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虽然课堂教学都是以班级为群体展开的,但是在素质教育发展的过程中,社会越来越注重学生们的个性发展,要求教师在教学的过程中必须要尊重学生们的个性差异,每个学生都是班级中独立的个体,教师除了关注班级整体的学习成绩之外,还要对每一位学生的实际学习情境作出分析,以此帮助所有的学生均能在同一课堂中受益。考虑到传统教学模式已经无法满足这一教学需求,教师们都纷纷在教学的过程中尝试各种各样的教学手段。根据我多年的教学经验和教学实践发现,分层教学是一个促进班级全体学生同步发展的教学模式,它不但尊重了学生们的个性差异,还针对不同学生的学习情境进行有目的性的提升,这便在很大程度上提高了教师的课堂教学效率,学生们都能在自己力所能及的范围内最大程度地获取知识。本篇文章主要从初中数学分层教学法的角度出发,探讨分层教学法在初中数学教学中的合理应用,希望提出的一些策略分析能有效推动我国初中数学教学课堂的发展。 Although classroom teaching is based on the class as a group, in the process of developing quality education, the society pays more and more attention to the personality development of the students, and requires that the teachers must respect the individual differences of the students in the process of teaching. Students are independent individuals in the class. In addition to focusing on the class’s overall academic performance, teachers also analyze the actual learning situation of each student to help all students benefit from the same class. Taking into account the traditional teaching model has been unable to meet this teaching needs, teachers have tried in the teaching process a variety of teaching methods. According to my years of teaching experience and teaching practice, it is found that the hierarchical teaching is a teaching mode that promotes the simultaneous development of all students in the class. It not only respects the individual differences of students, but also aims to enhance the learning situations of different students. This greatly improves the efficiency of teachers’ classroom teaching, and students can acquire knowledge to the maximum extent they can. This article mainly discusses the reasonable application of stratified teaching method in junior middle school mathematics teaching from the perspective of junior middle school mathematics stratified teaching method. It is hoped that some strategic analysis can effectively promote the development of junior middle school mathematics teaching classroom in our country.
研究背景:类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)是一种以滑膜炎症和关节结构破坏为特征的慢性炎症性疾病,致残率高,是造成我国人群劳动力丧失和致残的主要疾病之一。延缓甚至
初中数学常用的教学方法大致有讲授法、谈话法、讨论法、研究法和练习法几种。几种教学方法各有利弊,教师要在不同的情况下选择不同的方法,以提高教学效率。 Commonly used