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司法文书是一门应用写作课。是一门具有法律专业知识特点的应用写作课。它一方面要以写作的基本原理为指导,遵循写作的基本规律,另方面又必须体现法律的有关要求,准确地反映法律所必备的种种要素。因此,它实际上属于一门边缘学科。虽说属于边缘学科,却是一门法律专业的必修课程.因为,从事各项法律活动特别是从事诉讼活动,都必须使用相应的文书,以作为进行各种诉讼活动的文书凭证或文字根据。以刑事案件为例,公安机关接受了有关人员的控告、检举和犯罪人的自首的材料,经过审查,认为符合立案条件时,就应该制作有关立案的文书,填写《立案报告表》或写出《立案报告》,呈请领导批准立案.这既是据以立案的文字材料,又是指导下一步诉讼活动的文书根据。又如检察院在接到公安机关呈送的《起诉意见书》之后,经过审查,认为被告人的行为,确已构成犯罪,应追究刑事责任时,则应该制作《起诉书》,对被告人提起公诉.这样《起诉书》既是前一段审查被告人行为事实的总结,又是据以把被告人交付人民法院审判的文书凭证。所以我们说,司法文书 Judicial instruments is an applied writing class. It is an applied writing class with legal expertise. On the one hand, it should be guided by the basic principles of writing and follow the basic rules of writing. On the other hand, it must reflect the relevant requirements of law and accurately reflect all the necessary elements of law. Therefore, it actually belongs to a marginal discipline. Although it belongs to the discipline of the edge, it is a compulsory course of legal profession, because all kinds of legal activities, especially in litigation activities, must use the corresponding instruments as evidence documents or written evidence of various litigation activities. Taking criminal cases as an example, the public security organs have accepted materials concerning the prosecution, prosecution and perpetrators of surrender of relevant personnel. After being examined and found to meet the conditions for filing the case, the public security organ should make instruments concerning the filing of the case, fill in the “ The ”case filing report“ was approved by the petitioner’s leadership for filing the case, which is both a written material for filing the case and the documentary basis for guiding the next litigation. Another example is the procuratorate after receiving the ”public prosecution submissions,“ after a review, that the defendant’s behavior, which has constituted a crime, should be held criminally responsible, it should produce ”indictment“, the prosecution of the accused Such ”indictment" is not only a summary of the facts before the defendant but also the documentary evidence from which the defendant was handed over to the people’s court for trial. So we say that judicial instruments
<正> 宋代永嘉事功学的源头主要是伊洛程学,这几乎是传统的定论。但伊洛程学入浙何以会转变成事功学呢?近人何炳松所撰《浙东学派溯源》以为,程颐、朱熹、陆九渊实各宗儒、道
假定在厚度和光线的方向两个都与一条指数的法律变化的材料性质, axisymmetric 弯曲二方向性的机能上地分级的通报和环形的盘子在这篇论文用半分析的数字方法被学习。盘子的偏