The Differences Berween Imperialisms

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  The eras of old and new imperialism differed in how European nations utilised land and resources, and in their method of conquest. They were similar in the racial divisions seen in the colonies.
  One significant difference between the old and new imperialism was in ways how the Europeans had used the land and resources of the colonies. Due to the industrialisation that was booming in Europe, the demand for raw materials to manufacture had gone up. Therefore, instead of using the colonies as a place to get precious metals and luxury goods, like the old imperialism, european nation during the new imperialism focused more on massive amounts of raw materials from the Asian, African, and Latin America colonies to supply the european factories. One specific example would be during the old imperialism, european nations such as the Portuguese had only colonised among the cost of Africa, since there was no need for them to conquer the in land, if all they need are the ports to make there trade for luxury goods more convenient. However, the scramble for Africa, which took place during the new imperialism clearly evidenced that European nations tried to move in land on Africa, and had split those land among themselves for the natural resources they contain, since these resources aren’t valuable because of their price, but of their amount, so occupying more land meant more resources.
  Another significant difference between the two nations is their method of conquest. During the old imperialism, the conquests are done by actual military forces of the western nations coming to the colonies to colonise. Yet, during the new imperialism, the european nations are not directly involved with the conquest, since concessions, sphere of influence, and protectorates are the common ways of conquest during the new imperialism. The reason for such difference is the industrialisation happening in Europe during the new imperialism. The advancements in warfare technology had caused the colonies to have an even worse disadvantage, so all the colonise had to do was to send representative there to collect taxes to bring back. One example would be the British controlling India, and taking over their government, by simply offering the Indian prince help to advance their countries. The reason that it is possible is because the British had very powerful influence not just in Europe, but among the rest of the world, and the Indians recognises the power that the British had held.   With all the difference between the old and new imperialism, one similarity of the two would be the sharp racial divisions. During the old imperialism, the social class of Latin America was based on race. For example, the peninsular, who are pure Europeans that were born in Europe, are placed on top of the social pyramid. As the caste moves down, the “pureness” of the european blood decrease along with it, like the Castizos who are 3/4 Europeans are above the Mestizos, who are 1/2 Europeans. Such social class limits the rights of the people in the colonies, by only allowing certain class to hold high office to keep loyalty of colonial leaders. While, during the new imperialism, due to the development of medicine and more segregated living quarters made it possible for European families, who very much disapprove relationships between western men, and local women, to move to the colonisation, which enlarged the rift between the racial groups.
  In conclusion, the phenomenon of expanding territory for trade did not just appear during the old imperialism, but also the Roman empire. During the classical era, the Roman empire expanded its empire around the Mediterranean sea to make trade with Eastern civilisations more convenient.
  【作者簡介】CAROL MEN XU(2001.09.08- ),女,汉族,大连美国国际学校,国籍:加拿大。
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