
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianchuanzhishui
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  "Youth should be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels."
  -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
  "Youth participation is fundamental for the post-2015 agenda. Their vision and energy
  will be needed to do the heavy lifting in its implementation."
  -- Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development
  Amina J. Mohammed
  “青年参与对‘2015年后发展议程’起着至关重要的作用。他们的愿景和能量将有助于议程的实现。” ——“2015年后发展议程”联合国秘书长特别顾问
  By Ravi Karkara1
  Ravi is a global advocate on human rights and human capability approach to development, advocating social development, social inclusion and social justice for over 18 years. Currently Ravi is working as the Global Expert Advisor on Children and Youth with UNHABITAT and advising UN Millennium Campaign on child and youth engagement, based in New York.
  Translated by Yang Tingyu and Guo Xinxin
  Young people currently number 1.8 billion, accounting for approximately 18 percent of the global population2. Youth do not constitute a homogeneous group; their socio-economic, demographic, and geographical situations vary widely both within and between regions. Notwithstanding these differences, regional-level analysis provides a general understanding of their development profile. The vast majority of the world’s youth -- some 87 per cent -- live in developing countries and face challenges such as limited access to resources, education, training, employment, and broader economic development opportunities.
  目前世界上年轻人有18亿,占全球人口的18%2 。年轻人不是单一的群体,无论是在一个地区之内进行比较,还是在不同地区之间进行比较,他们的社会经济地位都有着天壤之别。虽然这些差异普遍存在,但地区级的分析报告让我们对他们的发展状况有了总体认识。世界大部分青年,大概87%的青年,生活在发展中国家,面对着诸多挑战,如不能充分获得教育、培训、就业和经济发展机遇的巨大空间等。
  The United Nations Millennium Declaration was adopted in 2000 by world leaders, committing their countries to a new global partnership to reduce extreme poverty and setting out time-bound goals on meeting the needs of the world’s poorest. These goals, to be achieved by 2015, formed the basis for what are now known as the eight Millennium Development Goals, which have been broken down into 21 quantified targets that are measured by 60 indicators. With the target date for MDGs coming to a close, the post-2015 development agenda must include youth voices and actions. Young people’s participation and inclusion in efforts to achieve all of the goals in the post-2015 agenda are crucial to ensure a successful and sustainable outcome.   2000年,世界各国领导人通过了《联合国千年发展宣言》,承诺建立新型国际合作关系,减少极度贫困,并为完成满足世界最贫困人民的需求这一目标设定期限。这些目标将在2015年完成,为我们所知的八项千年发展目标奠定基础。这些目标细分为21项量化目标,根据60项指标来衡量。随着千年发展目标日期不断临近,“2015年后发展议程”必须涵盖青年人的声音和行动。青年人参与和加入实现所有“2015年后发展议程”的目标,对于确保其成功和可持续至关重要。
  The journey so far of youth participation in the Post-2015 Development Processes
  The post-2015 process has brought together different initiatives ranging from regional consultations to national consultation to thematic consultations, incorporating thematic inputs by the youth through an online and offline platforms. It is crucial to recognize the youth’s participation and partnership in development of the post-2015 agenda. The analysis of nationals consultations, high level panel meetings, thematic meetings and regional forums on youth empowerment show that a multitude of factors need to be addressed in the post-2015 agenda to ensure sustainable development. These factors include education, health care, gender equality, youth unemployment, climate change, prevention of violence and environmental degradation, good governance, peace and security and most importantly youth partnerships as both at individual level and collective level.
  My World 2015 Global Survey and World We Want 2015 People's Platforms
  “我的世界 2015”全球调查和“我们想要的世界”
  My World is a United Nations global survey for citizens. Working with partners, the aim is to capture people’s voices, priorities and views, so world leaders can be informed as they begin the process of defining the next set of global goals to end poverty.My World 2015 permits individuals to statistically determine and validate what is important for the youth. As echoed by the country declarations, high level panel meetings, regional forums, and related forums, the data also suggest that factors like education, health care, employment, equality in all forms of rights, and ending corruption are important in the post-2015 development agenda.
