An Analysis of Scarlett’s Character Development and Feminine Consciousness in Gone With the Wind

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  Abstract: Gone with the Wind depicts Scarlett's temperament and feminist character in the life of love, economy and family, which vividly illustrates the development of feminist ideology in South society during the Civil War. From the perspective of feminism, this paper analyzes the feminine consciousness and character of Scarlett according to the background of the work, the author's personal experience and the content of the novel.
  Key Words: Scarlett; feminine consciousness; character development
  1. Introduction
  Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for men.
  Feminist theory is all about this. It seeks to examine literature through the lens of gender relations and, kind of inherently, through the inequality of those gender relations. The ultimate goal of this is to bring to light the female voice in the history of literature.
  Gone with the wind was published during this time, so it’s full of value to analyse the embodiment and development of the feminine consciousness in the book from the perspective of feminism, which can instruct contemporary women in a sense.
  2. The embodiment of feminine consciousness in Scarlett
  2.1The bold pursuit of love.
  In love, Scarlett has always been the master of her marriage. She pursued her own love with bold move and no man can control her. When she was 16, she cherished a bosom of affection towards Ashley. When she got to know that Ashley was going to marry Melanie, she spoke her love directly to Ashley face to face. After rejected by him, she slapped him without hesitation and announced to marry Charles for revenge. It obviously revealed that Scarlett dared to love and hate. Later, under the pressure of life, Scarlett married her sister’s lover regardless of public opinion for owning 300 dollars to save Tara manor. Finally, she got married for money with Rhett. Scarlett was not true to her marriage but in the pursuit of a fantasy dream. Whereas this kind of initiative in love, dare of pursuing her own happiness, loyalty to the self-emotion in Scarlett enable us to see the light of feminine consciousness.
  In her 3 marriage, experiencing the conflict between love and ethics, Scarlett showed us the courage and charm that old south women do not have - the freedom to show her love and the bold pursuit of love no matter out of the reason of the money, soil, homeland and so on.   2.2The desire for career.
  After Atlanta was captured, Scarlett went back to her hometown-Tara. However, the prosperous and peaceful home has gone. The responsibility of rebuilding entire home belonged to Scarlett’s. In those days, she worked day and night in the fields to feed her family. She run a sawmill and hired prisoners despite of any public condemnation for expanding trade and gaining more profit; She drove carriage to make business, rain or shine, all the year round; she even competed with man relentlessly and pick herself up in times of trial. she urge to hope to create a better life for families at any costs.She dared to start a business by herself and through kinds of competition. All of these showed us a strong-willed and brave woman, which enlighten contemporary women to set own business with self-reliance and refuse to subordinate to the man.
  2.3Awakening and resistance to male oppression
  Scarlett thought after the success of running business alone, "I believe that woman also can finish everything in the world without the help of man – except to have a baby." She confirmmed the idea with action. She even break the tradition of the man-oriented society making men her employers and used a variety of ways to beat male rivals to establish her own business.
  And Scarlett really achieved the equal economic status in the marriage but not subordinate to men. She pursued her own life, freedom and happiness, and she really got rid of the standards conducted to rule women by men. She has a lot of excellent qualities of women, and is also a spokesperson for overwhelming the values of traditional women.
  Based on the analysis of the character development and feminine consciousness in Scarlett in the novel, she was a protester with strong will and broke the social imprisonment towards women challenging the male-oriented society. Facing the constraints and accusations of the traditional feudal ethical code, Scarlett did not retreat but constantly encouraged herself to adapt to life and pursue happiness and freedom to achieve her own value. Even suffering the misfortune and pain of war, she still did not give up. Tomorrow is another day! From the feminist perspective on the image of Scarlett, it not only shows us the profound connotation of feminine consciousness, but also sets a good example and requires the contemporary women to be self-reliance and brave to pursue.
  Works Cited:
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