插花艺术是表现植物自然美的一门造型艺术。它在美化环境中起着独特的作用,它给居室带来生机和活力,给生活增添高雅的情趣。 插花讲究诗情画意,追求意境的完美,既要立形,又要立意。插花创作中的立意有的“意在笔先”,即构思先于创作,根据设想,组织材料进行创作。有的因材设计,在创作过程中完成主题,即“意随景出”。
Flower arrangement art is the art of expressing the natural beauty of plants. It plays a unique role in beautifying the environment, bringing vitality and vitality to the living room, adding elegant taste to life. Flower arrangement pay attention to poetic, the pursuit of the perfect mood, it is necessary to shape, but also conception. In the flower arrangement some of the conception of “intended in the first”, that is, ideas in the creative writing, based on the idea of organizing materials for writing. Some of the material design, in the creative process to complete the theme, that is, “Italy with the scenery.”