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  语音:英式发音 适合跟读
  关键词:fish, footprints, evolutionary history
  Four hundred million years ago fish took their first 1)tentative steps onto dry land. It marked a turning point in the evolution of life on Earth, and here’s the proof. These are footprints of the first fish to have grown feet and walked on land. Look closely and you can see that these are not fins, they’re toes, and the creature didn’t 2)slither or drag itself on its stomach, it walked 3)on all fours. The discovery was made here by scientists sifting through rocks in the 4)Holy Cross Mountains of southeastern Poland. And this is what the creature might have looked like; the ancestor of all large land animals, including us.
  The emergence of fish from the sea was one of the key moments that transformed the evolution of life on Earth. Today’s discovery suggests that that might have happened nearly 20 million years earlier than previously thought. So the scientific textbooks will now have to be rewritten.
  Scientist: There’s a whole enormous gap of evolutionary history that’s opened up beneath our feet. No one knew it was there. No one suspected it was there. There’s an awful lot out there left to discover about the early history of life on land.
  Once the first fish made their way onto the shore, it kick-started a process that scientists believe led to the 5)multitude of species that now 6)populate the earth today.
1)Strolling along country roads with my baby  It starts to rain, it begins to pour  Without an umbrella we’re soaked to the skin  I feel a shiver run up my 2)spine  I feel the warmth of her hand in mi
奖奖奖!  你知道吗?《疯狂英语原声版》即将迈入创刊100期的最后10期倒数!  你知道吗?《疯狂英语原声版》很快就要迎来创刊15周年的大日子!    2011年,《疯狂英语原声版》创刊15周年。2011年9月号,《疯狂英语原声版》也迎来了创刊第100期。十五年的欢声笑语,十五年的风雨同舟,CE的茁壮成长也见证了读者们孜孜不倦的英语学习历程!  为了庆祝CE“双喜临门”,让广大读者也能分享这份喜悦
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