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(一)全省在贯彻以发展互助合作为中心的农业增产运动中,农业合作化运动要加速地发展,农业生产的计划性也要大大提高,统计工作是计划工作的基础,也是决定政策的重要依据,所以农业统计工作必须加强。目前我省农业统计工作的基础薄弱,区、乡统计数字非常紊乱,因而加强农业统计工作的组织领导,建立区、乡统计机构,就成为目前一项重要工作。湘潭县今年来结合农村各个时期的中心工作适时的开展了这项工作,并已有十八个区、七十八乡建立了乡统计小组,我们认为这是很好的。同时,已建立的统计小组,有的做了不少工作,开始起到作用,这表现在它保证了上级布置的各项调查统计任务,能及时完成。如巡骑乡只两天时间完成了棉花播种面积,小麦、油菜收获面积及其收获量的调查任务,公和乡也只三天多时间便完成了人口登记工作,这为推动农村工作起到了一定作用。其次它扭转了区、乡统计数字的紊乱情况,并推动了中心工作。如公和乡统计小组纠正了过去 (1) In implementing the agricultural increase-production campaign centered on the development of mutual aid and cooperation in the province, the agricultural cooperative movement needs to be accelerated. The planning of agricultural production should also be greatly enhanced. The statistical work is the basis for planning and the policy-making Important basis, agricultural statistics must be strengthened. At present, the foundation of agricultural statistics in our province is weak, and the statistics of districts and townships are very disorganized. Therefore, it is now an important task to strengthen the organization and leadership of agricultural statistics and set up statistical agencies in districts and townships. This year, Xiangtan County has carried out this work in a timely manner in conjunction with the central work of rural areas in various periods and has set up a township statistical team in 18 districts and 75 rural areas, which we think is very good. At the same time, the established statistics team has done a great deal of work and started to play its role. This is manifested in that it ensures that the surveys and statistics tasks arranged by the higher authorities can be completed in time. For example, patrolling township only completed the task of investigating the sown area of ​​cotton, the harvested area of ​​wheat and rapeseed and its harvest volume in only two days, and the public registration of the village was completed in only three days, which contributed to the promotion of rural work Certain effect. Second, it reversed the disorganization of district and township statistics and promoted the work of the center. Such as public and township statistics team corrected the past
新的课程教育改革不断强调对学生的素质教育,要求在传统的教学观念和教学模式上有所突破,应用新方法、新手段促进学生学习能力增长和提高学习效率。高中英语课程教学中应用研究性学习的方式能够更好地促进学生英语学习自主探究能力的提高,使学生在英语课程学习中充分发挥自己的优势和主观能动性。对于高中英语教学中实施研究性学习方式的必要性和方法、作用等,需要从教学实践中展开研究与分析。  1. 在高中英语教学中实施研
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