  Specifically, it was shown that the most important priority for global youth is a good education, with 74.4% of respondents classifying the priority as one of their choices. By viewing the data based on conditions, like low HDI countries versus high HDI countries, it can be noted that factors like better transport and roads are more important for youth in lower HDI countries compared to higher HDI countries (45.3% of respondents classifying this priority as one of their choices in low HDI countries versus 9.4% of respondents classifying this priority in very high HDI countries). Performing such a thorough analysis from the myworld2015.org data can aid in developing agendas that suit various regions and demographics of youth.   数据清楚地表明,当前全球青年的当务之急是接受良好的教育,74.4%的受访者将教育视为当务之急。从数据来看,人类发展指数低的国家与人类发展指数高的国家相比,良好的交通道路条件等类似的因素对于青年更重要(在人类发展指数较低国家,45.3%的受访青年视此为当务之急,而人类发展指数较高国家中只有9.4%的受访者这样认为)。在myworld2015.org网站上做全面的数据分析有助于调整发展进程,使之适合居住在不同地区、具有不同人口特征的青年。
  The largest contributors of My World survey have been youth worldwide about 70% of respondent both offline and online are young people below the age of 30 years old. We specially want to recognize the agency of youth and youth-led organization and movements that have come from all background to partners and mobilize votes.
  The above depicts all strata for the respondents of youth aged 15-30. The proportion was calculated by dividing the votes received per priority over the total votes. This value describes how frequently a given priority was selected, based on 1.1 youth participants’ votes. The difference in proportions was calculated based on a reference value. As “a good education” had the highest proportion, it was used as a reference. It is important to note that Sri Lanka, India and Nigeria are the top three countries in total number of votes.
  Some highlights
  · As of Monday 25th April 2014 22:00h, 1,855, 746 people have participated in the MY World global survey, from 194 countries.
  · About 60% of participants are 16-35 years old, and 12% are under age 15 -- hence a grand population of voters are young people.
  · 44% of participants are female.
  · 36% of participants are from low income countries -- nearly half (41%) from medium HDI countries; and 22% from high or very high HDI countries.
  · 44.5% of participants completed the survey using pen and paper ballots, 30% through the website, and 25.5% through SMS (rounded to the nearest whole number).
  · 34% of participants have low education levels and are thus likely to be poor (education is used as a proxy for income in most surveys) -- 12% of participants only had some primary schooling; and another 20% finished primary school.
  · 截至2014年4月25日22:00,来自194个国家的1,855,746人参与“我的世界”全球调查。
  · 大约60%的参与者年龄在16-35岁之间,12%不到15岁,因此大部分投票者是年轻人。
  · 44%的参与者是女性。
  · 36%的参与者来自低收入国家,几乎一半(41%)来自人类发展指数中等的国家,22%来自人类发展指数高和极高的国家。   · 44.5%的参与者用纸、笔填写选票完成调查,30%通过网站,25.5%通过短信形式(四舍五入)。
  · 34%的参与者教育水平低下,因此很有可能贫穷(在绝大多数调查中,教育是衡量收入的标准)——12%的参与者小学肄业;还有20%的人小学毕业。
  A Multigenerational response to the My World
  Young people are participating in MY World at twice the rate of other age groups. Not only are young people voting on MY World but they are leading outreach across the world by mobilizing their communities including elders. The top 3 priorities for young people under 30 are “Good education,” “Better health” and “Better job opportunities” in general, those 16-30 are more politically conscious, rating “an honest and responsive government,” “protection against crime and violence” and “freedom from discrimination and persecution” slightly higher.
  Related youth forums
  Over the past few years, youth forums have taken place across the globe to identify barriers and suggest solutions towards empowering the youth. There was a clear consensus from these forums that youth voices and partnerships are strengthened when united. Providing the platform for youth to interact and develop such recommendations will not only empower the youth, but allow them to incorporate entrepreneurship in approaching solutions in the development discussions. It was noted that without employing youth to do so, implementation of related policies to address issues regarding the youth will not be efficacious. The most important priority that needs to be addressed is ensuring the youth’s voices and partnerships are taken into account in the implementation of the post-2015 goals. This fundamental step will provide the vision necessary to build a sustainable future.
