Analysis of the Unicorn and Flowers in The Unicorn in the Garden

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyisea
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Thurber is famous for his satirical and humorous words,with which he always mocks the relations between humans.This fable is a famous one to disclose the relation between the husband and wife in upper class.This article focuses on the fable and gives detail analyses of the unicorn and the three kinds of flowers:rose,lily and tulip which indicates purity and love etc.And these indicate the deep resource and deep meaning of each image.With the help of it,we can see through the fable and find the true meaning of the story and the intention of the writer.The analyses help us to uncover the false veil,and have a deep understanding of the relation between the upper class. Thurber is famous for his satirical and humorous words, with which he always mocks the relations between humans. This fable is a famous one to disclose the relation between the husband and wife in upper class. This article focuses on the fable and gives details analyzes of the unicorn and the three kinds of flowers: rose, lily and tulip which show purity and love etc.And these indicate the deep resource and deep meaning of each image.With the help of it, we can see through the fable and find the true meaning of the story and the intention of the writer. analyses help us to uncover the false veil, and have a deep understanding of the relation between the upper class.
一、先将糯米淘干净。用水浸五小时左右,倒入淘米箩沥干,上笼用旺火蒸二十分钟,米粒呈玉色,饭就熟了。 二、把蒸好的饭倒入容器内用冷开水冲凉到40℃左右(太冷不发,太热发酸