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历史事实告诉我们,每当革命的困难时期,最危险的事情,不是敌人的进攻,也不是物质条件的匮乏,而是革命队伍内部的思想混乱。在那种时候,如果革命队伍内部思想混乱,人心涣散,革命事业没有不遭难的。相反,如果革命队伍内部思想健康,团结一致,那么,即使面临敌人的围攻和物质 Historical facts tell us that whenever the difficult period of revolution occurs, the most dangerous thing is not the offensive of the enemy nor the lack of material conditions, but the chaos of ideas in the revolutionary ranks. At that moment, if there is chaos in the revolutionary ranks and the hearts and minds of people are stirring up, the cause of revolution will not be without any difficulty. On the contrary, if the ideas within the revolutionary ranks are healthy and united, then even in the face of enemy siege and materialism
During the long time operation of the compact cyclotron, the RF power will be fed into the RF cavity. Some of the power is used for accelerating the H- beam, wh
[摘 要] 随着信息技术和移动互联网的发展和广泛应用,大数据成为当今时代信息技术的必然产物,自2013年起,我国教育大数据研究开始迅速发展起来。数据挖掘是大数据技术中的一项重要技术,通过数据挖掘,人们可以找到自身需要的存在潜在价值的信息,在社会的各个领域中都有广泛的应用。近年来,校园信息化建设正在经历着不断探索与发展的阶段,高职院校更是如此,逐渐从校园网络向校园教学信息化以及智慧校园建设的方向发展
We investigate effect of isospin dependence of nucleon-nucleon (N-N) cross sectionσNNiso on the nuclear stopping R (momentum dissipation) as the increase of ne
Np and Pu in the uranium product must strictly be controlled in spent fuel reprocessing process.Determination of Np,Pu in uranium product needs accuracy,stabili
摘 要:As the English language develops and the social demand for language talents changes,one’s language competence shifts from his or  herlinguistic competence to the communicative competence.Therefore
Wide band-gap semi-conducting compounds are very attractive in recent years because of the intense commercial interest in developing practical short wavelength