  The journey so far
  Strong youth focus in the High-Level Panel Report 5:
  A new global partnership: Eradicate poverty and transform economics through sustainable development
  The report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
  HLP identified the following issues in its report to SG: Young people asked for education beyond primary schooling, not just formal learning but life skills and vocational training to prepare them for jobs. In countries where they have acquired good education and skills, they want access to decent jobs. They want opportunities to lift themselves out of poverty. They crave mentoring, career development, and programmes led by youth, serving youth. Young people said they want to be able to make informed decisions about their health and bodies, to fully realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). They want access to information and technology so they can participate in their nation’s public life, especially charting its path to economic development. They want to be able to hold those in charge to account, to have the right to freedom of speech and association and to monitor where their government’s money is going.   Youth indented as a crosscutting in all twelve’s goals listed in the HLP: ..Today’s adolescents and youth are 1.8 billion strong and one quarter of the world’s population. They are shaping social and economic development, challenging social norms and values, and building the foundation of the world’s future. They have high expectations for themselves and their societies, and are imagining how the world can be better. Connected to each other as never before through new media, they are driving social progress and directly influencing the sustainability and the resilience of their communities and of their countries. These young people face many obstacles, ranging from discrimination, marginalization, and poverty, to violence. They find it hard to find a first job, so we believe a jobs target with a specific indicator for youth employment, should be included in the next goal framework. Young people must be subjects, not objects, of the post-2015 development agenda. They need access to the right kind of health (including access to SRHR) and education to improve their job prospects and life skills, but they must also be active participants in decision-making, and be treated as the vital asset for society that they are.
  HLP goal indicators: While many indicators has clear connecting to Youth some examples below are more closed to youth cohort:
  · 2a. Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against girls and women
  · 3c. Ensure every child, regardless of circumstance, has access to lower secondary education and increase the proportion of adolescents who achieve recognized and measurable learning outcomes to x%
  · 4b. Increase by x% the proportion of children, adolescents, at-risk adults and older people that are fully vaccinated
  · 8b. Decrease the number of young people not in education, employment or training by x% 2
  · 8c. Strengthen productive capacity by providing universal access to financial services and infrastructure such as transportation and ICT
  · 10b. Ensure people enjoy freedom of speech, association, peaceful protest and access to independent
  · 10c. Increase public participation in political processes and civic engagement at all levels
  · 10d. Guarantee the public’s right to information and access to government data
  · 10e. Reduce bribery and corruption and ensure officials can be held accountable
  · 11c. Stem the external stressors that lead to conflict, including those related to organised crime   · 2f. Promote collaboration on and access to science, technology, innovation, and development data
  Others areas relevant to youth mentioned in HLP
  · …..They (developing countries) already contribute the most to global growth and expansion of global trade. They have young, dynamic populations. They are urbanising, modernising and absorbing new technologies faster than ever before. But they face critical choices. The infrastructure investments they make today will lock-in energy use and pollution levels tomorrow. The way they manage natural resource revenues today will determine the options available to their young people tomorrow. They must make smart choices to turn cities into vibrant places full of opportunities, services and different lifestyles, where people want to work and live.
  · Urbanization as a crosscutting: This matters because inclusive growth emanates from vibrant and sustainable cities, the only locale where it is possible to generate the number of good jobs that young people are seeking.
  城镇化是捷径:城镇化具有重要地位,因为包容性的增长源自充满活力、可持续发展的城市,这样的城市是唯一能够产生青年人正在寻找的良好就业机会的地方。   Moving forward
  What is clear is that young people’s participation is central in realizing the fate of the present MDGs and in both the development and the implementation of a youth led-post-2015. The youth population has to be recognized and their priorities must be addressed; strengthening youth participation in the development discussions is the best way for the implementations to be successful.
  1. YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND EMPOWERMENT: Through active participation, young people are empowered to play a vital role in their own development as well as in that of their communities, helping them to learn vital life-skills, develop knowledge on human rights and citizenship and to promote positive civic action. To participate effectively, young people must be given the proper tools, such as information, education about and access to their civil rights.
