原发性输卵管绒癌是罕见的女性生殖系肿瘤,其恶性程度极高,本院首次遇有一例。现报道如下: 患者,40岁,住院号60514。于1983年1月22日入院,主诉腹痛5月,不规则阴道流血6月余。门诊检查:拟诊“宫外孕”。患者起病后无咳血、发热及里急后重等症状;二便正常,末次月经1982年6月18日,以往月经正常。孕4产4,幼子17岁,未避孕,未绝育,过去体健。体检:体温37℃,皿压118/68,心肺正常,右下腹压痛及反跳痛,无移动性浊音叩及。妇检:外阴呈已婚经产式,阴道内见少许血性分泌物,宫颈举痛明显,子宫无明显增大,有压痛但活动;右侧附件有一边界不清肿块,约6×5×5cm;有压痛,活动差,左侧附件阴性。后穹窿穿刺,抽出暗红色血液2ml,未见血块,拟
Primary fallopian tube choriocarcinoma is a rare female germline tumor with a very high degree of malignancy and is the first case in our hospital. The report is as follows: Patient, 40 years old, hospital number 60514. Admitted to hospital on January 22, 1983, complained of abdominal pain in May, irregular vaginal bleeding more than six months. Outpatient examination: The diagnosis of “ectopic pregnancy”. The patient had no symptoms such as hemoptysis, fever, tenesmus, etc. after onset; two stools were normal, and the menstruation was normal on the last menstruation on June 18, 1982. Pregnancy 4 Production 4, the child is 17 years old, has no contraception, has not been neutered, and has been physically fit. Physical examination: body temperature 37 °C, pressure 118/68, normal heart and lung, right lower quadrant tenderness and rebound tenderness, no shifting dullness. Gynecological examination: the vulva was married by the production type, see a little bloody vaginal discharge, the cervix lift pain is obvious, no significant increase in the uterus, there is tenderness but activities; the right attachment has a border unclear mass, about 6 × 5 × 5cm There is tenderness, poor activity, and the left attachment is negative. After the puncture, 2ml of dark red blood was drawn, no blood clots were found.