Experimental Study on Thermal Conventional Spinning of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Complex Shape Shell

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gu999
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In this paper, the process of thermal conventional spinning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy complex shape shell is studied by experiment. Billet for Ti-6Al-4V alloy board is headed in the spinning process for multi-pass conventional spinning forming. With two spinning mandrel, the first is conventional spinning pre-forming and the second is conventional end forming, vacuum heat treatment after each spinning forming. As results, the mandrel preheating temperature impacts the spinning and the appropriate temperature range plays an important role in the process of spinning. With supplemental heating means and infrared thermometer measurement ensure a stable temperature. Multi-passing thermal spinning Ti-6Al-4V alloy thins the billet thickness, using the feature obtaining the wanting complex shape shell of thick bottom and thin mouth. The spinning track, the number of spinning pass, feed rate affect the billet thinning. During thermal spinning process Ti-6Al-4V alloy rebound severe. The size reduction and feed have impact on the rebound. By modifying the spinning parameters and the mandrel repair to ensure the dimensional accuracy of workpiece. Spinning workpiece has fine grain and high strength. In this paper, the process of thermal conventional spinning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy complex shape shells is studied by experiment. Billet for Ti-6Al-4V alloy board is headed in the spinning process for multi-pass conventional spinning forming. With two the first is conventional spinning pre-forming and the second is conventional end forming, the vacuum heat treatment after each spinning forming. spinning. With supplemental heating means and infrared thermometer measurement ensure a stable temperature. Multi-passing thermal spinning Ti-6Al-4V alloy thins the billet thickness, using the feature derived the wanting complex shape shell of thick bottom and thin mouth. The spinning track , the number of spinning pass, feed rate affect the billet thinning. During thermal spinning process Ti-6Al-4V alloy rebound severe. The size reduction and feed have impact on the rebound. By modifying the spinning parameters and the mandrel repair to ensure the dimensional accuracy of workpiece. Spinning workpiece has fine grain and high strength.
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