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  Throughout quick development of English teaching and learning in 30 years, English education has obtained conspicuous achievement, especially for the formulation of teaching program, achievement in the aspect of course system construction can not be neglected. As the same time when English teaching gradually becomes more important, the social voice on English teaching reform never ceases. The traditional classroom did not adapt to the rapid development of today’s talent any longer, while development needs of the students, social demand and discipline development continue to impact the traditional teaching mode. English as the world’s most used language, its teaching is center of whole world attention has been more meaningful than teaching itself. At the rapidly changing modern life, when the demand of people has become the dominant direction of social life and each social group stands demand of all walks of life, then what are the needs of the students? What is the demand for English learners? A series of problems haunt us, so here we will analyze demand of English major students by cognition, emotion, environment as below.
  1. Cognition and needs of students
  Cognition also named acknowledge refers to the process of cognition of external things, or the process of information dealing about external things acting on human’s sensory organs. Undeniable is that there are some problems of English teaching in college, such as students interest in learning, slack attitude and few attention attached to the importance of English learning. The fact is that English teaching in China is mainly based on classroom comprises mostly by language knowledge, language training and cross-cultural literacy training, and supplements by more activities that aims to improve students’ ability of using English, cross cultural literacy and humanistic quality by offering English literature, English culture and humanitarian courses in English. In fact, the fostering of cognition plays a very important role in improving students’ learning consciousness.
  2. Emotional attitude and needs of the students
  In traditional teaching model, the teachers, as center of classroom, have the only role of teaching and their authority allows no doubt. The students’ task is to listen, write and answer. This kind of teaching pays mere attention to results, as long as the students remember contents but not actually achieve the real purpose of teaching, practically killing and destroying students’ wisdom and personality. Because the needs of students received little attention, we need to take seriously the students as the main body of the emotional attitude and values. Student-centered compared to teacher-centered, emphasizes on study of the students, pays attention on learning oriented teaching so as to combine both organically. Its connotation is that teaching activities take the students’ characteristics and social communication as objective basis, rather than in traditional teaching grammar as guiding principal and language teaching. In conclusion, classroom teaching is mostly comprised by students’ activities and students are active learners. The ultimate and prime goal of language teaching is to cultivate students’ intercommunication competence in written or oral form, the teaching quality is reflected in the ability of students to master and apply the knowledge. Because of this, students and learning activity is always the subject of teaching during the whole process of teaching.   3. The environment and needs of the students
  The demand is different among students of English major and not. Environment is significantly important for English learners. English learning is a complex system, including on campus and outside, tangible and intangible, abstract and concrete. We could say that the elements of English learning environment is complex. English learning environment can be divided into internal and external, while the internal environment includes classroom, library, campus environment, etc, the external environment includes family, society and so on. Modern English teaching is under constant improvement, but traditional teaching mode could not be given up completely, since the choice depends on the practical domestic condition while applying the pedagogy. Traditional teaching emphasizes on explaining language points, grammar rules but pays few attention to expression and communication. Continue to learn dumb English could only lead to students with good grammar but poor expression in the actual language communication, that enables no conversation topic despite weather.
【摘要】在时代的不断发展中,随着信息化技术的逐渐发展,慕课作为一种新型的课程教学模式,逐渐的应用到人们的学习当中,并且取得了良好的应用效果。慕课属于一种在线开发模式,与传统的教学管理模式不同,慕课的网络开放课程,能够同时对大规模的群体进行教育,随着慕课的逐渐发展,其对大学英语教学产生了较大的影响。本文结合慕课的主要含义,针对慕课对于大学英语教学的影响进行分析。  【关键词】慕课 大学英语教学 影响
【摘要】以任务为引领、以学生为主体、以教师为指导的课堂训练模式。以就业为导向,注重职业能力的培养,增加教学中实用性的内容。同时针对学生英语基础参差不齐的特点,实行分层次教学。  【关键词】职业能力 实用性 分层次教学  高等职业教育是以培养具有高级技术应用能力的人才为己任,坚持以就业为导向,学生不仅应掌握专业知识和技能,而且能熟练应用英语进行交际。高职高专公共英语作为一门公共基础课程,教学中,应该
摘 要:交互式教学是一种以教师为主导,学生为主体,师生、生生在相互交流、反复学习实践中获得知识和技能的教学模式。笔者根据自己在外贸业务技能教学中运用的交互式教学模式,形成在教中学、学中做、做中学的教学目标,使教学氛围平等和谐,学生学习兴趣浓厚,业务技能稳步提升,对口就业率稳步提升。   关键词:交互式;外贸业务;技能实训   交互式教学又称为互动式教学,于20世纪70年代由美国教育心理学家布朗
【摘要】就高职院校而言,随着学生学习需求及就业环境要求等因素的变化,高职院校的公共教师的专业发展面临着一些问题。对此,需要根据高职公共教室的实际情况,提出合理的应对意见。本文从发展意识方面入手,对大数据时代高职公共教师专业发展现状与困难的调查进行分析和研究。  【关键词】大数据时代 高职公共教师 专业发展 困难  公共教师是高职院校教师队伍的主要组成成分。为了更好地分析公共教师的情况,这里针对高职
目的 观察黄连素对兔颈动脉球囊损伤后血中一氧化氮(NO)、内皮素-1(ET-1),血小板源生长因子(PDGF)和转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)水平及其对内膜增生与血管重塑的影响,并初步探讨其可
【摘要】在时代化和国际化的今天,英语越来越成为人们沟通与交往的重要语言工具,英语教学也越来越成为教育领域关注的重点。本文主要针对高职英语教学的特点,提出基于个体差异原则的高职英语教学模式,以弥补大班化教学的缺陷,在充分挖掘高职学生潜能的同时,让高职学生真正学有所长,学有所成。  【关键词】个体差异 英语教学 能力提高  随着知识经济的不断发展,国内外文化的深入交流,作为语言沟通和人际交往培养的高职