  2. GOVERNANCE: The data from www.myworld2015.org suggest that the youth are characterizing honest and responsive governments as one of the most important priorities in the post-2015 development agenda. The youth have discussed that democratic governance is important in the development process. This includes states encouraging active youth civic participation as a means of holding government and national institutions accountable. By allowing increased meaningful and inclusive participation of youth in the decision making processes in all levels from local, sub-national, national, regional to global
  3. EDUCATION6: Education is another essential element in the transition to adulthood. However, a substantial number of young people in developing countries continue to face challenges relating to educational access and quality. Although the global youth literacy rate increased from 84 per cent during the period 1985-1994 to 89 per cent during the period 2000-2006, progress has been uneven, with youth literacy rates below 80 per cent recorded in sub-Saharan Africa and in Southern and Western Asia (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2008). Large disparities in educational quality and access also exist within countries owing to factors such as income, location, gender, and ethnicity. A universal commitment to young people’s education will continue to stimulate their innovative and creative thinking, which is important in promoting communities that can support each other. A call for youth centered education that builds their competencies, democratic and social justice values and employability/entrepreneurial skills.   3. 教育6:教育是青年过渡到成年的另一个重要因素。然而,在发展中国家仍有大量的年轻人继续面临与教育途径和质量相关的挑战。尽管全球青年识字率从1985-1994期间的84%上升到2000-2006期间的89%,发展仍不平衡,在撒哈拉以南的非洲和亚洲南部和西部,青年识字率仍低于80% (联合国科教文组织,2008年)。由于收入、地位、性别、种族等因素,国内教育质量和途径差异悬殊。对青年教育的承诺将继续激励他们的创新和创造性思维,这在促进社区发展,相互支持方面至关重要。我们号召提高以青年为中心的教育,增强他们的竞争力,形成民主和社会正义的价值观,提高就业能力/创业技能。
  4. EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP7: Youth are concentrated in areas with limited access to basic social services. Employment is an integral part of the transition to adulthood and plays a central role in the social integration of young people. It provides youth with economic security and facilitates their participation in society at multiple levels. Youth access to employment essentially translates into income and resource access, both of which are pivotal to shaping adaptive capacity (United Nations, 2007b). However, young people continue to be overrepresented among the world’s unemployed; in 2007, youth comprised only 25 per cent of the working-age population but accounted for more than 40 per cent of those who were jobless (International Labour Organisation, 2008). The global youth unemployment rate for 2007 stood at 12 per cent, or three times the adult rate. In South-East Asia and the Pacific, youth unemployment rates as high as six times those of adults have been recorded (International Labour Organisation, 2008). For the vast majority of youth living in developing countries, unemployment rates tell only part of the story. For young people in these areas, informal, non-secure, and low-wage employment is the norm, with labour activity among youth concentrated in agriculture and related industries and in the informal sector. Employment must be addressed in the post-2015 development agenda. Continued encouragement of the youth to develop their entrepreneurial and innovation skills will directly aid in sustainable development.
  5. HEALTH CARE: Health care is viewed as a fundamental human right; governments and organizations must make a concerted effort to produce and deliver a basic package of health care services that are youth-friendly and include high quality, integrated, equitable, comprehensive, affordable, acceptable, confidential, and free-of-stigma care. These facilities must be accepting of young men and women for LGBTQI, MSM, drug users, refugees, rural populations, migrant workers, persons with disabilities, or are living with HIV and AIDS. It is only with a healthy young population that will allow for continued progress towards achieving sustainable development across the globe. A special focus on mental health of young people has been recognized worldwide.   5. 卫生保健:卫生保健被视为一项基本人权;政府和组织必须齐心协力给青年提供基本的卫生保健服务,包括高质量的、综合的、公平的、全面的、负担得起的、可以接受的、尊重隐私的、无歧视的医护条件。这些设施必须接受男女同性恋者、吸毒者、难民、农村人口、农民工、残疾人、艾滋病患者等。只有实现青年人的健康才能继续在全球范围内实现可持续发展进程。应当特别关注青年的心理健康,这已获得全世界的认可。
  6. GENDER EQUALITY: In the post-2015 development agenda, there must be a special focus that endorses a greater representation of young women in politics; these individuals have equal say in pertinent policy and structural changes that directly impact the future. Additionally, the post-2015 agenda must address harmful traditional practices against girls and young women, including forced marriage, gender-based violence and violence against girls/women. Education and health care must be delivered in a gender-sensitive manner. Encouraging young women to participate in local, sub-national and national governments will aid in developing a rights-based approach to solving many of the gender-related issues in developing nations. This calls for a stronger focus on young women worldwide – harnessing their potential and leadership in development and implementation of the global agenda. The need to focus on most marginalized young women has been stronger: young women with disabilities, indigenous young women, minority young women, LGBTQ young women, young women affected by HIV/AIDS, young women subjected to violence and exploitation, young women in conflict and post conflict/disaster situations, rural and urban young women youth etc.,
