A Brief Introduction to Corpus—based TranslationTeaching Theory

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  【Abstract】:As the tool for Linguistics study, electronic corpus has been created with a history about a century. However, it is still new in applied linguistics, particularly in foreign language teaching. Consequently, corpus-based language teaching has been considered as one important study field in foreign language teaching. This thesis analyzes the advantages of corpus-based translation teaching and its development prospect.
  【Key Words】 : corpus; translation teaching; Constructivist Learning Theory;Data Driven Learning (DDL)
  1.Introduction of Corpus
  Corpus is generally known as the collection of written or spoken texts, both in printed and electronic form. In fact, different corpora are compiled for different purposes, which influence the size, design or contents of the individual corpus. In this thesis, the referred corpora are those within the linguistic field. According to Sinclair  a corpus refers to collections of pieces of language that are selected and ordered to be used as a sample of the language. Kennedy defines a corpus as a body of written text or transcribed speech which can serve as a basis for linguistic analysis and description.
  2.Corpus and translation teaching
  2.1 The Current Research of Translation Teaching
  Translation teaching was firstly proposed by Canadian researcher Jean Delisle (1988). It gives translation lessons under the guidance of translation theories. From the last decade of the twentieth century on, more and more teachers began to notice the significance of translation theory in translation teaching. In spite of the disagreements, almost all teachers agree that translation theory should be integrated with translation practice in translation class in order to follow market's needs.
  2.2 Advantages of Corpus-based Translation Teaching
  Many teachers of translation have integrated suitable corpora with translation class in order to raise students' translation accuracy and efficiency and arouse their interest as well. Silvia Bernardini, a Canadian scholar has tried out corpus-based translation teaching with advanced learners of English in their last years of studies as undergraduates at the School for interpreters and translators of the University of Bologna at Forli. These students are required to complete the translation task with the help of the British National Corpus and the software like Wordsmith Tools and some other resources available on the Internet. They are given more freedom in choosing resources, designing queries and deciding translation works.  Results show that corpus-based translation teaching is very encouraging and motivating.   2.2.1 Corpus-based Translation Learning for Students
  As we have noticed, classroom concordance with ESL (English as second language) students has been proved to be promising since it emphasizes context-bound regularities and wide information that needed, so that corpora can be used to teach students to interpret instances of language production as samples rather than examples. Students can work with the corpus in their native language which may convince them of some intuition or assumption of their mother tongue. In this way, it changes students' role from "learner" to "researcher" so that they can share the same interests or competence as teachers or linguists. Been encouraged to become more autonomous in their study, students are required to do the searching seriously and are encouraged to combine observation with participation.
  3.2.2 Corpus-based Translation Teaching for Teachers
  Corpus-based translation teaching is also useful for teachers.In corpus-based translation class, a teacher is not artificially setting up tasks and requiring students to give information he/she already has, but everyone in the classroom is actively trying to find the solution to a problem, to guess the meaning of an expression or to find the appropriate equivalent of a word, a term or a sentence in a foreign language. In this way, the teacher acts as a learning expert rather than a language expert. Corpus can function as an assistant to help teachers discover new problems or issues that have never been cared which would improve teaching and enlighten further research.
  In conclusion, both students and teacher can benefit a lot from corpus-based teaching. Corpus-based translation teaching should be viewed as a valuable added pedagogy and make better use together with the traditional teaching approaches.
  3. Theory of Corpus-based Translation Teaching
  3.1 Constructivist Learning Theory
  As its name may imply, constructivism emphasizes on the building (or constructing) that occurs in people's mind when they learn. Constructivist learning is viewed as the active construction of knowledge relying on learners themselves, rather than the transmission of information from teacher to the learner.
  As far as language learning is concerned, learning a new item (e.g. a new word form new concepts based on their past knowledge and deductive and inductive ability. Language learners observe linguistic phenomenon, form hypotheses, and make conclusion relying upon their cognitive structure. Thus in this paradigm, the language teachers should try and encourage learners to discover principles by themselves. The teacher and student should engage in an active dialog; the main Task of the teacher is to present language data to be learned to match the learner's current state of understanding.   3.2 Data Driven Learning (DDL)
  In the past fifteen years linguists have used large-scale corpora to study language used in real life. These corpora have improved the quality of teaching reference materials. At the same time, students began to work with "raw" information taken directly from corpora as a language learning approach. It is called data-driven learning, DDL in brief. The research evidence' shows that learners encouraged to make their own conclusions will acquire language faster than those who learn language passively by feeding "rules".
