayC. shallD. must
  14. He asks me _________ .
  A. what life will be like in the future
  B. what will life be like in the future
  C. how life will be like in the future
  D. how will life be like in the future
  重点单词1. CD 2. B 3. A 4. BB 5. B
  巩固练习1—5 BACDD 6—10 DABAC
  11—14 BCCA
三角函数是高中数学的重要内容之一,也是高考必考内容,其中较多内容在高考考查的B级和C级要求.其严密的知识体系、独特的解题方式和广泛的实际运用,在给同学们带来无限乐趣的同时也向思维方式提出了严峻的挑战,表现为具体问题中基本概念易混淆,预设陷阱多,需综合运用相关代数、几何知识和解题技巧.以下就三角学习中一些常见错误举例说明.  一、忽视讨论  例1 已知θ是第四象限角,且|cosθ2 |=-co
一、含参数的一元二次不等式的解题方法举例.    例1 解下列不等式  (1)ax2-2a+1x+20时,不等式可化为x-1ax-212时,解集为1a,2  ⑤当a0得m<3.于是当-1
  (满分100分)    第一节单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)  请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。  1. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.  1.已知全集U=R,集合A=x-21的等比数列,若a4,a5是方程4x2-8x+3=0的两根,则a6+a7= .  10.已知sinα+π6=13,则cos2π3-2α的值等于 .  11.已知下列两个命题:  p:x∈[0,+∞),不等式ax≥x-1恒成立;  q:1是关于x的不等式(x-a)(x-a-1)≤0的一个解.
一、单项填空  1. The ____________the Jiangsu provincial government put on the school has led to the changes of time distribution and regulations.  A. influenceB. pressure  C. targetD. policy  2. She ___
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,计70分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案写在答题纸的指定位置上.  1.已知集合A=x|x>3,x∈R},B={1,2,3,4},则(CuA)∩B= .  2.已知复数z=1+a(1-i),若复数z为纯虚数,则实数a的值为 .  3.已知角α的终边经过点P(-2,-1),则cos(α+π3)的值为 .  4.已知数据a,4,2,5,3的平均数
我们在做题时经常会遇到此类题目:原来的句式结构或原动词短语等被某些成份分隔,或出于语法上的需要而使其从原结构中分离出来,从而增强了试题中选项的干扰性,加大了试题的难度。碰到此类题目时,不能被表面现象所迷惑,必须从句子的整体结构去理解,看清试题的本来面目。本文拟将常见的几种分隔现象例析如下:    一、被动语态使原动词短语分隔    1. If better use is _______your s
完形填空是测试考生综合运用语言能力的一种有效的手段。近几年考查项目的设计日益语境化,日益突出了对考生能力的考查,因此对纯粹的语法或词汇的考查日益减少。命题设计角度也变得更加灵活,常涉及以下几个方面:  1.对整个语篇和上下文语境逻辑关系的考查;  2.语法知识的掌握和灵活运用;  3.特定语境中词语辨析和应用;  4.词语常识包括常用搭配和一些固定的短语用法。  议论型完形填空是高考英语完形填空的
A white-bearded ancient man was walking over the hills and valleys of the world. On his back he carried a bag which moved uneasily as if something was trying to escape from it, but he settled it betwe