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Jeep_品牌特别制作《Jeep极致旅行》星级自驾线路指南,将中国最具冒险与探索价值的经典线路逐一盘点,更将沿途沉积的传奇历史与梦想故事与每位SUV行者一同分享。编辑:真小灰美编:周蕾Jeep极致路线格萨尔是藏族民间传说中的一位传奇英雄,戎马一生,南征北战,统一了大小150多个部落及邻国,领土始归统一。根据他的英勇业绩,藏族民众创作出了世界上最长的史诗《格萨尔王传》这部世界上最长的史诗被誉为东方的《伊利亚特》,在藏民中口耳相传。朝拜之旅从烟波浩渺的青海湖开始,沿着著名的唐蕃古道(G214)西行,历经藏地四大神山之一的阿尼玛卿雪山、德尔文部落、玛多黄河源头、玉树草原、达那寺(格萨尔王岭国寺)、石渠太阳部落、草原秘境松格玛尼石经城、世界上最长的巴格玛尼石经墙、阿须草原(格萨尔王家寺)、德格印经院、白玉亚青寺等著名藏文化地区。沿着格萨尔王的足迹跌宕起伏,缅怀昔日荣光,朝拜王者精神。 Jeep_ brand specially produced “Jeep ultimate travel” star guide line routes, China’s most adventure and explore the value of the classic line one by one inventory, but also along the way the legendary history and dream stories deposited with each SUV pedestrian share. Edit: Really small gray beauty: Zhou Lei Jeep ultimate route Gesar is a legendary hero in Tibetan folklore, military life, south war, unification of the size of more than 150 tribes and neighboring countries, the territory began to unify . According to his heroic achievements, the Tibetan people created the longest epic in the world, the “King of Gesar,” the longest epic in the world hailed as the “Iliad” of the East and preached word among Tibetans . The pilgrimage journey starts from the breathtaking Qinghai Lake. Along the famous west road of the Tang Dynasty (G214), the Animaqing Snow Mountain, the Delvin Tribe, the Maduo Yellow River Source, the Yushu Grassland, Danna Temple (Gesar Wang Lingguo Temple), Stone Quarry Sun Tribes, Prairie Presence Songge Manny Stone Qujing, the world’s longest Baghmani stone wall, Aspen prairie (Gesar Wang Temple), Dege Printing Institute, Bai Ya Ya Qing Temple and other famous Tibetan culture. Along the king’s footsteps of Gesar ups and downs, cherished the glory of the past, worship the spirit of the king.
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