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研究表明,喉癌的早期诊断、及时治疗不仅可以提高治愈率,而且也减少了患者的手术创伤和经济负担。积极开展喉癌的早期诊断研究具有重要的临床和社会意义。发现早期喉癌常规方法主要有电子喉镜、纤维喉镜、颈部CT及MRI检查,但并不能明显有效提高早期诊断率。而窄带成像(narrow band imaging,NBI)及自体荧光内镜(autofluorescence endoscopy AFE)是近几年用于喉癌早期诊断的两种新颖的内镜技术。NBI是一种通过变窄光波的波长,使粘膜上皮内乳头样毛细血管袢及粘膜下静脉的结构形成鲜明的对比,从而提高组织表面细微结构的对比度,便于发现病灶。而AFE技术是一种利用自发荧光聚集于病变组织的某个区域产生的差异强度,来区别正常组织与肿瘤性病变,从而用于肿瘤的早期诊断及识别癌前病变。因此,对NBI及AFE的进一步研究及认识对喉癌早期诊断提供非常重要的临床应用价值。 Studies have shown that early diagnosis and timely treatment of laryngeal cancer can not only improve the cure rate, but also reduce the surgical trauma and economic burden of patients. Actively conducting early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer has important clinical and social significance. The common methods for early laryngeal cancer include electronic laryngoscope, fiberoptic laryngoscopy, cervical CT and MRI, but it does not significantly improve the early diagnosis rate. The narrow band imaging (NBI) and autofluorescence endoscopy (AFE) are two novel endoscopic techniques used for early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer in recent years. NBI is a narrow contrast between the structure of the microscopic structure of the mucosal epithelium and the submucosal veins by narrowing the wavelength of the light waves, thereby improving the contrast of the fine structure of the tissue surface and facilitating the detection of lesions. The AFE technology is a kind of differential intensity generated by the use of autofluorescence in a certain area of ​​the diseased tissue to distinguish normal tissue from neoplastic lesions, and thus can be used for early diagnosis of tumors and identification of precancerous lesions. Therefore, further research and understanding of NBI and AFE provide very important clinical application value for the early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer.
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新疆家蚕抗菌肽(Cecropin XJ)具有抑制肿瘤细胞生长的能力。为研究不同浓度Cecropin XJ体外对人胃癌细胞AGS生长的影响,分别采用MTT比色法、软琼脂集落形成实验、流式细胞术
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