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  Scottish eggs 苏格兰蛋
  It’s a classic picnic item invented during the 18th century as a portable① food for long carriage rides.

  Savory pies 咸味馅饼
  American think of pies as crusty gooey②desserts filled with over sweetened fruits, but did you know that they are just as delectable as savory③dishes.
  From steak & kidney all the way to jellied eels, nobody does savory pies like the Brits.
  It’s a hard-boiled egg wrapped in sausage covered in breadcrumbs and then deep fried.
  单面煎鸡蛋 sunny side up
  双面煎鸡蛋 over easy
  全熟水煮蛋 hard-boiled eggs
  半熟水煮蛋 soft-boiled eggs
  番茄炒蛋 scrambled eggs with tomatoes

  Bangers and mash 香肠土豆泥
  Succulent④ tender sausages with mounds of mashed potatoes and boatloads⑤ of onion gravy, it’s one of Britain’s best-know dished and rightfully so.
  Crumpets 松脆饼
  Crumpets⑥ are kind of like a cross between a pancake and an English muffi n.
  The middle is filled with this honeycomb like lattice, so when you toast them and then put butter on top, the butter melts into the holes and fi lls up the little gaps.

  Bacon butties 培根三明治
  It’s just a slice of bacon on a bun⑦. How can you not love the bacon in a bun, it’s the two best things in the world combined into one thing.

  Sponge puddings 海绵布丁
  These stodgy delicious treats are essentially steamed cakes, often with golden syrup or jam at the bottom. So when you fl ip them over, the golden syrup and jam pours down the sides.

  Scones 司康饼
  Scones are the easiest English teatime treat, usually made of wheatfl our with baking powderand baked on sheet pans. The scones are often lightly sweetened, but can also be savoury. They frequently include raisins, currants, and cheese.

  Gammon 腌猪腿
  It’s a classic English pub dish. Gammon steaks are slices of pork leg that are cured like bacon, and then grilled topped with either a fried egg or a slice of pineapple.

Smiling gently, he sings songs with his warm and unique voice. He looks arrogant and indifferent, but in fact he is very warm and gentle. He is Yi Yangqianxi, who is the member of TFBOYS. As a shy and
The actor, who plays Jon Snow in the hit HBO series, popped the question to his on-and-off① screen love Rose Leslie.  The couple have been dating since meeting on set in 2012, when Rose played Wildlin
The attractive couple, Ji Lingchen and Kan Qingzi, has shown the perfect way that young men fall for① older women in the new reality show The Inn. One is always annoyed, and the other is willing to co
Kino is a girl who wants to travel around the world. Her travel partner is a talking motorbike called Hermes. They travel around a variety of strange countries, feel the thousands of taste of life. Ki
All is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular①moment of light in the heavens, fl eeting② glimpse③ of eternity, and in a fl ash they’re gone.  夏日的戀情总是因为各种各样
It is a scene of the doom① that nothing remained but snow and ruins. Two girls are travelling aimlessly②. Life is diffi cult and the books are extremely rare. They quarrel about the ownership of the f
One caution should be made: any sodas that contain real fruit juice, like orange soda, grape soda, etc., should be viewed as③ potentially unsafe after their expiration. They can mould or ferment rapid
聊天时,我们经常说“天啦噜”“悲剧了”等语气词,来表达自己的情感。在英文中,也有不少类似的用法。今天一起来学学吧。  1. Whoa哇;吁;表示惊讶,或惊吓。〈非正式,幽默〉让人说慢一点或做慢一点。  和whoa有个很相近的语气词—— wow。wow表示一种惊叹或欢喜。例如,女生收到很不错的生日礼物,会说“wow, it’s so awesome!”  whoa和wow的区别在于,whoa用作对某
我们中文里描述“特别惊讶”的場景时,常说让人“大跌眼镜”,或者让人“惊掉下巴”。而在国外,被你吓掉的可能是一坨果酱。  Marmalade dropper refers to a news story so bizarre it makes you drop the marmalade when you are reading the newspaper or news on your iPad
As a matter of fact, all of us are just passersby. Think about this: whether you are husbands and wives, fathers and daughters, or emperors and subjects, you will be apart in the end, sooner or later.