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  Is it true or false? Is A the right answer, or C? How do I solve this problem? I’m running out of time! If I fail this test, my parents are going to freak out[使焦躁]!
  TESTS! They can be totally stressful!
  It seems like no matter what grade or school you’re in, you’re always taking tests. And if you get anxious or nervous before and during a test, you’re not alone! Fortunately, test-taking can be a lot easier if you pick up some useful habits and skills.
  We have lots of great advice to help you tackle “test stress” – read on!
  Under Pressure!
  Do you know someone who never gets bothered by tests? Yeah, some people are lucky like that. But for most of us, taking tests can cause a lot of icky[讨厌的]
  feelings and sensations, such as: trouble
  concentrating[集中(注意力)]; low self-esteem; being
  nervous or anxious; feeling depressed or down on yourself; nausea[反胃], indigestion[消化不良], diarrhea[腹泻], or other stomach problems; racing heartbeat or trouble breathing; trouble sleeping; sweaty or cold hands.
  Spend a moment thinking about a test you have to take. Does it bring on any of these feelings? If so, that might mean you’re having some trouble dealing with the stress of the test.
  Now that we know what stress feels like, let’s talk about where test stress comes from. Here are a few of the biggest causes of test stress:
   Pressure from yourself. It’s important to do your best and study hard, but if you feel like you just can’t
  stop pushing yourself to prepare or that you won’t be happy with anything but a high grade, that pressure can be hard to handle.
   Pressure from parents and teachers. Most parents want to see great report cards[成绩单], and they can start pushing when test time comes around. For teachers, many schools want to show high test grades from their students. So they have high expectations for the teachers, who then have high expectations for the students!
   Competition with friends. You love your best friend, but she’s always asking you how you did on the test you both just took. This is normal, but can add to some of the pressure you’re already feeling.
   Past experience. If you had a bad time with a test in the past, or if you’ve done poorly on one or more tests, you could feel anxious about the next one.
   Negative[消极的] thinking. If you’re convinced you’re going to fail, or you keep beating yourself up with thoughts like “I’m not smart enough” or “I never do well,” this can add a lot of stress.
   Rumors[流言]. Sometimes, other students can spread rumors about a test. Rumors like “That teacher’s tests are totally impossible to pass!” can make you a lot more nervous.
  In the next sections, we’ll cover some important ways that you can get rid of that stress, or at least manage it.
  l 传言。有时候,其他学生会散播关于测验的传言。像“绝对没有人能通过那位老师的测验!”这类传言会使你大为紧张。
  Get Prepped[预备功课]
  Studying is never fun,
  especially when there are about a zillion[数不清的] other things you’d rather be doing. But the truth is, you’re a lot less likely to feel test stress if you are confident enough. In other words: be prepared for the test, and you probably won’t stress out.
  But that’s easier said than done, right? You CAN get there by trying these solutions:
   Do your daily work. As much as you can, stay on top of your homework every day. Don’t put off assignments[作业], and if you miss something because you were out of class, try to make it up right away. Think of your schoolwork as a long race: if you fall behind, you’ll just have to work all the harder to catch up.
   Learn from mistakes. If you get a question wrong on a weekly quiz, or you get a poor mark on a homework assignment, don’t just forget about it. Make it a point to understand WHY you got it wrong. Look up the right answer or ask your teacher
  for help. When the same sort of question shows up on your next test, you’ll know how to tackle[解决] it.
   Make studying a regular routine. Don’t put off studying until the night before a test. Experts say that this sort of last minute “cramming[填鸭式的用功]” is a crummy[无用的] way to learn. Instead, review your class material on a regular basis.
  Keep a Healthy Body and Mind
  In the middle of studying and stressing, it’s easy to forget to take care of the most important thing: ourselves! Staying healthy – both physically and mentally – is a very big part of dealing with all kinds of stress, including test stress. Here are some important tips:
   Get enough sleep. Make sure you go to bed on time and try to get at least eight hours of sleep at night. Follow this rule even when studying for a big test. Staying up to study until the late hours isn’t usually a good idea, because your brain gets fuzzy[模糊的] when you’re tired, and you probably won’t remember what you’re studying.
   Eat right. Keep a balanced, nutritious[营养的] diet. Your brain does its best work when it gets turbo[涡轮] fuel from good food.
   Get plenty of exercise. It’s super-important to keep your body in shape, because being in good health is one of the best ways to combat[抗击] stress.
   Have some fun. If you study ALL the time, you’re
  going to burn out[(精力)耗尽], and your stress levels will go way up. Make time to do whatever relaxes you, whether it’s watching a movie, or
  listening to your favorite music. If
  you’re happy and relaxed, your mind will be ready to hit the books and
  prepare for the test.
  Conquer “Test Day Panic”
  Sometimes, it all comes down to the big day. Maybe you thought you had everything under control but now, just hours before a test, you’re totally freaking. Or you have such a sense of nervousness about this day that you don’t even want to go to school. These types of feelings can sometimes erase[抹去] all the hard work and studying
  you’ve done. But here are some ways to boost[提高]
  your confidence and keep the panic under control:
   Get a good night’s sleep. Getting a full night of sleep before a big test can be a HUGE help. You’ll feel better, think clearer, and be in a better mood to tackle anything the test can throw at you.
