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虽然卡尔·波普尔爵士将主要是作为科学哲学家而被人铭记,但是他对于哲学的诸种贡献却遍及从逻辑学、数学哲学、认识论、形而上学及精神哲学直至社会学理论、历史哲学、伦理学及政治哲学的广阔领域。波普尔思想的鲜明统一性使人们能够讨论他的Weltanschauung(世界观)以及堪与经典哲学家们相媲美的宏大哲学体系。只有一个哲学学科波普尔未曾系统地予以深究,这就是美学。本文旨在为波普尔美学勾出一个轮廓,试图证明波普尔科学哲学中的主要观念也可适用于艺术哲学。第一部分,我要指出的是,在波普尔科学哲学中起了关键作用的可否证性原则也可应用在美学上。假设(hypothesis)和“基本陈述”(basic statement)之间的关联,作为波普尔的那种检验的基础(在第二部分)将被 Although Sir Karl Popper will be remembered primarily as a philosopher of science, his contributions to philosophy range from logic, mathematical philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics and spiritual philosophy to sociological theory, philosophy of history, ethics Broad areas of learning and political philosophy. Popper’s distinctive unity of thought allows one to discuss his Weltanschauung and the grand philosophical system comparable to classical philosophers. Only a philosophy discipline Popper has not been systematically studied, this is the aesthetics. The purpose of this article is to outline an outline of Popper’s aesthetics and to attempt to prove that the main ideas in Popper’s philosophy of science are also applicable to the philosophy of art. In the first part, I will point out that the principle of veracity that plays a key role in Popper’s philosophy of science can also be applied to aesthetics. The link between the hypothesis and the “basic statement,” as the basis for Popper’s test (in Part II), will be
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