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  Peter and Tina are sitting in the park,they aredoing nothing, butgazing into the sky. While all their friends are having fun with their beloved halves.
  Tina:I'm so bored,and just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with.
   Peter:I guess we were the only leftovers,the only person who hasn't a date now.(Both sigh in silence for a while)
  Tina: I think I have a good idea. Let's play a game.
  Peter: Eh? What game?
  Tina : Eem, it's quite simple. You could be my boy fr-
  iend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. What do you think?
  Peter: Oookay. Anyway I don't have any plan for the next few months.
  Tina:It sounds like you aren't looking forward to it at all.Cheer up.Today is our first day and our first date. Where should we go?
  Peter :What about a movie? I heard that there is agreat movie in theater now.
  Tina:It seemslike I don't have any better idea than this. Let's move.
   蒂娜: 好像我也没有比这更好的主意了,咱们走吧。
  Day2: Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.
   Day3:They went shopping together for a friend's birthday present.They share an ice-cream together and hugged each other for the first time.
  Day 7:Peter drove Tina up onto a mountain and they watched the sunset together. When the night came and the moon glowed. They sat on the grass gazing at the stars together. A meteor passed by. Tina mumbled something.
  Day 25:Spent time at a theme park,got onto roller coasters, ate hotdogs and cotton candy. Peter and Tina got in the haunted house and Tina grabbed someone's hand instead of Peter's hand by accident. They laughed together for a while.
  Day 67: They drove pass a circus and decided to get in to watch the show. The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show.They went around seeing other entertainments around after the show. They came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on." and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.
   Day 84:Tina suggested that they go to the beach. The beach wasn't so crowded that day.
   Day 99: They decided to have a simple day anddecided to have a walk around the city. They sit down onto a bench.
   1:23 p.m. 下午1:23
   Tina: I'm thirsty. Let'shave a rest for a while first.
   Peter:Wait me here while I go to buy some drinks. What would you like?
   Tina: Eem...Apple juice is fine.
  1:43 p.m. 下午1:43
  Tina has waited for about 20 minutes and Peter hasn't returned. Then someone walked up to her.
   Stranger: Is your name Tina?
   Tina: Yes, and may I help you?
   Stranger:Just now down there on the street a drunk driver has crashed into a guy.I think he is your friend.
   Tina ran over to the spot with the stranger and saw Peter lying on the floor with blood over his face and her apple juice still in his hand.The ambulance came and she went to the hospital with Peter. Tina sat outside the emergency room for five and a half hours.The doctor came out, and he sighed.
   11:51 p.m.晚上11:51
   Doctor: I'm sorry, but we did the best we could. He is still breathing now but God would take him away from us very soon. We found this letter inside his pocket.
  The doctor handed over the letter to Tina and she went into the room to see Peter.He looked weak but peaceful. Tina read the letter and then she burst into tears. Here is what the letter said.
  Tina, our 100 days is almost over. I'mhappy with you during all these days. Although you may be greedy sometimes and less thoughtful, but all of thesebrought happiness into my life. I have realized that you are a really cute girl and blamed myself for never taken the time to knowing that.I have nothing much to ask for, but I just wish that we can extend the day.I want to be your boyfriend forever and wishyou can stay with me all the time. Tina, I love you.
  11:58 p.m. 晚11:58
   Tina: (sobbing) Peter, did you know what was the wish I made on the night when there was a meteor.I asked God to let us last forever.We were supposed to last 100 days so Peter!You can't leave me!I LOVE YOU, but can't you come back to me now? I love you Peter. I LOVE YOU. As the clock struck twelve, Peter's heart stopped beating. It was 100 days.
   You never know what's going to happen tomorrow. You never know who will be leaving you and never return.Tell the guy or girl that you love them before it's too late.
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