   Eat a healthy breakfast. Food is the fuel for your body and brain, so eat a balanced breakfast on the morning of the test.
   Forget the consequences[结果]. It’s important to know how important a test is, and what might happen if you fail. But once the day of the test arrives, you should try to put all this information out of your mind. Worrying about these things will just distract you from the task at hand. Try to keep your mind on the test itself, not on what the test means to your future.
   Think positive. Say things to yourself that will boost your confidence. Tell yourself that you know the material and you know what’s coming. This test can’t scare you and you’re totally prepared to
  ace[取得好成绩] it. Push negative thoughts out of your head. If you think confident, you’ll BE more confident.
  Some Terrific Test-Taking Tips
  For many of us, the real stress begins when a test
  actually starts. Here are several important ways to
  manage that stress and do your best on an exam:
  1. Show up on time. Arriving late might make you feel rushed[匆忙的] and nervous, and arriving too early could give you time to sit there and worry about things.
  2. Expect and accept a little bit of stress. Don’t worry if you still have some stress while you begin the test. Almost everyone feels this. It’s there because you want to do your best. The key is to accept it and not let worrying about the stress make you even more stressed. Tell yourself, “I’m a little worried, but that’s okay. I’m going to do well on this test because I’m prepared.”
  3. Read the directions. This will keep you from making simple mistakes and guarantee that you won’t have to waste time going back and redoing any work because you didn’t understand the directions.
  4. Pace yourself. Your test will probably be timed. Know ahead of time how many questions there are and how quickly you will have to move through each one. Don’t focus on the clock as time ticks away, but glance up every once in a while to make sure you’re not falling behind pace.
  5. Don’t rush. Try to keep a good pace…but never rush through a question. Make sure you understand what is being asked, then make sure you think clearly about your answer.
  6. Don’t get distracted. Keep your eyes on your paper. Don’t look at the students around you. Because if they’re
  nervous, it could make you nervous; and if they’re
  confident-looking, it could make you wonder why it’s so easy for them. Another reason to stay focused on your own test is that if you start looking around the room, a teacher might think you’re trying to cheat.
  7. Focus on the stuff you know. What happens if you come across a question that absolutely stumps[难住] you or seems impossible to answer? Well, since most tests are timed, you should probably skip[跳过] a question like this and move on to the next one. After all, you don’t want to spend ten minutes on a super-hard question, only to have time run out so you have to leave easier questions blank. In other words: if you get stuck[卡住的], don’t stay stuck. Pass on the questions and come back if you have time. You might come up with the answer to the hard question while you’re
  answering an easier one!
  8. Use all your time. If you happen to finish the test before time is up, don’t sit there staring into space. Go back over the questions, especially the ones that seemed hard, and check your work. Fixing obvious mistakes can help boost your grade, and is way better than just waiting for the clock to run out.
  And finally, one more important thing. Once the test is over, try not to think about it for a while. Instead of worrying about what grade you might get, reward yourself for making it through the test. Go hang with your friends, or spend an
  afternoon doing something that makes you happy. You can’t do anything to change your grade now, and more tests will come along soon. So just enjoy the fact that you’re finished with one!
  1. 准时到考场。迟到会令你仓促紧张,自乱阵脚;而太早到则让你有时间坐着胡思乱想。
  2. 预见并接受少许压力的存在。考试开始后如果还是感觉有压力,不要担心。几乎每个人都会这样。压力的存在是因为你想尽力考好。处理这种情况的关键是接受它,不要让担心压力的情绪使你更紧张。告诉自己:“我有点儿紧张,但没关系,这次考试我会考好的,因为我做好准备了。”
  3. 看清说明。这可以防止你犯简单的错误,让你不必浪费时间回头重做那些因为没搞清说明而做错的内容。
  4. 掌握好时间。考试大多是限时的。提前弄清楚一共有多少道题,完成每道题需要用多少时间。不要老盯着时钟看,时间正一分一秒地过去;你应该隔一段时间抬头看时间,保证跟上速度。
  5. 不要匆忙做题。尽量保持良好的速度……但千万不要匆匆忙忙地做题。确保自己看清楚题目问的是什么,想清楚答案才作答。
  6. 不要走神。眼睛时刻看着试卷,不要看周围的同学。因为如果他们神色紧张,你可能也会紧张起来;如果他们看起来信心十足,就会令你疑惑为什么他们觉得题目这么简单。把注意力集中在自己的试卷上的另一个原因是,一旦你开始东张西望,老师可能会认为你想作弊。
  7. 把精力集中在你懂的问题上。当一个问题把你完全难住,或者让你觉得根本没可能解答时,怎么办?由于多数考试都是限时的,你应该跳过这类题目,转到下一题。毕竟,你可不想在一个超难的问题上浪费十分钟,而后发现时间不够,不得不放弃比较简单的问题吧。换句话说:如果被卡住了,不要纠缠下去。跳过这些题目,如果有时间再回头。在解答简单题目时,说不定你会想到难题的答案!
  8. 充分利用时间。如果你在考试结束前完成试卷,不要坐着发呆。重新过一次题目,特别是那些比较难的,检查自己做得怎样。改正明显的错误有助提高分数,而且比干坐着等结束要好得多。
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