  7. ADDRESSING INEQUALITIES8: While the MDGs highlighted that freedom, equality, tolerance, and solidarity are fundamental values that must be addressed, there are still issues regarding inequality that are pertinent for youth throughout the globe today. One of the primary factors that led to these issues is the notion that inequalities arise from disparity among social justice and what is fair. However, the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities demonstrates that there is more than just a difference for inequalities; without understanding and articulating various indicators present in causing inequality, additional strides in minimizing the gap between two groups will not be efficacious. Inequalities have consequences for everyone in society; as such, a development framework is necessary to define and accomplish goals. These goals must ensure that conditions such as poverty, violence, preventable deaths, malnutrition, and denial of basic services are diminished completely. The need to focus on most marginalized youth has been stronger, harnessing and promoting participation and partnerships of youth with disabilities, indigenous youth, minority youth, LGBTQ youth, youth affected by HIV/AIDS, youth in conflict and post conflict/disaster situations, rural and urban poor youth, etc.,   7.解决不平等8:虽然联合国千年发展目标强调自由、平等、宽容、团结是基本价值观,在当今世界,仍然有许多与青年相关的不平等问题亟需解决。导致这些问题的主要因素之一是社会中的不公平。然而,全球解决不平等主题协商会表明,不平等不仅仅是指有区别;如果不理解和阐明导致不平等的各种因素,就不能有效缩小差距。社会不平等对每个人来说都会造成影响,因此,非常有必要定义要实现的目标。这些目标必须确保消除贫困、暴力、可预防的死亡、营养不良和基本服务的缺失。需要更加关注最边缘化的青年,利用和促进青年的参与和合作,包括残疾青年、土著青年、少数民族青年、男女同性恋青年、感染艾滋病毒/患艾滋病的青年、在冲突和冲突后/灾难情况下的青年、农村和城市地区的贫困青年等等。
  8. CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT: It is clear that the fate of climate change and the environment is uncertain. The data suggest that, while not necessarily the most important priority, climate change and protecting the environment is an issue that needs to be discussed for sustainable development. This is especially vital in regions of the world where climate plays a large factor in the daily lives of the youth. The youth have discussed and called upon the need for more funding by governments and civil societies towards climate research. There needs to be recognition of failure of climate change and environmental sustainability from the MDGs and a call for young people to voice their opinions on pertinent issues like access to clean water and sanitation services and food security. Bringing climate change and environment to the list of key priorities that need to be addressed will not only ensure effective provisions of funding, but will also create a platform for young leaders to develop new practices to ensure basic services are acquired throughout the developing world.
  9. PEACE AND SECURITY: While the data suggest that peace and security is not among the top priorities of the youth in the development world, it is still an important issue that must be discussed. Particularly in certain regions where peace and security are very unstable, the youth demand a post-2015 world in which there is strengthened international cooperation between governments, NGOs, INGOs, and the private sector. Utilizing mass media may help in promoting this cooperation among the public. The youth have called on such governance bodies and organisations to ensure peace and security in all regions; in doing so, young people can work together towards developing sustainable measures in the post-2015 agenda.
  9.和平与安全:尽管数据表明和平与安全并不是发展中国家青年发展的首要任务,但仍然是一个必须讨论的重要问题。特别是在某些地区,和平与安全还非常不稳定,青年需要在2015年后的世界加强政府间、非政府组织、国际非政府组织和私营部门之间的国际合作。利用大众媒体有助于促进公众间的这种合作。青年已经呼吁这样的治理机构和组织确保所有地区的和平与安全,通过这种做法,年轻人可以一起努力实施“2015年后发展议程”中的可持续发展措施。   10. CRIME AND VIOLENCE: UNODC Global Study on Homicide presents a statistical overview of the regional crime conditions. Its findings indicate that the world average intentional homicide rate (a proxy for levels of crime and violence), is 6.9 per 100,000 inhabitants and, more specifically, that the homicide rate in Africa is 17.4 per 100,000; Asia 3.1 per 100,000; Europe 3.5 per 100,000; and the Americas 15.5 per 100,0009. Higher levels of homicide are associated with low human and economic development. The largest shares of homicides occur in countries with low levels of human development, and countries with high levels of income inequality are afflicted by homicide rates almost four times higher than more equal societies10.
  10. 犯罪与暴力:联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室对地区犯罪条件进行了统计学概述。调查结果显示,全球平均故意杀人率(代表级别的犯罪和暴力)为每100,000名居民中就有6.9人,更具体地说,非洲的谋杀率是每100,000人中有17.4人;亚洲为每100,000人中有3.1人;欧洲为每100,000人中有3.5人;美洲为每100,000人中有15.5人9。高水平的谋杀与低水平的人类和经济发展有关。最大的凶杀案发生在人类发展水平较低的国家,收入极不平等国家的谋杀率是较为平等社会的近四倍10。
  Despite the marked geographical differences in homicide trends at the macro level but also further down the territorial scale, there is evidence from all regions of the world that most of those who become involved in crime, whether organized, gang-related or street crime, are young and male. Some 80% of homicide victims globally are male, mostly young men in the 15-29 year age-group, as are their perpetrators11. In many low-and middle-income countries, children and young people form the predominant age group and offer a continuous source of recruitment for gangs, drug dealers or traffickers.