  It has been generally argued that through data-driven learning learners are free to choose various opportunities to use natural language in the corpus,  individually  exploit  authentic  texts  in  different  ways  by  adopting  the concordance, follow their own steps to form the hypotheses and text them without being affected by teachers or anybody else.
  Corpus-based research has given rise to a new way of conceptualizing, studying, and teaching translation. Applied corpus linguistics provides many opportunities for the study of language.  Exploring on current translation teaching modes, different types of corpora can be developed and used to help both students and teachers in the field of translation.
  Works Cited
  Kennedy, D. Corpora in Translation Studies [A]. Baker M. Encyclopedia of Translation Studies [C]. London: Routledge, 1998.
  Kenney, G. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
引言  《魏武将见匈奴使》是《大学语文》中的经典篇目,设计精妙、引人入胜、起伏跌宕。本课的教学设计是引导学生分析微型小说的佳作《魏武将见匈奴使》,领悟小说形式短小精悍,语言简练晓畅,善用个性化的言行表现人物神态等独特魅力,并在此基础上讨论“何为英雄”的衍生性话题,让学生树立正确的英雄观。  【教学重点】  通过对《世说新语》人物分析,让学生把握刘义庆塑造的“曹操”和“崔季珪”的形象特点。  【教学
【摘要】:目标程序五步教学法是指在有关教育理论指导下,构建起的一种以教师为引导、以学习者主体参与为核心,以学习者“学”为目标的课堂教学方法。本文作者结合三年教学实践,其能充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,促进了教师的课堂教学方式的转变,科研能力和协作能力逐步提高,使学校学风建设初见成效。  【关键词】:高中化学教学;教学方式;教学方法;目标程序五步教学法  一、引言  “授人以鱼,不如授人以渔;授
【摘要】:在信息化时代,翻转课堂作为一种新型的教学模式应运而生。文章介绍了翻转课堂教学模式的概念,将传统课堂与翻转课堂进行各个方面的对比,并从翻转课堂实施的条件、实施的过程来阐述翻转课堂在英语教学中的实施,最后总结了翻转课堂教学模式的优势和不足,并得出结论。  【关键词】:翻转课堂;传统课堂;实施;优势;不足  一、引言  传统纸质教材是在教学中最广泛使用的教材,但随着信息技术时代的来临,传统教材
【摘要】:2015年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试英语试卷,试题考查的知识覆盖面广,信息量大,话题的内容基于教学实际和学生生活,考查学生的基础知识和语言运用能力。本文介绍了试卷的基本情况,与往年的问卷做了比较,并详细地分析了中考英语的各个题型,包括听力、语音语法词汇、阅读和写作,并针对各个题型,给出了学生相应的考试策略,并对教师的教学给出了启示。  【关键词】:试卷;基本情况;题型;考试策略;教学启示
在实施课改的大背景下,现在的高中课堂教学在逐步发生着些潜移默化的改变,而这些改变在我们的教学各方各面的过程中必须可控而且必须向着我们所需要的方向去发生,但是在这一过程中难免会有许许多多各种各样的问题存在,而我在此就浅谈现在生物课堂上的教学效率的现状与提升。  一、现状有较为明显改变  在课改后,尤其是在高考试题从四川卷向全国卷转型过程中,课堂教学模式明显发生了改变,从从前我们老师“一言堂”逐渐给学
【Abstract】: Skills and strategies in this paper are discussed from two perspectives, which are needed to be learned by both language teachers and language learners. On one side, there are teaching met
【摘要】:习近平总书记在文艺工作座谈会上的讲话,是历届国家领导人讲的最多因而也是最广的一位。他更是唯一没有把舞蹈艺术放在“等”中的领导,他甚至还提及到了街舞。他不反对通俗艺术,但是区分了低俗,一个要振兴的国家和民族,当然要有高文化的引领,多么明确啊!作为一个文艺工作者,我已热泪盈眶,艺术的发展将要迎来属于自己的春天啦!  【关键词】:舞蹈普及教育;艺术普及;素质教育  一、素质教育是引领舞蹈事业前
【Abstract】:English learning anxiety often appears in the course of students’ language learning. Language learning anxiety refers to the fear and the unpleasant emotional experience in English learning