A brief discussion on the design of animation role modeling

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  Abstract: the various types of character images in the shallow animated cartoon are usually designed according to the requirements of the script. If the various roles of film is based on characters of maximum story script to select the most suitable actors, then the cartoon character image is directed according to the script in requirements and design the most freely with the script characters of the. Animated cartoon character is the soul of animation characters is the key to the entire animation to give the audience the first impression of the audience, and judge the value of an animated character is not simply stay on the surface of the other level, also include the role of character recognition, character design is a good foundation of excellent animation. This article briefly introduces the design idea of character role.
  Key words: art;animation;role modeling details;role image molding
  【中圖分类号】 J954 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)04-0211-01
  一:The origin and development of animation
  The development of animation comes from the desire of people to display dynamic objects, and thus the dynamic image thinking appears. With the development of science and technology, the animation works created by human beings are not only an art, but also a new discipline. Thirty thousand years ago, human beings have learned on the rock paintings of animal, Aertalaila in cave paintings, there is a picture of the old stone age Bison bison figure, had to be repeated several times at the painting, have the feeling of running. This is the earliest phenomenon that people think of animation. At that time, people would not only draw a record of the state of life, but also use art to show the things of movement.
  The role of the animated role in the animation is the character in the play that the actor needs to play, or a certain individual. Animated characters include characters, animals, plants and so on.
  The animated character is the soul of an animation. The lost role of an animation loses everything. The animation role is the core, and no role animation exists. The success of the animation role also means the success of the animation, which also means that the animation has great commercial and cultural value. The character image of a good animation must be combined with the story script to accurately convey the plot and character of the character. A good cartoon character is not only artistic but also commercial, and it can locate the market accurately. Such as Garfield, Mickey Mouse, small yellow people, and so on, they have become a commercial endorsement and media, and the stars of the Hollywood are not inferior.   二:Cultural factors affecting the image of animated characters
  Animation art is a kind of world culture, and it is a culture that can represent the national spirit. Whether the movie animation of a nation is mature or not depends on whether the content contains the artistic interest, cultural elements and the aesthetic habits of the nation. Chinese ink and wash animation can be said to be a major feature of the Chinese nation. Such as "pipe", "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" animation film and traditional ink painting combination makes China unique taste of traditional painting reproduction on the screen, forming a Chinese artistic style of the artistic features.
  三:The main style of animated image
  The styling style of animation is varied, but it is mainly divided into two kinds of cartoon style, which are comic and realistic.
  Comic style refers to the hyperbole of image, rich in personality characteristics, rich in artistic color, "not like, deform to write God." It is a form of humorous and interesting styling art that exaggerate the inherent characteristics of the characters, make it more vivid and highlight the character's character. The secondary part of the image is mainly focused on the main features, making the image characteristic more vivid and more generality.
  四:Conclusions and future prospects
  he application of emotional design theory in the field of interaction has been widely accepted in recent years. The application of Emotional Interactive Design Theory in mobile design is an improvement and promotion of this kind of product from the inside to the outside. The design of visual effect of the application icon, interface, content instinct layer design, behavior layer design is the application of the interactive mode, input feedback and other aspects of the user experience design and research, the reflective layer is based on instinct and behavior of both, with the passage of time and the formation of the user the application of cognitive feedback and user satisfaction of reflection.
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