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上海精品商厦总经理韩斌生在自己的办公室熟练地打开了电脑,通过敲打键盘,屏幕显示变换着出现“日销售情况、某段时期的销售情况、客户销售情况、销售对象百分比……”,随后他通过电脑监控系统,全商场5000平方米的铺面,上、中、下三层楼柜台布局,客流,服务商情动态,历历在目,一览无遗。随即他请来了分管人事、财务和业务的副总经理,在显示屏下开始了新的决策。这是上海精品商厦实现现代化管理的一个镜头。 座落在上海黄金地段南京路和西藏路交界处的上海精品商厦自1991年8月开业以来,围绕着一流优质服务创一流效益的宗旨,按照和国际接轨的目标,坚定不移地走科技兴贸之路,充分利用电脑和计算机的现代化管理手段,有效地提高了服务档次和经济效益。 首先,他们在商场安装了全国第一台电脑监控系统,其摄象点可以全方位 Han Binsheng, general manager of Shanghai’s boutique mall, skillfully turned on the computer in his office. By typing on the keyboard, the screen display changed the appearance of “daily sales, sales at a certain period, customer sales, percentage of sales objects...” and he Through the computer monitoring system, the 5,000-square-meter storefront of the entire shopping mall, the layout of the upper, middle and lower three-storey counters, passenger flow, and service business dynamics are vividly presented and at a glance. Then he invited the deputy general manager in charge of personnel, finance and business, and started a new decision under the display. This is a shot of the modern management of the Shanghai boutique shopping mall. Located at the intersection of Nanjing Road and Xizang Road in the prime location of Shanghai, the Shanghai boutique business building has been established since August 1991. It focuses on the purpose of first-class quality service and first-class benefits, and adheres to international standards. The road to trade has made full use of the modern management methods of computers and computers to effectively improve service quality and economic efficiency. First of all, they installed the nation’s first computer monitoring system in the mall.
例1:——What happened to the houses?——They were destroyed by the flood——When did the flood take place?——It took place last week.例2:——What happened to t
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【美洲通讯社布宜诺斯艾利斯1995年8月17日电】 阿根廷愿意向叙利亚提供医疗用放射性同位素。此外,阿叙两国确定将在两年内协商好阿根廷向叙利亚出售一座5MW核反应堆(将建在