  Social or “developmental” prevention programmes that advance poverty alleviation and social and economic development, and that recognize and respect cultural diversity are important and cost-effective investments that need to be balanced against deterrence and law enforcement measures. Evidence presented in the Global Burden of Armed Violence 201112 indicates that deconcentration of income inequality, proactive social inclusion and targeted youth employment and education schemes can have a positive effect on the onset, duration and dynamics of violence. Experience has shown that carefully targeted projects which actively involve young people living in the most vulnerable communities in education, leadership and skills training, entrepreneurship and job creation, can build resilience to crime, violence and victimization by providing the conditions and possibilities for alternative life-styles to drug and gang involvement.   尽管与谋杀相关的显著地理差异不仅体现在宏观层面及领土范围,但也有证据表明世界所有地区参与犯罪的人,无论是否有组织、帮派或是街头犯罪,大多数为年轻男性。全球约80%的谋杀案受害者是男性,大多数是15-29岁,行凶者也类似11。在许多低收入和中等收入国家,儿童和年轻人形成了突出年龄群体,成为帮派、毒品贩子和毒贩提供了一个持续的招聘来源。
  · Continue: Come together to ensure that we all advocate for youth priorities to be integrated in the development of post-2015 agenda as enumerated above. With special focus on the most marginalised young women, youth with disabilities, minority and indigenous youth, LGBTQ youth, youth in conflict and post conflict/ disaster settings, youth living in slums and most hard to reach remote areas, etc.
  · Embrace partnerships with the emergence of the Youth-Led originations, youth-led initiatives and youth-led movements that promote meaningful participation of youth in the development and most crucially in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.
  · A call Given the 1.8 billion population we need to stronger advocate for a solid focus on youth development and youth participation in the post-2015 development agenda -– make a call for a dedicated goal on youth development and participation priorities.
  · Scenario 1: A full dedicated youth development and participation goal with youth priorities clearly integrated in other goals
  · Scenario 2: A fully dedicated youth development and participation goal
  · Scenario 3: youth priorities clearly integrated in other goals
  · Scenario 4: youth priorities integrated in selected goals
  · Key partners in implementation of 2015 goals: Youth being recognised as partners of Post-2015 implementation in HLP must be backed with resources and capacities worldwide.
  1Comments to karkara@un.org(Global Expert Advisor Children and Youth, UNMC and UN-HABITAT) this paper is not conclusive and may miss other vital processes that are absolutely worth adding   来自karkara@un.org的评论(联合国人居署、布拉斯加大学医学中心,儿童青年全球专家顾问)
  5i) end poverty; (ii) empower girls and women and achieve gender equality; (iii) provide quality education and lifelong learning; (iv) ensure healthy lives; (v) ensure food security and good nutrition; (vi) achieve universal access to water and sanitation; (vii) secure sustainable energy; (viii) create jobs, sustainable livelihoods and equitable growth; (ix) manage natural resource assets sustainably; (x) ensure good governance and effective institutions; (xi) ensure stable and peaceful societies; and (xii) create a global enabling environment and catalyse long-term finance.
  i) 消除贫困; (ii) 女性赋权,实现性别平等; (iii) 提供四肢教育和终身学习机会; (iv) 确保身体健康; (v) 确保粮食安全和营养良好; (vi) 实现水资源和卫生环境共享; (vii) 确保可持续能源; (viii) 创造就业、可持续生计和均衡增长; (ix) 用可持续方式管理自然资源; (x) 确保优良管理和有效机制; (xi) 确保社会稳定和谐; (xii) 创造全球有力环境,促进金融长期发展。
  8Global Thematic Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Addressing Inequalities: Synthesis Report of Global Public Consultation. http://www.gender-climate.org/Content/Docs/Publications/SynthesisReportGlobalThematicConsultationAddressingInequalities.pdf
  9UNODC, Global Study on Homicide, p. 21 (2011).
  10 Ibid. p 10
  11 Ibid p 11
  12 This report, published by the secretariat of the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, takes an integrated approach to the complex and volatile dynamics of armed violence around the world. In the Geneva Declaration, which has been endorsed by more than 100 countries, States undertake to achieve measurable reductions in the global burden of armed violence and tangible improvements in human security by 2015 (seewww.genevadeclaration.org/).
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