Fertility analysis of the Arabidopsis transformed with antisense rice osRACD gene

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiguoqiang
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The full length osRACD cDNA sequence was subcloned into the pBI121 plasmid in the antisense orientation under the control of the CaMV35S promoter to construct the expression vector pBID, and the constructs were introduced into Arabidopsis plants by using the vacuum infiltration method. The siliques of the transformants stopped growing after anthesis, and they turned yellow or died later; and the siliques from the control plants transformed by the pBI continued growing after anthesis and matured normally. In -vitro pollen germination demonstrated that the growth and elongation process of the pollens of the transgenic plants was inhibited, the pollen tubes were shorter and slightly fatter than the tubes of the control plants, which grew normally with long cyclindrical tubes. The above results suggest the function of osRACD gene involved in regulation of the growth and elongation process of pollen tube, its encoding protein may be one of the important factors in regulation of fertility transition of the ph The full length osRACD cDNA sequence was subcloned into the pBI121 plasmid in the antisense orientation under the control of the CaMV35S promoter to construct the expression vector pBID, and the constructs were introduced into Arabidopsis plants by using the vacuum infiltration method. The siliques of the transformants stopped growing after anthesis, and they turned yellow or died later; and the siliques from the control plants transformed by the pBI continued growing after anthesis and matured normally. In -vitro pollen germination prototype that the growth and elongation process of the pollens of the transgenic plants was inhibited, the pollen tubes were shorter and slightly fatter than the tubes of the control plants, which grew normally with long cyclindrical tubes. The above results suggest the function of osRACD gene involved in regulation of the growth and elongation process of pollen tubes, its encoding protein may be one of the important factors in regulation of fertility tr ansition of the ph
研究背景和目的:  结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,近年来我国结直肠癌的发病率和死亡率都迅速呈持续上升,2015年确诊的CRC为37.63万例,死亡人数19.1万人
目前在世界范围内,糖尿病(Diabetes mellitus,DM)影响超过4.25亿多人的生命健康,且全球患者数量还在逐年增多,已成为继心血管疾病、恶性肿瘤之后的第 3 号人类健康杀手.据国
目的 探讨原发性高血压患者贝那普利降压疗效的预测指标。本课题主要研究变量为脉压(PP)和服药后24小时内几个时点降压效果。方法 2000年8月~2001年12月,在安徽A、B两地开展
金庸先生的《射雕英雄传》中,一向乐观开朗的丐帮帮主洪七公面对死亡,对他的徒儿郭靖和黄蓉说出了一段非常感慨的话:“我们所有的人,不管是父母、子女、兄弟、夫妻,来到这个世界上,其实就是为了学习和准备一件事:别离。要和你最亲的人别离,和你的朋友兄弟别离,和这个七情六欲的大千世界别离。要和靖儿、蓉儿别离,这就是命中注定,这就是师父的命。”  那年郭靖18岁,憨厚质朴的他因为要去赴18年前师父们在醉仙楼的约
【编者按】 在很多人看来,证件照都是他们不愿意示人但却非常重要的照片。  你意想不到的生意模式   影楼有的,这里一样都不缺   这家照相馆的老板小周表示,现在影楼包含的环节,有化妆、服装、摄影、后期制作,我的店里也同样都有。而市场中其他拍摄证件的照相馆,只有一个摄影环节。正因为环节的不一样,造成产品效果完全不同:   普通照相馆拍摄出来的证件照,十分古板,甚至可以说与真人差距很大。而自己门